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How to query logs from VM insights


This article references CentOS, a Linux distribution that is End Of Life (EOL) status. Please consider your use and planning accordingly. For more information, see the CentOS End Of Life guidance.

VM insights collects performance and connection metrics, computer and process inventory data, and health state information and forwards it to the Log Analytics workspace in Azure Monitor. This data is available for query in Azure Monitor. You can apply this data to scenarios that include migration planning, capacity analysis, discovery, and on-demand performance troubleshooting.

Map records


If your virtual machine is using VM insights with Azure Monitor agent, then you must have processes and dependencies enabled for these tables to be created.

One record is generated per hour for each unique computer and process, in addition to the records that are generated when a process or computer starts or is added to VM insights. The fields and values in the VMComputer table map to fields of the Machine resource in the ServiceMap Azure Resource Manager API. The fields and values in the VMProcess table map to the fields of the Process resource in the ServiceMap Azure Resource Manager API. The _ResourceId field matches the name field in the corresponding Resource Manager resource.

There are internally generated properties you can use to identify unique processes and computers:

  • Computer: Use _ResourceId to uniquely identify a computer within a Log Analytics workspace.
  • Process: Use _ResourceId to uniquely identify a process within a Log Analytics workspace.

Because multiple records can exist for a specified process and computer in a specified time range, queries can return more than one record for the same computer or process. To include only the most recent record, add | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by ResourceId to the query.

Connections and ports

The Connection Metrics feature introduces two new tables in Azure Monitor logs - VMConnection and VMBoundPort. These tables provide information about the connections for a machine (inbound and outbound) and the server ports that are open/active on them. ConnectionMetrics are also exposed via APIs that provide the means to obtain a specific metric during a time window. TCP connections resulting from accepting on a listening socket are inbound, while those created by connecting to a given IP and port are outbound. The direction of a connection is represented by the Direction property, which can be set to either inbound or outbound.

Records in these tables are generated from data reported by the Dependency Agent. Every record represents an observation over a 1-minute time interval. The TimeGenerated property indicates the start of the time interval. Each record contains information to identify the respective entity, that is, connection or port, as well as metrics associated with that entity. Currently, only network activity that occurs using TCP over IPv4 is reported.

Common fields and conventions

The following fields and conventions apply to both VMConnection and VMBoundPort:

  • Computer: Fully qualified domain name of reporting machine
  • AgentId: The unique identifier for a machine running Azure Monitor Agent or the Log Analytics agent
  • Machine: Name of the Azure Resource Manager resource for the machine exposed by ServiceMap. It's of the form m-{GUID}, where GUID is the same GUID as AgentId
  • Process: Name of the Azure Resource Manager resource for the process exposed by ServiceMap. It's of the form p-{hex string}. Process is unique within a machine scope and to generate a unique process ID across machines, combine Machine and Process fields.
  • ProcessName: Executable name of the reporting process.
  • All IP addresses are strings in IPv4 canonical format, for example

To manage cost and complexity, connection records don't represent individual physical network connections. Multiple physical network connections are grouped into a logical connection, which is then reflected in the respective table. Meaning, records in VMConnection table represent a logical grouping and not the individual physical connections that are being observed. Physical network connection sharing the same value for the following attributes during a given one-minute interval, are aggregated into a single logical record in VMConnection.

Property Description
Direction Direction of the connection, value is inbound or outbound
Machine The computer FQDN
Process Identity of process or groups of processes, initiating/accepting the connection
SourceIp IP address of the source
DestinationIp IP address of the destination
DestinationPort Port number of the destination
Protocol Protocol used for the connection. Values is tcp.

To account for the impact of grouping, information about the number of grouped physical connections is provided in the following properties of the record:

Property Description
LinksEstablished The number of physical network connections that have been established during the reporting time window
LinksTerminated The number of physical network connections that have been terminated during the reporting time window
LinksFailed The number of physical network connections that have failed during the reporting time window. This information is currently available only for outbound connections.
LinksLive The number of physical network connections that were open at the end of the reporting time window


In addition to connection count metrics, information about the volume of data sent and received on a given logical connection or network port are also included in the following properties of the record:

Property Description
BytesSent Total number of bytes that have been sent during the reporting time window
BytesReceived Total number of bytes that have been received during the reporting time window
Responses The number of responses observed during the reporting time window.
ResponseTimeMax The largest response time (milliseconds) observed during the reporting time window. If no value, the property is blank.
ResponseTimeMin The smallest response time (milliseconds) observed during the reporting time window. If no value, the property is blank.
ResponseTimeSum The sum of all response times (milliseconds) observed during the reporting time window. If no value, the property is blank.

