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Azure Container Apps ARM and YAML template specifications

Azure Container Apps deployments are powered by an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template. Some Container Apps CLI commands also support using a YAML template to specify a resource.

This article includes examples of the ARM and YAML configurations for frequently used Container Apps resources. For a complete list of Container Apps resources see Azure Resource Manager templates for Container Apps. The code listed in this article is for example purposes only. For full schema and type information, see the JSON definitions for your required API version.

API versions

The latest management API versions for Azure Container Apps are:

To learn more about the differences between API versions, see Microsoft.App change log.

Updating API versions

To use a specific API version in ARM or Bicep, update the version referenced in your templates. To use the latest API version in Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell, update them to the latest version.

Update Azure CLI and the Azure Container Apps extension by running the following commands:

az upgrade
az extension add -n containerapp --upgrade

To update Azure PowerShell, see How to install Azure PowerShell.

To programmatically manage Azure Container Apps with the latest API version, use the latest versions of the management SDK:

Container Apps environment

The following tables describe commonly used properties available in the Container Apps environment resource. For a complete list of properties, see Azure Container Apps REST API reference.


A Container Apps environment resource includes the following properties:

Property Description Data type Read only
daprAIInstrumentationKey The Application Insights instrumentation key used by Dapr. string No
appLogsConfiguration The environment's logging configuration. Object No
peerAuthentication How to enable mTLS encryption. Object No


The following example ARM template snippet deploys a Container Apps environment.


The commands to create container app environments don't support YAML configuration input.

  "location": "East US",
  "properties": {
    "appLogsConfiguration": {
      "logAnalyticsConfiguration": {
        "customerId": "string",
        "sharedKey": "string"
    "zoneRedundant": true,
    "vnetConfiguration": {
      "infrastructureSubnetId": "/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/RGName/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/VNetName/subnets/subnetName1"
    "customDomainConfiguration": {
      "dnsSuffix": "www.my-name.com",
      "certificateValue": "Y2VydA==",
      "certificatePassword": "1234"
    "workloadProfiles": [
        "name": "My-GP-01",
        "workloadProfileType": "GeneralPurpose",
        "minimumCount": 3,
        "maximumCount": 12
        "name": "My-MO-01",
        "workloadProfileType": "MemoryOptimized",
        "minimumCount": 3,
        "maximumCount": 6
        "name": "My-CO-01",
        "workloadProfileType": "ComputeOptimized",
        "minimumCount": 3,
        "maximumCount": 6
        "name": "My-consumption-01",
        "workloadProfileType": "Consumption"
    "infrastructureResourceGroup": "myInfrastructureRgName"

Container app

The following tables describe the commonly used properties in the container app resource. For a complete list of properties, see Azure Container Apps REST API reference.


A container app resource's properties object includes the following properties:

Property Description Data type Read only
provisioningState The state of a long running operation, for example when new container revision is created. Possible values include: provisioning, provisioned, failed. Check if app is up and running. string Yes
environmentId The environment ID for your container app. This is a required property to create a container app. If you're using YAML, you can specify the environment ID using the --environment option in the Azure CLI instead. string No
latestRevisionName The name of the latest revision. string Yes
latestRevisionFqdn The latest revision's URL. string Yes

The environmentId value takes the following form:


In this example, you put your values in place of the placeholder tokens surrounded by <> brackets.


A resource's properties.configuration object includes the following properties:

Property Description Data type
activeRevisionsMode Setting to single automatically deactivates old revisions, and only keeps the latest revision active. Setting to multiple allows you to maintain multiple revisions. string
secrets Defines secret values in your container app. object
ingress Object that defines public accessibility configuration of a container app. object
registries Configuration object that references credentials for private container registries. Entries defined with secretref reference the secrets configuration object. object
dapr Configuration object that defines the Dapr settings for the container app. object

Changes made to the configuration section are application-scope changes, which doesn't trigger a new revision.


A resource's properties.template object includes the following properties:

Property Description Data type
revisionSuffix A friendly name for a revision. This value must be unique as the runtime rejects any conflicts with existing revision name suffix values. string
containers Configuration object that defines what container images are included in the container app. object
scale Configuration object that defines scale rules for the container app. object

Changes made to the template section are revision-scope changes, which triggers a new revision.


For details on health probes, refer to Health probes in Azure Container Apps.

The following example ARM template snippet deploys a container app.

