Migrate your Durable Functions app to version 4 of the Node.js programming model

This article provides a guide to upgrade your existing Durable Functions app to version 4 of the Node.js programming model. Note that this article uses "TIP" banners to summarize the key steps needed to upgrade your app.

If you're interested in creating a brand new v4 app instead, you can follow the Visual Studio Code quickstarts for JavaScript and TypeScript.


Before following this guide, make sure you follow the general version 4 upgrade guide.


Before following this guide, make sure you follow these steps first:

Upgrade the durable-functions npm package


The programming model version should not be confused with the durable-functions package version. durable-functions package version 3.x is required for the v4 programming model, while durable-functions version 2.x is required for the v3 programming model.

The v4 programming model is supported by the v3.x of the durable-functions npm package. In your programming model v3 app, you likely had durable-functions v2.x listed in your dependencies. Make sure to update to the v3.x of the durable-functions package.


Upgrade to v3.x of the durable-functions npm package. You can do this with the following command:

npm install durable-functions

Register your Durable Functions Triggers

In the v4 programming model, declaring triggers and bindings in a separate function.json file is a thing of the past! Now you can register your Durable Functions triggers and bindings directly in code, using the new APIs found in the app namespace on the root of the durable-functions package. See the code snippets below for examples.

Migrating an orchestration

const df = require('durable-functions');

const activityName = 'helloActivity';

df.app.orchestration('durableOrchestrator', function* (context) {
    const outputs = [];
    outputs.push(yield context.df.callActivity(activityName, 'Tokyo'));
    outputs.push(yield context.df.callActivity(activityName, 'Seattle'));
    outputs.push(yield context.df.callActivity(activityName, 'Cairo'));

    return outputs;
import * as df from 'durable-functions';
import { OrchestrationContext, OrchestrationHandler } from 'durable-functions';

const activityName = 'hello';

const durableHello1Orchestrator: OrchestrationHandler = function* (context: OrchestrationContext) {
    const outputs = [];
    outputs.push(yield context.df.callActivity(activityName, 'Tokyo'));
    outputs.push(yield context.df.callActivity(activityName, 'Seattle'));
    outputs.push(yield context.df.callActivity(activityName, 'Cairo'));

    return outputs;
df.app.orchestration('durableOrchestrator', durableHello1Orchestrator);

Migrating an entity

const df = require('durable-functions');

df.app.entity('Counter', (context) => {
    const currentValue = context.df.getState(() => 0);
    switch (context.df.operationName) {
        case 'add':
            const amount = context.df.getInput();
            context.df.setState(currentValue + amount);
        case 'reset':
        case 'get':
import * as df from 'durable-functions';
import { EntityContext, EntityHandler } from 'durable-functions';

const counterEntity: EntityHandler<number> = (context: EntityContext<number>) => {
    const currentValue: number = context.df.getState(() => 0);
    switch (context.df.operationName) {
        case 'add':
            const amount: number = context.df.getInput();
            context.df.setState(currentValue + amount);
        case 'reset':
        case 'get':
df.app.entity('Counter', counterEntity);

Migrating an activity

const df = require('durable-functions');

df.app.activity('hello', {
    handler: (input) => {
        return `Hello, ${input}`;
import * as df from 'durable-functions';
import { ActivityHandler } from "durable-functions";

const helloActivity: ActivityHandler = (input: string): string => {
    return `Hello, ${input}`;

df.app.activity('hello', { handler: helloActivity });


Remove function.json files from your Durable Functions app. Instead, register your durable functions using the methods on the app namespace: df.app.orchestration(), df.app.entity(), and df.app.activity().

Register your Durable Client input binding

In the v4 model, registering secondary input bindings, like durable clients, is also done in code! Use the input.durableClient() method to register a durable client input binding to a function of your choice. In the function body, use getClient() to retrieve the client instance, as before. The example below shows an example using an HTTP triggered function.

const { app } = require('@azure/functions');
const df = require('durable-functions');

app.http('durableHttpStart', {
    route: 'orchestrators/{orchestratorName}',
    extraInputs: [df.input.durableClient()],
    handler: async (_request, context) => {
        const client = df.getClient(context);
        // Use client in function body
import { app, HttpHandler, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, InvocationContext } from '@azure/functions';
import * as df from 'durable-functions';

const durableHttpStart: HttpHandler = async (request: HttpRequest, context: InvocationContext): Promise<HttpResponse> => {
    const client = df.getClient(context);
    // Use client in function body

app.http('durableHttpStart', {
    route: 'orchestrators/{orchestratorName}',
    extraInputs: [df.input.durableClient()],
    handler: durableHttpStart,


Use the input.durableClient() method to register a durable client extra input to your client function. Use getClient() as normal to retrieve a DurableClient instance.

