
Споделяне чрез

Pool create event

This event is emitted once a pool has been created. The content of the log will expose general information about the pool. Note that if the target size of the pool is greater than 0 compute nodes, a pool resize start event will follow immediately after this event.

The following example shows the body of a pool create event.

    "id": "myPool1",
    "displayName": "Production Pool",
    "vmSize": "Standard_F1s",
    "imageType": "VirtualMachineConfiguration",
    "cloudServiceConfiguration": {
        "osFamily": "3",
        "targetOsVersion": "*"
    "networkConfiguration": {
        "subnetId": " "
    "virtualMachineConfiguration": {
          "imageReference": {
            "publisher": " ",
            "offer": " ",
            "sku": " ",
            "version": " "
          "nodeAgentId": " "
    "resizeTimeout": "300000",
    "targetDedicatedNodes": 2,
    "targetLowPriorityNodes": 2,
    "taskSlotsPerNode": 1,
    "vmFillType": "Spread",
    "enableAutoScale": false,
    "enableInterNodeCommunication": false,
    "isAutoPool": false
Element Type Notes
id String The ID of the pool.
displayName String The display name of the pool.
vmSize String The size of the virtual machines in the pool. All virtual machines in a pool are the same size.

For information about available sizes of virtual machines for Cloud Services pools (pools created with cloudServiceConfiguration), see Sizes for Cloud Services. Batch supports all Cloud Services VM sizes except ExtraSmall.

For information about available VM sizes for pools using images from the Virtual Machines Marketplace (pools created with virtualMachineConfiguration) see Sizes for Virtual Machines (Linux) or Sizes for Virtual Machines (Windows). Batch supports all Azure VM sizes except STANDARD_A0 and those with premium storage (STANDARD_GS, STANDARD_DS, and STANDARD_DSV2 series).
imageType String The deployment method for the image. Supported values are virtualMachineConfiguration or cloudServiceConfiguration
cloudServiceConfiguration Complex Type The cloud services configuration for the pool.
virtualMachineConfiguration Complex Type The virtual machine configuration for the pool.
networkConfiguration Complex Type The network configuration for the pool.
resizeTimeout Time The timeout for allocation of compute nodes to the pool specified for the last resize operation on the pool. (The initial sizing when the pool is created counts as a resize.)
targetDedicatedNodes Int32 The number of dedicated compute nodes that are requested for the pool.
targetLowPriorityNodes Int32 The number of Azure Spot compute nodes that are requested for the pool.
enableAutoScale Bool Specifies whether the pool size automatically adjusts over time.
enableInterNodeCommunication Bool Specifies whether the pool is set up for direct communication between nodes.
isAutoPool Bool Specifies whether the pool was created via a job's AutoPool mechanism.
taskSlotsPerNode Int32 The maximum number of tasks that can run concurrently on a single compute node in the pool.
vmFillType String Defines how the Batch service distributes tasks between compute nodes in the pool. Valid values are Spread or Pack.



Cloud Services Configuration pools are deprecated. Please use Virtual Machine Configuration pools instead.

Element name Type Notes
osFamily String The Azure Guest OS family to be installed on the virtual machines in the pool.

Possible values are:

2 – OS Family 2, equivalent to Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1.

3 – OS Family 3, equivalent to Windows Server 2012.

4 – OS Family 4, equivalent to Windows Server 2012 R2.

For more information, see Azure Guest OS Releases.
targetOSVersion String The Azure Guest OS version to be installed on the virtual machines in the pool.

The default value is * which specifies the latest operating system version for the specified family.

For other permitted values, see Azure Guest OS Releases.


Element name Type Notes
imageReference Complex Type Specifies information about the platform or Marketplace image to use.
nodeAgentId String The SKU of the Batch node agent provisioned on the compute node.
windowsConfiguration Complex Type Specifies Windows operating system settings on the virtual machine. This property must not be specified if the imageReference is referencing a Linux OS image.


Element name Type Notes
publisher String The publisher of the image.
offer String The offer of the image.
sku String The SKU of the image.
version String The version of the image.


Element name Type Notes
enableAutomaticUpdates Boolean Indicates whether the virtual machine is enabled for automatic updates. If this property is not specified, the default value is true.


Element name Type Notes
subnetId String Specifies the resource identifier of the subnet in which the pool's compute nodes are created.