Mar 17, 9 PM - Mar 21, 10 AM
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Stores resource logs for Azure services that use Azure Diagnostics mode. Resource logs describe the internal operation of Azure resources.
The resource log for each Azure service has a unique set of columns. The AzureDiagnostics table includes the most common columns used by Azure services. If a resource log includes a column that doesn't already exist in the AzureDiagnostics table, that column is added the first time that data is collected. If the maximum number of 500 columns is reached, data for any additional columns is added to a dynamic column.
Azure services that use resource-specific mode store data in a table specific to that service and don't use the AzureDiagnostics table. See Azure resource logs for details on the differences. See Resources using Azure Diagnostics mode for the services that use Azure Diagnostics.
The AzureDiagnostics table is a custom log table created exclusively by the Azure Monitor pipeline the first time an Azure resource begins sending logs in Azure Diagnostics mode. Unlike other tables, the AzureDiagnostics table can't be created via an ARM template or tables API. Consequently, it's not possible to modifying the table's default retention values before its creation.
Unlike other tables, AzureDiagnostics is much more susceptible to exceeding the 500 column limit imposed for any table in a Log Analytics workspace due to the wide assortment of Azure Resources capable of sending data to this table. To ensure that no data is lost due to the number of active columns exceeding this 500 column limit, AzureDiagnostics column creation is handled in a different manner to other tables.
The AzureDiagnostics table in every workspace contains at a minimum, the same 200 columns. For workspaces created before January 19, 2021, the table also contains any columns that were already in place before this date. When data is sent to a column not already in place:
To illustrate this behavior, imagine that as of (deployment date) the AzureDiagnostics table in our workspace looks as follows:
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | ... | Column 498 |
abc | def | 123 | ... | 456 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
A resource that sends data to AzureDiagnostics then adds a new dimension to their data that they call NewInfo1. Since the table still has fewer than 500 columns, the first time an event occurs that contains data for this new dimension adds a new column to the table:
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | ... | Column 498 | NewInfo1_s |
abc | def | 123 | ... | 456 | xyz |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
You can return this new data in a simple query:
AzureDiagnostics | where NewInfo1_s == "xyz"
At a later date, another resource sends data to AzureDiagnostics that adds new dimensions called NewInfo2 and NewInfo3. Because the table has reached 500 columns in this workspace, the new data goes into the AdditionalFields column:
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | ... | Column 498 | NewInfo1_s | AdditionalFields |
abc | def | 123 | ... | 456 | xyz | {"NewInfo2":"789","NewInfo3":"qwerty"} |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
You can still query for this data, but you must extract it from the property bag using any of the dynamic property operators in KQL:
| where AdditionalFields.NewInfo2 == "789" and AdditionalFields.NewInfo3 == "qwerty"
While query best practices such as always filtering by time as the first clause in the query should be followed, there are some other recommendations you should consider when working with AdditionalFields:
AzureDiagnostics | extend TotalPerfSec = Perf1Sec_i + toint(AdditionalFields.Perf2Sec) | ....
.AzureDiagnostics | where AdditionalFields has "Perf2Sec"
is often more efficient than AzureDiagnostics | where isnotnull(toint(AdditionalFields.Perf2Sec))
.The following services use Azure diagnostics mode for their resource logs and send data to the Azure Diagnostics table. See Azure resource logs for details on this configuration.
All other resources send data to resource-specific tables.
