Make all things redundant

Build redundancy into your application, to avoid having single points of failure

A resilient application routes around failure. Identify the critical paths in your application. Is there redundancy at each point in the path? When a subsystem fails, will the application fail over to something else?

In a perfect implementation, adding uniform redundancy could exponentially increase your system's availability. For example, imagine you have N equivalent, equally balanced components which:

  • can malfunction independently and simultaneously removed from the pool
  • have identical state or no state
  • have no work in progress that is permanently lost during the malfunction
  • are identical in capabilities
  • have no dependencies on each other
  • handles the reduction of capacity without additional malfunction

If each individual component has an availability of A, then the overall system availability can be calculated using the formula 1 - (1 - A)^N.


Consider business requirements. The amount of redundancy built into a system can affect both cost and complexity. Your architecture should be informed by your business requirements, such as recovery time objective (RTO) and recovery point objective (RPO). You should also consider your performance requirements, and your team's ability to manage complex sets of resources.

Consider multi-zone and multi-region architectures. Ensure that you understand how availability zones and regions provide resiliency and different sets of architectural tradeoffs.

Azure availability zones are isolated sets of data centers within a region. By using availability zones, you can be resilient to failures of a single data center or an entire availability zone. You can use availability zones to make tradeoffs between cost, risk mitigation, performance, and recoverability. For example, when you use zone redundant services in your architecture, Azure provides automatic data replication and failover between geographically separated instances, which mitigates many different types of risks.

If you have a mission-critical workload and need to mitigate the risk of a region-wide outage, consider a multi-region deployment. While multi-region deployments insulate you against regional disasters, they come at a cost. Multi-region deployments are more expensive than a single-region deployment, and are more complicated to manage. You'll need operational procedures to handle failover and failback. Depending on your RPO requirements, you might need to accept slightly lower performance to enable cross-region data replication. The additional cost and complexity might be justified for some business scenarios.


For many workloads, a zone-redundant architecture provides the best set of tradeoffs. Consider a multi-region architecture if your business requirements indicate that you need to mitigate the unlikely risk of a region-wide outage, and if you're prepared to accept the tradeoffs involved in such an approach.

To learn more about how to design your solution to use availability zones and regions, see Recommendations for using availability zones and regions.

Place VMs behind a load balancer. Don't use a single VM for mission-critical workloads. Instead, place multiple VMs behind a load balancer. If any VM becomes unavailable, the load balancer distributes traffic to the remaining healthy VMs.

Diagram of load-balanced VMs

Replicate databases. Azure SQL Database and Azure Cosmos DB automatically replicate the data within a region, and can be configured to replicate across availability zones for higher resiliency. You can also choose to enable geo-replication across regions. Geo-replication for Azure SQL Database and Azure Cosmos DB creates secondary readable replicas of your data in one or more secondary regions. If an outage occurs in the primary region, the database can fail over to the secondary region for writes. Depending on the replication configuration you might experience some data loss from unreplicated transactions.

If you use an IaaS database solution, choose one that supports replication and failover, such as SQL Server Always On availability groups.

Partition for availability. Database partitioning is often used to improve scalability, but it can also improve availability. If one shard goes down, the other shards can still be reached. A failure in one shard will only disrupt a subset of the total transactions.

Test and validate your redundant components. Reliability benefits in many ways from simplicity and adding redundancy can increase complexity. To ensure that adding redundancy actually leads to higher availability, you should validate following:

  • Can your system reliably detect healthy and unhealthy redundant components, and safely and expeditiously remove them from the component pool?
  • Can your system reliably scale out and in the redundant components?
  • Can your routine, ad hoc, and emergency workload operations handle the redundancy?

Multi-region solutions

The following diagram shows a multi-region application that uses Azure Traffic Manager to handle failover.

Diagram of using Azure Traffic Manager to handle failover

If you use Traffic Manager or Azure Front Door in a multi-region solution as your failover routing mechanism, consider the following recommendations:

Synchronize front and backend failover. Use your routing mechanism to fail over the front end. If the front end becomes unreachable in one region, failover route new requests to the secondary region. Depending on your backend components and database solution, you might need to coordinate failing over your backend services and databases.

Use automatic failover but manual failback. Use automation for failover, but not for failback. Automatic failback carries a risk that you might switch to the primary region before the region is completely healthy. Instead, verify that all application subsystems are healthy before manually failing back. Also you should check data consistency before failing back.

To achieve this, disable the primary endpoint after failover. Note that if the monitoring interval of probes is short and the tolerated number of failures is small, failover as well as failback will take place in a short time. In some cases, disabling won't be completed in time. To avoid unconfirmed failback, consider also implementing a health endpoint that can verify that all subsystems are healthy. See the Health Endpoint Monitoring pattern.

Include redundancy for your routing solution. Consider designing a Global routing redundancy solution for mission-critical web applications.