Samples, labs, and templates for Azure API Center

This article links to open-source code resources for Azure API Center solutions. Deploy reference implementations and automate tasks for API inventory, governance, discovery, and consumption in your organization.

Azure Developer CLI (azd) samples

  • Azure API Center reference - Reference deployment for an API center, including integration with Azure API Management and GitHub action workflows for API registration.

  • API analyzer - Enable linting and analysis of API definitions in your API center.

  • Azure API Center portal starter - Self-host an API portal to enable API consumers to discover APIs in your API center.

  • Expose SAP APIs - Govern SAP APIs in various API management solutions in a single place with your API center.


  • Universal API Center labs - Jupyter notebooks with scripts to import APIs to an API center from diverse API management gateway solutions and sources.

Quickstart templates

  • Create an API center - Bicep and Azure Resource Manager templates to deploy an API center in your Azure subscription.