Priority-based execution in Azure Cosmos DB


Priority based execution allows users to specify priority of requests sent to Azure Cosmos DB. In cases where the number of requests exceeds the capacity that can be processed within the configured Request Units per second (RU/s), then Azure Cosmos DB throttles low priority requests to prioritize the execution of high priority requests.

This feature enables users to execute critical tasks while delaying less important tasks when the total consumption of container exceeds the configured RU/s in high load scenarios by implementing throttling measures for low priority requests first. Any client application using SDK retries low priority requests in accordance with the retry policy configured.


Priority-based execution feature doesn't guarantee always throttling low priority requests in favor of high priority ones. This operates on best-effort basis and there are no SLA's linked to the performance of the feature.


You can use priority-based execution when your application has different priorities for workloads running on the same container. For example,

  • Prioritizing read, write, or query operations.
  • Prioritizing user actions vs background operations like
    • Stored procedures
    • Data ingestion/migration

Getting started

To get started using priority-based execution, navigate to the Features page in you're in Azure Cosmos DB account. Select and enable the Priority-based execution (preview) feature.

Screenshot of Priority-based execution feature in the Features page in an Azure Cosmos DB account.

SDK requirements

Code samples

using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos;

//update products catalog with low priority
RequestOptions catalogRequestOptions = new ItemRequestOptions{PriorityLevel = PriorityLevel.Low}; 

PartitionKey pk = new PartitionKey(“productId1”); 
ItemResponse<Product> catalogResponse = await this.container.CreateItemAsync<Product>(product1, pk, requestOptions); 

//Display product information to user with high priority
RequestOptions getProductRequestOptions = new ItemRequestOptions{PriorityLevel = PriorityLevel.High}; 

string id = “productId2”; 
PartitionKey pk = new PartitionKey(id); 

ItemResponse<Product> productResponse = await this.container.ReadItemAsync< Product>(id, pk, getProductRequestOptions); 

Monitoring Priority-based execution

You can monitor the behavior of requests with low and high priority using Azure monitor metrics in Azure portal.

  • Monitor Total Requests (preview) metric to observe the HTTP status codes and volume of low and high priority requests.
  • Monitor the RU/s consumption of low and high priority requests using Total Request Units (preview) metric in Azure portal.

Change default priority level of a Cosmos DB account

If Priority-based execution is enabled and priority level isn't specified for a request by the user, then all such requests are executed with high priority. You can change the default priority level of requests in a Cosmos DB account using Azure CLI.

Azure CLI

# install preview Azure CLI version 0.26.0 or later
az extension add --name cosmosdb-preview --version 0.26.0

# set subscription context
az account set -s $SubscriptionId

# Enable priority-based execution
az cosmosdb update  --resource-group $ResourceGroup --name $AccountName --enable-priority-based-execution true

# change default priority level
az cosmosdb update  --resource-group $ResourceGroup --name $AccountName --default-priority-level low

Data explorer priority

When Priority-based execution is enabled for a Cosmos DB account, all requests in the Azure portal's Data Explorer are executed with low priority. You can adjust this by changing the priority setting in the Data Explorer's Settings menu.


This client-side configuration is specific to the concerned user's Data explorer view only and won't affect other users' Data explorer priority level or the default priority level of the Cosmos DB account.

Screenshot of priority levels in Data explorer of an Azure Cosmos DB account.


Priority-based execution is currently not supported with following features:

  • Serverless accounts
  • Bulk execution API

The behavior of priority-based execution feature is nondeterministic for shared throughput database containers.

Next steps