Споделяне чрез

az sphere device capability

Manage device capability configurations.

Operation Description
az sphere device capability download Download a device capability file from the Azure Sphere Security Service.
az sphere device capability update Update the device capability configuration for the attached device.
az sphere device capability apply Temporarily apply a capability session on the attached device.
az sphere device capability show-attached Show the current device capability configuration of the attached device.


az sphere device capability download

Download a device capability file from the Azure Sphere Security Service.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
--catalog -c The Azure Sphere Catalog in which to perform this operation. Specify Azure Sphere Catalog name. You can configure the default Azure Sphere Catalog using az config set defaults.sphere.catalog=<name>. Values from: az sphere catalog list.
--resource-group -r Name of the Azure resource group. You can configure the default group using az config set defaults.group=<name>. Values from: az group list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
--device -d The device to run the command on when multiple devices are attached. Specify the ID, IP address, or Local Connection ID of an attached device. Values from: az sphere device list
--type -t Space-separated list of capabilities to download. If this parameter is not set, the capability None will be downloaded.
--output-file -of Path and file name in which to download capabilities. If this parameter is not set, the file will be saved in the current folder with a default name (capability-device.cap).


Download the ApplicationDevelopment capability for a device using resource group, catalog name, device ID, and capability.

az sphere device capability download --resource-group MyResourceGroup --catalog MyCatalog --device <DeviceIdValue> --type ApplicationDevelopment --output-file myCapabilities.cap

Download the None capability for a device using resource group, catalog name, and device ID.

az sphere device capability download --resource-group MyResourceGroup --catalog MyCatalog --device <DeviceIdValue> --output-file myCapabilities.cap

az sphere device capability update

Update the device capability configuration for the attached device.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
--capability-file The path and filename to the device capability configuration file to apply.
--catalog -c The Azure Sphere Catalog in which to perform this operation. Specify Azure Sphere Catalog name. You can configure the default Azure Sphere Catalog using az config set defaults.sphere.catalog=<name>. Values from: az sphere catalog list.
--resource-group -r Name of the Azure resource group. You can configure the default group using az config set defaults.group=<name>. Values from: az group list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
--device -d The device to run the command on when multiple devices are attached. Specify the ID, IP address, or Local Connection ID of an attached device. Values from: az sphere device list


Update the device capability configuration for the attached device.

az sphere device capability update --capability-file myCapabilities.cap

Update the device capability configuration for the specified device.

az sphere device capability update --capability-file myCapabilities.cap --device <DeviceIdValue>

az sphere device capability apply

Temporarily apply a capability session on the attached device.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
--device -d The device to run the command on when multiple devices are attached. Specify the ID, IP address, or Local Connection ID of an attached device. Values from: az sphere device list
--catalog -c The Azure Sphere Catalog in which to perform this operation. Specify Azure Sphere Catalog name. You can configure the default Azure Sphere Catalog using az config set defaults.sphere.catalog=<name>. Values from: az sphere catalog list.
--resource-group -r Name of the Azure resource group. You can configure the default group using az config set defaults.group=<name>. Values from: az group list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
--capability-file The path and filename of the capability file. You can provide a relative or absolute path.
--none -n End the temporary capability session on the attached device.


Apply temporarily the device capability session.

az sphere device capability apply --capability-file myCapabilities.cap

End the temporarily applied device capability session.

az sphere device capability apply --none

az sphere device capability show-attached

Show the current device capability configuration of the attached device.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
--catalog -c The Azure Sphere Catalog in which to perform this operation. Specify Azure Sphere Catalog name. You can configure the default Azure Sphere Catalog using az config set defaults.sphere.catalog=<name>. Values from: az sphere catalog list.
--resource-group -r Name of the Azure resource group. You can configure the default group using az config set defaults.group=<name>. Values from: az group list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
--device -d The device to run the command on when multiple devices are attached. Specify the ID, IP address, or Local Connection ID of an attached device. Values from: az sphere device list


Show the device capability configuration of the attached device.

az sphere device capability show-attached

Show the device capability configuration of the specified device.

az sphere device capability show-attached --device <DeviceIdValue>