Service name | resourceType |
MicrosoftSqlAzureTelemetryv3 | microsoft.sql/servers/databases |
MicrosoftAzureCosmosDB | microsoft.documentdb/databaseaccounts |
AzureFirewall | |
AzureApplicationGatewayService | |
AKSCustomerData | microsoft.containerservice/managedclusters |
AzureFrontdoor | microsoft.cdn/profiles |
LNMAgentService | |
MicrosoftOrcasBreadthServers | microsoft.dbforpostgresql/flexibleservers |
servicebus | microsoft.eventhub/namespaces |
AzureFrontdoor | |
AzureKeyVault | microsoft.keyvault/vaults |
AzureDataLake | microsoft.datalakestore/accounts |
ApiManagement | microsoft.apimanagement/service |
MicrosoftSqlAzureTelemetryv3 | microsoft.sql/managedinstances |
ASAzureRP | microsoft.analysisservices/servers |
MicrosoftOrcasBreadthServers | microsoft.dbformysql/flexibleservers |
servicebus | microsoft.servicebus/namespaces |
AzureIotHub | microsoft.devices/iothubs |
MicrosoftSqlAzureTelemetryv2 | microsoft.dbforpostgresql/servers |
MicrosoftSqlAzureTelemetryv2 | microsoft.dbformariadb/servers |
MicrosoftAutomation | microsoft.automation/automationaccounts |
TrafficManager | |
MicrosoftOrcasBreadthServers | microsoft.dbforpostgresql/servergroupsv2 |
AzureSearch | |
AzureHybrid | |
MicrosoftSqlAzureTelemetryv3 | microsoft.sql/managedinstances/databases |
PBIDedicatedRP | microsoft.powerbidedicated/capacities |
AzureHybrid | |
MicrosoftDatafactory | microsoft.datafactory/factories |
MicrosoftCognitiveServices | microsoft.cognitiveservices/accounts |
AzureRecoveryServices | microsoft.recoveryservices/vaults |
AzureBatch | microsoft.batch/batchaccounts |
AzureHybrid | |
MicrosoftSqlAzureTelemetryv2 | microsoft.dbformysql/servers |
AzureKeyVault | microsoft.keyvault/managedhsms |
NetMon | |
AzureDataLake | microsoft.datalakeanalytics/accounts |
MicrosoftStreamanalytics | microsoft.streamanalytics/streamingjobs |
servicebus | microsoft.relay/namespaces |
AzureIotDps | microsoft.devices/provisioningservices |
MicrosoftAzureCosmosDB | microsoft.documentdb/cassandraclusters |
MicrosoftAzureCosmosDB | microsoft.documentdb/mongoclusters |
AKSCustomerData | microsoft.containerservice/fleets |
PBIDedicatedRP | microsoft.powerbi/tenants/workspaces |
AzureFrontdoor | microsoft.cdn/cdnwebapplicationfirewallpolicies |
AzureHybrid | |
MicrosoftAzureCosmosDB | microsoft.dbforpostgresql/flexibleservers |
NetMon | |
AzureCdn | microsoft.cdn/profiles/endpoints |
The following services use either Azure diagnostics mode or resource-specific mode for their resource logs depending on the diagnostics settings configuration. When using resource-specific mode, these resources don't send data to the AzureDiagnostics table. See Azure resource logs for details on this configuration.
Service name | resourceType |
API Management Services | Microsoft.ApiManagement |
Azure Cosmos DB | Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts |
Data factories (V2) | Microsoft.DataFactory |
Recovery Services vaults(Backup) | Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults |
Firewalls | Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls |
Column | Type | Description |
action_id_s | String | |
action_name_s | String | |
action_s | String | |
ActivityId_g | Guid | |
AdditionalFields | ||
AdHocOrScheduledJob_s | String | |
application_name_s | String | |
audit_schema_version_d | Double | |
avg_cpu_percent_s | String | |
avg_mean_time_s | String | |
backendHostname_s | String | |
Caller_s | String | |
callerId_s | String | |
CallerIPAddress | String | |
calls_s | String | |
Category | String | |
client_ip_s | String | |
clientInfo_s | String | |
clientIP_s | String | |
clientIp_s | String | |
clientIpAddress_s | String | |
clientPort_d | Double | |
code_s | String | |
collectionName_s | String | |
conditions_destinationIP_s | String | |
conditions_destinationPortRange_s | String | |
conditions_None_s | String | |
conditions_protocols_s | String | |
conditions_sourceIP_s | String | |
conditions_sourcePortRange_s | String | |
CorrelationId | String | |
count_executions_d | Double | |
cpu_time_d | Double | |
database_name_s | String | |
database_principal_name_s | String | |
DatabaseName_s | String | |
db_id_s | String | |
direction_s | String | |