The third type of data being reported is response time - how long does a caller spend waiting for a request sent over a connection to be processed and responded to by the remote endpoint. The response time reported is an estimation of the true response time of the underlying application protocol. It's computed using heuristics based on the observation of the flow of data between the source and destination end of a physical network connection. Conceptually, it's the difference between the time the last byte of a request leaves the sender, and the time when the last byte of the response arrives back to it. These two timestamps are used to delineate request and response events on a given physical connection. The difference between them represents the response time of a single request.

In this first release of this feature, our algorithm is an approximation that may work with varying degree of success depending on the actual application protocol used for a given network connection. For example, the current approach works well for request-response based protocols such as HTTP(S), but doesn't work with one-way or message queue-based protocols.

Here are some important points to consider:

  1. If a process accepts connections on the same IP address but over multiple network interfaces, a separate record for each interface will be reported.
  2. Records with wildcard IP will contain no activity. They're included to represent the fact that a port on the machine is open to inbound traffic.
  3. To reduce verbosity and data volume, records with wildcard IP will be omitted when there's a matching record (for the same process, port, and protocol) with a specific IP address. When a wildcard IP record is omitted, the IsWildcardBind record property with the specific IP address, will be set to "True" to indicate that the port is exposed over every interface of the reporting machine.
  4. Ports that are bound only on a specific interface have IsWildcardBind set to False.

Naming and Classification

For convenience, the IP address of the remote end of a connection is included in the RemoteIp property. For inbound connections, RemoteIp is the same as SourceIp, while for outbound connections, it's the same as DestinationIp. The RemoteDnsCanonicalNames property represents the DNS canonical names reported by the machine for RemoteIp. The RemoteDnsQuestions property represents the DNS questions reported by the machine for RemoteIp. The RemoveClassification property is reserved for future use.


VMConnection also includes geolocation information for the remote end of each connection record in the following properties of the record:

Property Description
RemoteCountry The name of the country/region hosting RemoteIp. For example, United States
RemoteLatitude The geolocation latitude. For example, 47.68
RemoteLongitude The geolocation longitude. For example, -122.12

Malicious IP

Every RemoteIp property in VMConnection table is checked against a set of IPs with known malicious activity. If the RemoteIp is identified as malicious the following properties will be populated (they're empty, when the IP isn't considered malicious) in the following properties of the record:

Property Description
MaliciousIp The RemoteIp address
IndicatorThreadType Threat indicator detected is one of the following values, Botnet, C2, CryptoMining, Darknet, DDos, MaliciousUrl, Malware, Phishing, Proxy, PUA, Watchlist.
Description Description of the observed threat.
TLPLevel Traffic Light Protocol (TLP) Level is one of the defined values, White, Green, Amber, Red.
Confidence Values are 0 – 100.
Severity Values are 0 – 5, where 5 is the most severe and 0 isn't severe at all. Default value is 3.
FirstReportedDateTime The first time the provider reported the indicator.
LastReportedDateTime The last time the indicator was seen by Interflow.
IsActive Indicates indicators are deactivated with True or False value.
ReportReferenceLink Links to reports related to a given observable. To report a false alert or get more details about the malicious IP, open a Support case and provide this link.
AdditionalInformation Provides additional information, if applicable, about the observed threat.


Ports on a machine that actively accept incoming traffic or could potentially accept traffic, but are idle during the reporting time window, are written to the VMBoundPort table.

Every record in VMBoundPort is identified by the following fields:

Property Description
Process Identity of process (or groups of processes) with which the port is associated with.
Ip Port IP address (can be wildcard IP,
Port The Port number
Protocol The protocol. Example, tcp or udp (only tcp is currently supported).

The identity a port is derived from the above five fields and is stored in the PortId property. This property can be used to quickly find records for a specific port across time.


Port records include metrics representing the connections associated with them. Currently, the following metrics are reported (the details for each metric are described in the previous section):

  • BytesSent and BytesReceived
  • LinksEstablished, LinksTerminated, LinksLive
  • ResposeTime, ResponseTimeMin, ResponseTimeMax, ResponseTimeSum

Here are some important points to consider:

  • If a process accepts connections on the same IP address but over multiple network interfaces, a separate record for each interface will be reported.
  • Records with wildcard IP will contain no activity. They're included to represent the fact that a port on the machine is open to inbound traffic.
  • To reduce verbosity and data volume, records with wildcard IP will be omitted when there's a matching record (for the same process, port, and protocol) with a specific IP address. When a wildcard IP record is omitted, the IsWildcardBind property for the record with the specific IP address, will be set to True. This indicates the port is exposed over every interface of the reporting machine.
  • Ports that are bound only on a specific interface have IsWildcardBind set to False.