Update your Durable Client API calls

In v3.x of durable-functions, multiple APIs on the DurableClient class (renamed from DurableOrchestrationClient) have been simplified to make calling them easier and more streamlined. For many optional arguments to APIs, you now pass one options object, instead of multiple discrete optional arguments. Below is an example of these changes:

const client = df.getClient(context)
const status = await client.getStatus('instanceId', {
    showHistory: false,
    showHistoryOutput: false,
    showInput: true
const client: DurableClient = df.getClient(context);
const status: DurableOrchestrationStatus = await client.getStatus('instanceId', {
    showHistory: false,
    showHistoryOutput: false,
    showInput: true

Below, find the full list of changes:

V3 model (durable-functions v2.x) V4 model (durable-functions v3.x)
    instanceId: string,
    showHistory?: boolean,
    showHistoryOutput?: boolean,
    showInput?: boolean
): Promise<DurableOrchestrationStatus>
    instanceId: string, 
    options?: GetStatusOptions
): Promise<DurableOrchestrationStatus>
    createdTimeFrom: Date | undefined,
    createdTimeTo: Date | undefined,
    runtimeStatus: OrchestrationRuntimeStatus[]
): Promise<DurableOrchestrationStatus[]>
    options: OrchestrationFilter
): Promise<DurableOrchestrationStatus[]>
    createdTimeFrom: Date,
    createdTimeTo?: Date,
    runtimeStatus?: OrchestrationRuntimeStatus[]
): Promise<PurgeHistoryResult>
    options: OrchestrationFilter
): Promise<PurgeHistoryResult>
    instanceId: string,
    eventName: string,
    eventData: unknown,
    taskHubName?: string,
    connectionName?: string
): Promise<void>
    instanceId: string,
    eventName: string,
    eventData: unknown,
    options?: TaskHubOptions
): Promise<void>
    entityId: EntityId,
    taskHubName?: string,
    connectionName?: string
): Promise<EntityStateResponse<T>>
    entityId: EntityId,
    options?: TaskHubOptions
): Promise<EntityStateResponse<T>>
    instanceId: string,
    reason: string,
    taskHubName?: string,
    connectionName?: string
): Promise<void>`
    instanceId: string, 
    reason: string, 
    options?: TaskHubOptions
): Promise<void>
    entityId: EntityId,
    operationName?: string,
    operationContent?: unknown,
    taskHubName?: string,
    connectionName?: string
): Promise<void>
    entityId: EntityId, 
    operationName?: string,
    operationContent?: unknown,
    options?: TaskHubOptions
): Promise<void>
    orchestratorFunctionName: string,
    instanceId?: string,
    input?: unknown
): Promise<string>
    orchestratorFunctionName: string, 
    options?: StartNewOptions
): Promise<string>;
    request: HttpRequest,
    instanceId: string,
    timeoutInMilliseconds?: number,
    retryIntervalInMilliseconds?: number
): Promise<HttpResponse>;
    request: HttpRequest,
    instanceId: string,
    waitOptions?: WaitForCompletionOptions
): Promise<HttpResponse>;


Make sure to update your DurableClient API calls from discrete optional arguments to options objects, where applicable. See the list above for all APIs affected.

Update calls to callHttp API

In v3.x of durable-functions, the callHttp() API for DurableOrchestrationContext was updated. The following changes were made:

  • Accept one options object for all arguments, instead of multiple optional arguments, to be more similar to frameworks such as Express.
  • Rename uri argument to url
  • Rename content argument to body
  • Deprecate asynchronousPatternEnabled flag in favor of enablePolling.

If your orchestrations used the callHttp API, make sure to update these API calls to conform to the above changes. Find an example below:

const restartResponse = yield context.df.callHttp({
    method: "POST",
    url: `https://example.com`,
    body: "body",
    enablePolling: false
const restartResponse = yield context.df.callHttp({
    method: "POST",
    url: `https://example.com`,
    body: "body",
    enablePolling: false


Update your API calls to callHttp inside your orchestrations to use the new options object.

Leverage new types

The durable-functions package now exposes new types that weren't previously exported! This allows you to more strongly type your functions and provide stronger type safety for your orchestrations, entities, and activities! This also improves intellisense for authoring these functions.

Below are some of the new exported types:

  • OrchestrationHandler, and OrchestrationContext for orchestrations
  • EntityHandler and EntityContext for entities
  • ActivityHandler for activities
  • DurableClient class for client functions


Strongly type your functions by leveraging new types exported from the durable-functions package!


If you see the following error when running your orchestration code, make sure you are running on at least v4.25 of the Azure Functions Runtime or at least v4.0.5382 of Azure Functions Core Tools if running locally.

Exception: The orchestrator can not execute without an OrchestratorStarted event.
Stack: TypeError: The orchestrator can not execute without an OrchestratorStarted event.

If that doesn't work, or if you encounter any other issues, you can always file a bug report in our GitHub repo.