Skills for extra processing during indexing (Azure AI Search)
This article describes the skills in Azure AI Search that you can include in a skillset to access external processing.
A skill provides an atomic operation that transforms content in some way. Often, it's an operation that recognizes or extracts text, but it can also be a utility skill that reshapes the enrichments that are already created. Typically, the output is text-based so that it can be used in full text search or vectors used in vector search.
Skills are organized into categories:
A built-in skill wraps API calls to an Azure AI resource, where the inputs, outputs, and processing steps are well understood. For skills that call an Azure AI resource, the connection is made over the internal network. For skills that call Azure OpenAI, you provide the connection information that the search service uses to connect to the resource. A small quantity of processing is non-billable, but at larger volumes, processing is billable. Built-in skills are based on pretrained models from Microsoft, which means you can't train the model using your own training data.
A custom skill provides custom code that executes externally to the search service. It's accessed through a URI. Custom code is often made available through an Azure function app. To attach an open-source or third-party vectorization model, use a custom skill.
A utility is internal to Azure AI Search, with no dependency on external resources or outbound connections. Most utilities are non-billable.
This skill uses a pretrained model to detect important phrases based on term placement, linguistic rules, proximity to other terms, and how unusual the term is within the source data.
This skill uses a pretrained model to detect which language is used (one language ID per document). When multiple languages are used within the same text segments, the output is the LCID of the predominantly used language.
This skill uses a pretrained model to establish entities for a fixed set of categories: "Person", "Location", "Organization", "Quantity", "DateTime", "URL", "Email", "PersonType", "Event", "Product", "Skill", "Address", "Phone Number" and "IP Address" fields.
This skill uses a pretrained model to extract personal information from a given text. The skill also gives various options for masking the detected personal information entities in the text.
This skill uses a pretrained model to assign sentiment labels (such as "negative", "neutral" and "positive") based on the highest confidence score found by the service at a sentence and document-level on a record by record basis.
Maps output to a complex type (a multi-part data type, which might be used for a full name, a multi-line address, or a combination of last name and a personal identifier.)
Splits text into pages so that you can enrich or augment content incrementally.
Not applicable
Custom skills
Custom skills wrap external code that you design, develop, and deploy to the web. You can then call the module from within a skillset as a custom skill.