VMComputer records

Records with a type of VMComputer have inventory data for servers with the Dependency agent. These records have the properties in the following table:

Property Description
TenantId The unique identifier for the workspace
SourceSystem Insights
TimeGenerated Timestamp of the record (UTC)
Computer The computer FQDN
AgentId The unique identifier for a machine running Azure Monitor Agent or the Log Analytics agent
Machine Name of the Azure Resource Manager resource for the machine exposed by ServiceMap. It's of the form m-{GUID}, where GUID is the same GUID as AgentId.
DisplayName Display name
FullDisplayName Full display name
HostName The name of machine without domain name
BootTime The machine boot time (UTC)
TimeZone The normalized time zone
VirtualizationState virtual, hypervisor, physical
Ipv4Addresses Array of IPv4 addresses
Ipv4SubnetMasks Array of IPv4 subnet masks (in the same order as Ipv4Addresses).
Ipv4DefaultGateways Array of IPv4 gateways
Ipv6Addresses Array of IPv6 addresses
MacAddresses Array of MAC addresses
DnsNames Array of DNS names associated with the machine.
DependencyAgentVersion The version of the Dependency agent running on the machine.
OperatingSystemFamily Linux, Windows
OperatingSystemFullName The full name of the operating system
PhysicalMemoryMB The physical memory in megabytes
Cpus The number of processors
CpuSpeed The CPU speed in MHz
VirtualMachineType hyperv, vmware, xen
VirtualMachineNativeId The VM ID as assigned by its hypervisor
VirtualMachineNativeName The name of the VM
VirtualMachineHypervisorId The unique identifier of the hypervisor hosting the VM
HypervisorType hyperv
HypervisorId The unique ID of the hypervisor
HostingProvider azure
_ResourceId The unique identifier for an Azure resource
AzureSubscriptionId A globally unique identifier that identifies your subscription
AzureResourceGroup The name of the Azure resource group the machine is a member of.
AzureResourceName The name of the Azure resource
AzureLocation The location of the Azure resource
AzureUpdateDomain The name of the Azure update domain
AzureFaultDomain The name of the Azure fault domain
AzureVmId The unique identifier of the Azure virtual machine
AzureSize The size of the Azure VM
AzureImagePublisher The name of the Azure VM publisher
AzureImageOffering The name of the Azure VM offer type
AzureImageSku The SKU of the Azure VM image
AzureImageVersion The version of the Azure VM image
AzureCloudServiceName The name of the Azure cloud service
AzureCloudServiceDeployment Deployment ID for the Cloud Service
AzureCloudServiceRoleName Cloud Service role name
AzureCloudServiceRoleType Cloud Service role type: worker or web
AzureCloudServiceInstanceId Cloud Service role instance ID
AzureVmScaleSetName The name of the virtual machine scale set
AzureVmScaleSetDeployment Virtual machine scale set deployment ID
AzureVmScaleSetResourceId The unique identifier of the virtual machine scale set resource.
AzureVmScaleSetInstanceId The unique identifier of the virtual machine scale set
AzureServiceFabricClusterId The unique identifer of the Azure Service Fabric cluster
AzureServiceFabricClusterName The name of the Azure Service Fabric cluster

VMProcess records

Records with a type of VMProcess have inventory data for TCP-connected processes on servers with the Dependency agent. These records have the properties in the following table:

Property Description
TenantId The unique identifier for the workspace
SourceSystem Insights
TimeGenerated Timestamp of the record (UTC)
Computer The computer FQDN
AgentId The unique identifier for a machine running Azure Monitor Agent or the Log Analytics agent
Machine Name of the Azure Resource Manager resource for the machine exposed by ServiceMap. It's of the form m-{GUID}, where GUID is the same GUID as AgentId.
Process The unique identifier of the Service Map process. It's in the form of p-{GUID}.
ExecutableName The name of the process executable
DisplayName Process display name
Role Process role: webserver, appServer, databaseServer, ldapServer, smbServer
Group Process group name. Processes in the same group are logically related, e.g., part of the same product or system component.
StartTime The process pool start time
FirstPid The first PID in the process pool
Description The process description
CompanyName The name of the company
InternalName The internal name
ProductName The name of the product
ProductVersion The version of the product
FileVersion The version of the file
ExecutablePath The path of the executable
CommandLine The command line
WorkingDirectory The working directory
Services An array of services under which the process is executing
UserName The account under which the process is executing
UserDomain The domain under which the process is executing
_ResourceId The unique identifier for a process within the workspace

