API version retirements (September 2023)

APPLIES TO: Consumption | Developer | Basic | Standard | Premium

Azure API Management uses Azure Resource Manager (ARM) to configure your API Management instances. The API version is embedded in your use of templates that describe your infrastructure, tools that are used to configure the service, and programs that you write to manage your Azure API Management services.

On 30 September 2023, all API versions for the Azure API Management service prior to 2021-08-01 will be retired and API calls using those API versions will fail. This means you'll no longer be able to create or manage your API Management services using your existing templates, tools, scripts, and programs until they've been updated. Data operations (such as accessing the APIs or Products configured on Azure API Management) will be unaffected by this update, including after 30 September 2023.

From now through 30 September 2023, you can continue to use the templates, tools, and programs without impact. You can transition to API version 2021-08-01 or later at any point prior to 30 September 2023.

Is my service affected by this?

While your service isn't affected by this change, any tool, script, or program that uses the Azure Resource Manager (such as the Azure CLI, Azure PowerShell, Azure API Management DevOps Resource Kit, or Terraform) to interact with the API Management service is affected by this change. You'll be unable to run those tools successfully unless you update the tools.

What is the deadline for the change?

The affected API versions will no longer be valid after 30 September 2023.

After 30 September 2023, if you prefer not to update your tools, scripts, and programs, your services will continue to run but you won't be able to add or remove APIs, change API policy, or otherwise configure your API Management service.

Required action

Update your tools, scripts, and programs using the details in the following section.

We also recommend setting the Minimum API version in your API Management instance.

Update your tools, scripts, and programs

  • ARM, Bicep, or Terraform templates - Update the template to use API version 2021-08-01 or later.

  • Azure CLI - Run az version to check your version. If you're running version 2.42.0 or later, no action is required. Use the az upgrade command to upgrade the Azure CLI if necessary. For more information, see How to update the Azure CLI.

  • Azure PowerShell - Run Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name Az to check your version. If you're running version 8.1.0 or later, no action is required. Use Update-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery to update the module if necessary. For more information, see Install the Azure Az PowerShell module.

  • Other tools - Use the following versions (or later):

    • API Management DevOps Resource Kit: 1.0.0
    • Terraform azurerm provider: 3.0.0
  • Azure SDKs - Update the Azure API Management SDKs to the latest versions (or later):

    • .NET: 8.0.0
    • Go: 1.0.0
    • Python: 3.0.0
    • JavaScript: 8.0.1
    • Java: 1.0.0-beta3

Update Minimum API version setting on your API Management instance

We recommend setting the Minimum API version for your API Management instance using the Azure portal. This setting limits control plane API calls to your instance with an API version equal to or newer than this value. Currently you can set this to 2021-08-01.

To set the Minimum API version in the portal:

  1. In the Azure portal, navigate to your API Management instance.
  2. In the left menu, under Deployment + infrastructure, select Management API.
  3. Select the Management API settings tab.
  4. Under Prevent users with read-only permissions from accessing service secrets, select Yes. The Minimum API version appears.
  5. Select Save.

More information

See all upcoming breaking changes and feature retirements.