Споделяне чрез

az sphere device sideload

Deploy and manage applications on the attached device.

Operation Description
az sphere device sideload set-deployment-timeout Set deployment timeout in seconds.
az sphere device sideload show-deployment-timeout Show deployment timeout in seconds.
az sphere device sideload deploy Deploy an application to the attached device.
az sphere device sideload delete Delete applications from the attached device.


az sphere device sideload set-deployment-timeout

Set deployment timeout in seconds.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
--value -v Timeout value in seconds.
--catalog -c The Azure Sphere Catalog in which to perform this operation. Specify Azure Sphere Catalog name. You can configure the default Azure Sphere Catalog using az config set defaults.sphere.catalog=<name>. Values from: az sphere catalog list.
--resource-group -r Name of the Azure resource group. You can configure the default group using az config set defaults.group=<name>. Values from: az group list.


Set deployment timeout value.

az sphere device sideload set-deployment-timeout --value 30

az sphere device sideload show-deployment-timeout

Show deployment timeout in seconds.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
--catalog -c The Azure Sphere Catalog in which to perform this operation. Specify Azure Sphere Catalog name. You can configure the default Azure Sphere Catalog using az config set defaults.sphere.catalog=<name>. Values from: az sphere catalog list.
--resource-group -r Name of the Azure resource group. You can configure the default group using az config set defaults.group=<name>. Values from: az group list.


Show deployment timeout value.

az sphere device sideload show-deployment-timeout

az sphere device sideload deploy

Deploy an application to the attached device.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
--image-package -p The path and filename of the image package file to deploy. You can provide a relative or absolute path. (Path).
--catalog -c The Azure Sphere Catalog in which to perform this operation. Specify Azure Sphere Catalog name. You can configure the default Azure Sphere Catalog using az config set defaults.sphere.catalog=<name>. Values from: az sphere catalog list.
--resource-group -r Name of the Azure resource group. You can configure the default group using az config set defaults.group=<name>. Values from: az group list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
--device -d The device to run the command on when multiple devices are attached. Specify the ID, IP address, or Local Connection ID of an attached device. Values from: az sphere device list
--force Force the deployment of an image using a Beta API that may no longer be supported.
--manual-start -m Do not automatically start the application after sideload.


Deploy an image package to the device.

az sphere device sideload deploy --image-package MyImage.imagepackage

Deploy an image package to the device with manual start.

az sphere device sideload deploy --image-package MyImage.imagepackage --manual-start

Deploy an image package to a specific device.

az sphere device sideload deploy --image-package MyImage.imagepackage --device <DeviceIdValue>

az sphere device sideload delete

Delete applications from the attached device.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
--catalog -c The Azure Sphere Catalog in which to perform this operation. Specify Azure Sphere Catalog name. You can configure the default Azure Sphere Catalog using az config set defaults.sphere.catalog=<name>. Values from: az sphere catalog list.
--resource-group -r Name of the Azure resource group. You can configure the default group using az config set defaults.group=<name>. Values from: az group list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
--device -d The device to run the command on when multiple devices are attached. Specify the ID, IP address, or Local Connection ID of an attached device. Values from: az sphere device list
--component-id -i The component ID to get the quota information for. By default, gets all components. (GUID). Values from: az sphere device app show
--except-component-ids -e Space-separated IDs of components to exclude from the set of applications to be deleted. (GUID). Values from: az sphere device image list


Delete applications from the device.

az sphere device sideload delete

Delete applications from a specific device.

az sphere device sideload delete --device <DeviceIdValue>

Delete a specific application from the device.

az sphere device sideload delete --component-id d2d461c4-b870-4619-b207-e86b8ab1481c

Delete applications except two specific applications from the device.

az sphere device sideload delete --except-component-ids d2d461c4-b870-4619-b207-e86b8ab1481c 683520b6-df43-4f4f-a4de-4c7a6f2ad05d