Sample map queries

List all known machines

VMComputer | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by _ResourceId

When was the VM last rebooted

let Today = now(); VMComputer | extend DaysSinceBoot = Today - BootTime | summarize by Computer, DaysSinceBoot, BootTime | sort by BootTime asc

Summary of Azure VMs by image, location, and SKU

VMComputer | where AzureLocation != "" | summarize by Computer, AzureImageOffering, AzureLocation, AzureImageSku

List the physical memory capacity of all managed computers

VMComputer | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by _ResourceId | project PhysicalMemoryMB, Computer

List computer name, DNS, IP, and OS

VMComputer | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by _ResourceId | project Computer, OperatingSystemFullName, DnsNames, Ipv4Addresses

Find all processes with "sql" in the command line

VMProcess | where CommandLine contains_cs "sql" | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by _ResourceId

Find a machine (most recent record) by resource name

search in (VMComputer) "m-4b9c93f9-bc37-46df-b43c-899ba829e07b" | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by _ResourceId

Find a machine (most recent record) by IP address

search in (VMComputer) "" | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by _ResourceId

List all known processes on a specified machine

VMProcess | where Machine == "m-559dbcd8-3130-454d-8d1d-f624e57961bc" | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by _ResourceId

List all computers running SQL Server

VMComputer | where AzureResourceName in ((search in (VMProcess) "*sql*" | distinct Machine)) | distinct Computer

List all unique product versions of curl in my datacenter

VMProcess | where ExecutableName == "curl" | distinct ProductVersion

Create a computer group of all computers running CentOS

VMComputer | where OperatingSystemFullName contains_cs "CentOS" | distinct Computer
VMConnection | summarize sum(BytesSent), sum(BytesReceived) by bin(TimeGenerated,1hr), Computer | order by Computer desc | render timechart

Which Azure VMs are transmitting the most bytes

VMConnection | join kind=fullouter(VMComputer) on $left.Computer == $right.Computer | summarize count(BytesSent) by Computer, AzureVMSize | sort by count_BytesSent desc
VMConnection | where TimeGenerated >= ago(24hr) | where Computer == "acme-demo" | summarize dcount(LinksEstablished), dcount(LinksLive), dcount(LinksFailed), dcount(LinksTerminated) by bin(TimeGenerated, 1h) | render timechart

Connection failures trend

VMConnection | where Computer == "acme-demo" | extend bythehour = datetime_part("hour", TimeGenerated) | project bythehour, LinksFailed | summarize failCount = count() by bythehour | sort by bythehour asc | render timechart

Bound Ports

| where TimeGenerated >= ago(24hr)
| where Computer == 'admdemo-appsvr'
| distinct Port, ProcessName

Number of open ports across machines

| where Ip != ""
| summarize by Computer, Machine, Port, Protocol
| summarize OpenPorts=count() by Computer, Machine
| order by OpenPorts desc

Score processes in your workspace by the number of ports they have open

| where Ip != ""
| summarize by ProcessName, Port, Protocol
| summarize OpenPorts=count() by ProcessName
| order by OpenPorts desc

Aggregate behavior for each port

This query can then be used to score ports by activity, e.g., ports with most inbound/outbound traffic, ports with most connections

| where Ip != ""
| summarize BytesSent=sum(BytesSent), BytesReceived=sum(BytesReceived), LinksEstablished=sum(LinksEstablished), LinksTerminated=sum(LinksTerminated), arg_max(TimeGenerated, LinksLive) by Machine, Computer, ProcessName, Ip, Port, IsWildcardBind
| project-away TimeGenerated
| order by Machine, Computer, Port, Ip, ProcessName

