

Downloads the install and upgrade bits to a local share that was configured in Enable-AksHciOfflineDownload.


Get-AksHciRelease [-mode {minimum, full}]


Downloads the install and upgrade bits to a local share that was configured in Enable-AksHciOfflineDownload.


Download with minimum Linux images and one Kubernetes version

Get-AksHciRelease -mode minimum

Download with all Linux and Windows images and all supported Kubernetes versions

Get-AksHciRelease -mode full

This is the default behavior, and running Get-AksHciRelease with no parameters has the same behavior.



The download mode you want to use for offline download. Use minimum if you want the minimum images for AKS hybrid deployment. This includes the required Linux images and only the required Kubernetes image. Use full if you want all images for AKS hybrid deployment. This includes all Linux and Windows images and all supported Kubernetes images. Use this parameter in tandem with the -offlineDownload parameter. The default is full.

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: full
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False

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AksHci PowerShell Reference