dop_d | Double | |
duration_d | Double | |
duration_milliseconds_d | Double | |
DurationMs | BigInt | |
ElasticPoolName_s | String | |
endTime_t | DateTime | |
Environment_s | String | |
error_code_s | String | |
error_message_s | String | |
errorLevel_s | String | |
event_class_s | String | |
event_s | String | |
event_subclass_s | String | |
event_time_t | DateTime | |
EventName_s | String | |
execution_type_d | Double | |
executionInfo_endTime_t | DateTime | |
executionInfo_exitCode_d | Double | |
executionInfo_startTime_t | DateTime | |
host_s | String | |
httpMethod_s | String | |
httpStatus_d | Double | |
httpStatusCode_d | Double | |
httpStatusCode_s | String | |
httpVersion_s | String | |
id_s | String | |
identity_claim_appid_g | Guid | |
identity_claim_ipaddr_s | String | |
instanceId_s | String | |
interval_end_time_d | Double | |
interval_start_time_d | Double | |
ip_s | String | |
is_column_permission_s | String | |
isAccessPolicyMatch_b | Bool | |
JobDurationInSecs_s | String | |
JobFailureCode_s | String | |
JobId_g | Guid | |
jobId_s | String | |
JobOperation_s | String | |
JobOperationSubType_s | String | |
JobStartDateTime_s | String | |
JobStatus_s | String | |
JobUniqueId_g | Guid | |
Level | String | |
log_bytes_used_d | Double | |
logical_io_reads_d | Double | |
logical_io_writes_d | Double | |
LogicalServerName_s | String | |
macAddress_s | String | |
matchedConnections_d | Double | |
max_cpu_time_d | Double | |
max_dop_d | Double | |
max_duration_d | Double | |
max_log_bytes_used_d | Double | |
max_logical_io_reads_d | Double | |
max_logical_io_writes_d | Double | |
max_num_physical_io_reads_d | Double | |
max_physical_io_reads_d | Double | |
max_query_max_used_memory_d | Double | |
max_rowcount_d | Double | |
max_time_s | String | |
mean_time_s | String | |
Message | String | |
min_time_s | String | |
msg_s | String | |
num_physical_io_reads_d | Double | |
object_id_d | Double | |
object_name_s | String | |
OperationName | String | |
OperationVersion | String | |
partitionKey_s | String | |
physical_io_reads_d | Double | |
plan_id_d | Double | |
policy_s | String | |
policyMode_s | String | |
primaryIPv4Address_s | String | |
priority_d | Double | |
properties_enabledForDeployment_b | Bool | |
properties_enabledForDiskEncryption_b | Bool | |
properties_enabledForTemplateDeployment_b | Bool | |
properties_s | String | |
properties_sku_Family_s | String | |
properties_sku_Name_s | String | |
properties_tenantId_g | Guid | |
query_hash_s | String | |
query_id_d | Double | |
query_max_used_memory_d | Double | |
query_plan_hash_s | String | |
query_time_d | Double | |
querytext_s | String | |
receivedBytes_d | Double | |
Region_s | String | |
requestCharge_s | String | |
requestQuery_s | String | |
requestResourceId_s | String | |
requestResourceType_s | String | |
requestUri_s | String | |
reserved_storage_mb_s | String | |
Resource | String | |
resource_actionName_s | String | |
resource_location_s | String | |
resource_originRunId_s | String | |
resource_resourceGroupName_s | String | |
resource_runId_s | String | |
resource_subscriptionId_g | Guid | |
resource_triggerName_s | String | |
resource_workflowId_g | Guid | |
resource_workflowName_s | String | |
ResourceGroup | String | |
_ResourceId | String | A unique identifier for the resource that the record is associated with |
ResourceProvider | String | |
ResourceProvider | String | |
ResourceType | String | |
ResourceType | String | |
response_rows_d | Double | |
resultCode_s | String | |
ResultDescription | String | |
ResultDescription | String | |
resultDescription_ChildJobs_s | String | |
resultDescription_ErrorJobs_s | String | |
resultMessage_s | String | |
ResultSignature | String | |
ResultType | String | |
ResultType | String | |
rootCauseAnalysis_s | String | |
routingRuleName_s | String | |
rowcount_d | Double | |
ruleName_s | String | |
RunbookName_s | String | |
RunOn_s | String | |
schema_name_s | String | |
sentBytes_d | Double | |
sequence_group_id_g | Guid | |
sequence_number_d | Double | |
server_principal_sid_s | String | |
session_id_d | Double |
Mar 17, 9 PM - Mar 21, 10 AM
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