Summarize the outbound connections from a group of machines

// the machines of interest
let machines = datatable(m: string) ["m-82412a7a-6a32-45a9-a8d6-538354224a25"];
// map of ip to monitored machine in the environment
let ips=materialize(VMComputer
| summarize ips=makeset(todynamic(Ipv4Addresses)) by MonitoredMachine=AzureResourceName
| mvexpand ips to typeof(string));
// all connections to/from the machines of interest
let out=materialize(VMConnection
| where Machine in (machines)
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by ConnectionId);
// connections to localhost augmented with RemoteMachine
let local=out
| where RemoteIp startswith "127."
| project ConnectionId, Direction, Machine, Process, ProcessName, SourceIp, DestinationIp, DestinationPort, Protocol, RemoteIp, RemoteMachine=Machine;
// connections not to localhost augmented with RemoteMachine
let remote=materialize(out
| where RemoteIp !startswith "127."
| join kind=leftouter (ips) on $left.RemoteIp == $right.ips
| summarize by ConnectionId, Direction, Machine, Process, ProcessName, SourceIp, DestinationIp, DestinationPort, Protocol, RemoteIp, RemoteMachine=MonitoredMachine);
// the remote machines to/from which we have connections
let remoteMachines = remote | summarize by RemoteMachine;
// all augmented connections
| union (remote)
//Take all outbound records but only inbound records that come from either //unmonitored machines or monitored machines not in the set for which we are computing dependencies.
| where Direction == 'outbound' or (Direction == 'inbound' and RemoteMachine !in (machines))
| summarize by ConnectionId, Direction, Machine, Process, ProcessName, SourceIp, DestinationIp, DestinationPort, Protocol, RemoteIp, RemoteMachine
// identify the remote port
| extend RemotePort=iff(Direction == 'outbound', DestinationPort, 0)
// construct the join key we'll use to find a matching port
| extend JoinKey=strcat_delim(':', RemoteMachine, RemoteIp, RemotePort, Protocol)
// find a matching port
| join kind=leftouter (VMBoundPort 
| where Machine in (remoteMachines) 
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by PortId 
| extend JoinKey=strcat_delim(':', Machine, Ip, Port, Protocol)) on JoinKey
// aggregate the remote information
| summarize Remote=makeset(iff(isempty(RemoteMachine), todynamic('{}'), pack('Machine', RemoteMachine, 'Process', Process1, 'ProcessName', ProcessName1))) by ConnectionId, Direction, Machine, Process, ProcessName, SourceIp, DestinationIp, DestinationPort, Protocol

Performance records

Records with a type of InsightsMetrics have performance data from the guest operating system of the virtual machine. These records are collected at 60 second intervals and have the properties in the following table:

Property Description
TenantId Unique identifier for the workspace
SourceSystem Insights
TimeGenerated Time the value was collected (UTC)
Computer The computer FQDN
Origin vm.azm.ms
Namespace Category of the performance counter
Name Name of the performance counter
Val Collected value
Tags Related details about the record. See the table below for tags used with different record types.
AgentId Unique identifier for each computer's agent
Type InsightsMetrics
ResourceId Resource ID of the virtual machine

The performance counters currently collected into the InsightsMetrics table are listed in the following table:

Namespace Name Description Unit Tags
Computer Heartbeat Computer Heartbeat
Memory AvailableMB Memory Available Bytes Megabytes memorySizeMB - Total memory size
Network WriteBytesPerSecond Network Write Bytes Per Second BytesPerSecond NetworkDeviceId - ID of the device
bytes - Total sent bytes
Network ReadBytesPerSecond Network Read Bytes Per Second BytesPerSecond networkDeviceId - ID of the device
bytes - Total received bytes
Processor UtilizationPercentage Processor Utilization Percentage Percent totalCpus - Total CPUs
LogicalDisk WritesPerSecond Logical Disk Writes Per Second CountPerSecond mountId - Mount ID of the device
LogicalDisk WriteLatencyMs Logical Disk Write Latency Millisecond MilliSeconds mountId - Mount ID of the device
LogicalDisk WriteBytesPerSecond Logical Disk Write Bytes Per Second BytesPerSecond mountId - Mount ID of the device
LogicalDisk TransfersPerSecond Logical Disk Transfers Per Second CountPerSecond mountId - Mount ID of the device
LogicalDisk TransferLatencyMs Logical Disk Transfer Latency Millisecond MilliSeconds mountId - Mount ID of the device
LogicalDisk ReadsPerSecond Logical Disk Reads Per Second CountPerSecond mountId - Mount ID of the device
LogicalDisk ReadLatencyMs Logical Disk Read Latency Millisecond MilliSeconds mountId - Mount ID of the device
LogicalDisk ReadBytesPerSecond Logical Disk Read Bytes Per Second BytesPerSecond mountId - Mount ID of the device
LogicalDisk FreeSpacePercentage Logical Disk Free Space Percentage Percent mountId - Mount ID of the device
LogicalDisk FreeSpaceMB Logical Disk Free Space Bytes Megabytes mountId - Mount ID of the device
diskSizeMB - Total disk size
LogicalDisk BytesPerSecond Logical Disk Bytes Per Second BytesPerSecond mountId - Mount ID of the device

Next steps