
Споделяне чрез

How jobs are matched to workers

This document describes the registration of workers, the submission of jobs and how they're matched to each other.

Worker Registration

Before a worker can receive offers to service a job, it must be registered first by setting availableForOffers to true. Next, we need to specify which queues the worker listens on and which channels it can handle. Once registered, you receive a RouterWorkerRegistered event from Event Grid and the worker's status is changed to active.

In the following example, we register a worker to:

  • Listen on queue-1 and queue-2
  • Be able to handle both the voice and chat channels. In this case, the worker could either take a single voice job at one time or two chat jobs at the same time. This setting is configured by specifying the total capacity of the worker and assigning a cost per job for each channel.
  • Have a set of labels that describe things about the worker that could help determine if it's a match for a particular job.
var worker = await client.CreateWorkerAsync(new CreateWorkerOptions(workerId: "worker-1", capacity: 2)
    AvailableForOffers = true,
    Queues = { "queue1", "queue2" },
    Channels =
        new RouterChannel(channelId: "voice", capacityCostPerJob: 2),
        new RouterChannel(channelId: "chat", capacityCostPerJob: 1)
    Labels =
        ["Skill"] = new RouterValue(11),
        ["English"] = new RouterValue(true),
        ["French"] = new RouterValue(false),
        ["Vendor"] = new RouterValue("Acme")
let worker = await client.path("/routing/workers/{workerId}", "worker-1").patch({
    body: {
        availableForOffers: true,
        capacity: 2,
        queues: ["queue1", "queue2"],
        channels: [
            { channelId: "voice", capacityCostPerJob: 2 },
            { channelId: "chat", capacityCostPerJob: 1 }
        labels: {
            Skill: 11,
            English: true,
            French: false,
            Vendor: "Acme"
    contentType: "application/merge-patch+json"
worker = client.upsert_worker(
    worker_id = "worker-1",
    available_for_offers = True,
    capacity = 2,
    queues = ["queue1", "queue2"],
    channels = [
        RouterChannel(channel_id = "voice", capacity_cost_per_job = 2),
        RouterChannel(channel_id = "chat", capacity_cost_per_job = 1)
    labels = {
        "Skill": 11,
        "English": True,
        "French": False,
        "Vendor": "Acme"
RouterWorker worker = client.createWorker(new CreateWorkerOptions("worker-1", 2)
    .setQueues(List.of("queue1", "queue2"))
        new RouterChannel("voice", 2),
        new RouterChannel("chat", 1)))
        "Skill", new RouterValue(11),
        "English", new RouterValue(true),
        "French", new RouterValue(false),
        "Vendor", new RouterValue("Acme"))));

Job Submission

In the following example, we submit a job that

  • Goes directly to queue1.
  • For the chat channel.
  • With a worker selector that specifies that any worker servicing this job must have a label of English set to true.
  • With a worker selector that specifies that any worker servicing this job must have a label of Skill greater than 10 and this condition will expire after one minute.
  • With a label of name set to John.
await client.CreateJobAsync(new CreateJobOptions("job1", "chat", "queue1")
    RequestedWorkerSelectors =
        new RouterWorkerSelector(key: "English", labelOperator: LabelOperator.Equal, value: new RouterValue(true)),
        new RouterWorkerSelector(key: "Skill", labelOperator: LabelOperator.GreaterThan, value: new RouterValue(10))
            { ExpiresAfter = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5) }
    Labels = { ["name"] = new RouterValue("John") }
await client.path("/routing/jobs/{jobId}", "job1").patch({
    body: {
        channelId: "chat",
        queueId: "queue1",
        requestedWorkerSelectors: [
            { key: "English", labelOperator: "equal", value: true },
            { key: "Skill", labelOperator: "greaterThan", value: 10, expiresAfterSeconds: 300 },
        labels: { name: "John" }
    contentType: "application/merge-patch+json"
    job_id = "job1",
    channel_id = "chat",
    queue_id = "queue1",
    requested_worker_selectors = [
          key = "English",
          label_operator = LabelOperator.EQUAL,
          value = True
          key = "Skill",
          label_operator = LabelOperator.GREATER_THAN,
          value = True,
          expires_after_seconds = 300
    labels = { "name": "John" }
client.createJob(new CreateJobOptions("job1", "chat", "queue1")
        new RouterWorkerSelector("English", LabelOperator.EQUAL, new RouterValue(true)),
        new RouterWorkerSelector("Skill", LabelOperator.GREATER_THAN, new RouterValue(10))
    .setLabels(Map.of("name", new RouterValue("John"))));

Job Router tries to match this job to an available worker listening on queue1 for the chat channel, with English set to true and Skill greater than 10. Once a match is made, an offer is created. The distribution policy that is attached to the queue controls how many active offers there can be for a job and how long each offer is valid. You receive an OfferIssued Event that would look like this:

    "workerId": "worker-1",
    "jobId": "7f1df17b-570b-4ae5-9cf5-fe6ff64cc712",
    "channelId": "chat",
    "queueId": "queue1",
    "offerId": "525fec06-ab81-4e60-b780-f364ed96ade1",
    "offerTimeUtc": "2021-06-23T02:43:30.3847144Z",
    "expiryTimeUtc": "2021-06-23T02:44:30.3847674Z",
    "jobPriority": 1,
    "jobLabels": {
        "name": "John"

The OfferIssued Event includes details about the job, worker, how long the offer is valid and the offerId that you need to accept or decline the job.


The maximum lifetime of a job is 90 days, after which it'll automatically expire.

Worker Deregistration

If a worker would like to stop receiving offers, it can be deregistered by setting AvailableForOffers to false when updating the worker and you receive a RouterWorkerDeregistered event from Event Grid. Any existing offers for the worker are revoked and you receive a RouterWorkerOfferRevoked event for each offer.

worker.AvailableForOffers = false;
worker = await client.UpdateWorkerAsync(worker);
worker = await client.path("/routing/workers/{workerId}", worker.body.id).patch({
    body: { availableForOffers: false },
    contentType: "application/merge-patch+json"
worker = client.upsert_worker(worker_id = worker.id, available_for_offers = False)
client.updateWorker(worker.getId(), BinaryData.fromObject(worker.setAvailableForOffers(false)), null);


If a worker is registered and idle for more than 7 days, it'll be automatically deregistered. Once deregistered, the worker's status is draining if one or more jobs are still assigned, or inactive if no jobs are assigned.