  "identity": {
    "userAssignedIdentities": {
      "/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourcegroups/my-rg/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/my-user": {
    "type": "UserAssigned"
  "properties": {
    "environmentId": "/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.App/managedEnvironments/demokube",
    "workloadProfileName": "My-GP-01",
    "configuration": {
      "ingress": {
        "external": true,
        "targetPort": 3000,
        "customDomains": [
            "name": "www.my-name.com",
            "bindingType": "SniEnabled",
            "certificateId": "/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.App/managedEnvironments/demokube/certificates/my-certificate-for-my-name-dot-com"
            "name": "www.my-other-name.com",
            "bindingType": "SniEnabled",
            "certificateId": "/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.App/managedEnvironments/demokube/certificates/my-certificate-for-my-other-name-dot-com"
        "traffic": [
            "weight": 100,
            "revisionName": "testcontainerApp0-ab1234",
            "label": "production"
        "ipSecurityRestrictions": [
            "name": "Allow work IP A subnet",
            "description": "Allowing all IP's within the subnet below to access containerapp",
            "ipAddressRange": "",
            "action": "Allow"
            "name": "Allow work IP B subnet",
            "description": "Allowing all IP's within the subnet below to access containerapp",
            "ipAddressRange": "",
            "action": "Allow"
        "stickySessions": {
          "affinity": "sticky"
        "clientCertificateMode": "accept",
        "corsPolicy": {
          "allowedOrigins": [
          "allowedMethods": [
          "allowedHeaders": [
          "exposeHeaders": [
          "maxAge": 1234,
          "allowCredentials": true
      "dapr": {
        "enabled": true,
        "appPort": 3000,
        "appProtocol": "http",
        "httpReadBufferSize": 30,
        "httpMaxRequestSize": 10,
        "logLevel": "debug",
        "enableApiLogging": true
      "maxInactiveRevisions": 10,
      "service": {
        "type": "redis"
    "template": {
      "containers": [
          "image": "repo/testcontainerApp0:v1",
          "name": "testcontainerApp0",
          "probes": [
              "type": "Liveness",
              "httpGet": {
                "path": "/health",
                "port": 8080,
                "httpHeaders": [
                    "name": "Custom-Header",
                    "value": "Awesome"
              "initialDelaySeconds": 3,
              "periodSeconds": 3
          "volumeMounts": [
              "mountPath": "/myempty",
              "volumeName": "myempty"
              "mountPath": "/myfiles",
              "volumeName": "azure-files-volume"
              "mountPath": "/mysecrets",
              "volumeName": "mysecrets"
      "initContainers": [
          "image": "repo/testcontainerApp0:v4",
          "name": "testinitcontainerApp0",
          "resources": {
            "cpu": 0.2,
            "memory": "100Mi"
          "command": [
          "args": [
            "while true; do echo hello; sleep 10;done"
      "scale": {
        "minReplicas": 1,
        "maxReplicas": 5,
        "rules": [
            "name": "httpscalingrule",
            "custom": {
              "type": "http",
              "metadata": {
                "concurrentRequests": "50"
      "volumes": [
          "name": "myempty",
          "storageType": "EmptyDir"
          "name": "azure-files-volume",
          "storageType": "AzureFile",
          "storageName": "myazurefiles"
          "name": "mysecrets",
          "storageType": "Secret",
          "secrets": [
              "secretRef": "mysecret",
              "path": "mysecret.txt"
      "serviceBinds": [
          "serviceId": "/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.App/containerApps/redisService",
          "name": "redisService"

Container Apps job

The following tables describe the commonly used properties in the Container Apps job resource. For a complete list of properties, see Azure Container Apps REST API reference.


A Container Apps job resource's properties object includes the following properties:

Property Description Data type Read only
environmentId The environment ID for your Container Apps job. This property is required to create a Container Apps job. If you're using YAML, you can specify the environment ID using the --environment option in the Azure CLI instead. string No

The environmentId value takes the following form:


In this example, you put your values in place of the placeholder tokens surrounded by <> brackets.


A resource's properties.configuration object includes the following properties:

Property Description Data type
triggerType The type of trigger for a Container Apps job. For specific configuration for each trigger type, see Jobs trigger types string
replicaTimeout The timeout in seconds for a Container Apps job. integer
replicaRetryLimit The number of times to retry a Container Apps job. integer


A resource's properties.template object includes the following properties:

Property Description Data type
containers Configuration object that defines what container images are included in the job. object
scale Configuration object that defines scale rules for the job. object


The following example ARM template snippet deploys a Container Apps job.

  "identity": {
    "userAssignedIdentities": {
      "/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourcegroups/my-rg/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/my-user": {
    "type": "UserAssigned"
  "properties": {
    "environmentId": "/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.App/managedEnvironments/demokube",
    "configuration": {
      "replicaTimeout": 10,
      "replicaRetryLimit": 10,
      "manualTriggerConfig": {
        "replicaCompletionCount": 1,
        "parallelism": 4
      "triggerType": "Manual"
    "template": {
      "containers": [
          "image": "repo/testcontainerAppsJob0:v1",
          "name": "testcontainerAppsJob0",
          "probes": [
              "type": "Liveness",
              "httpGet": {
                "path": "/health",
                "port": 8080,
                "httpHeaders": [
                    "name": "Custom-Header",
                    "value": "Awesome"
              "initialDelaySeconds": 5,
              "periodSeconds": 3
          "volumeMounts": [
              "mountPath": "/myempty",
              "volumeName": "myempty"
              "mountPath": "/myfiles",
              "volumeName": "azure-files-volume"
              "mountPath": "/mysecrets",
              "volumeName": "mysecrets"
      "initContainers": [
          "image": "repo/testcontainerAppsJob0:v4",
          "name": "testinitcontainerAppsJob0",
          "resources": {
            "cpu": 0.2,
            "memory": "100Mi"
          "command": [
          "args": [
            "while true; do echo hello; sleep 10;done"
      "volumes": [
          "name": "myempty",
          "storageType": "EmptyDir"
          "name": "azure-files-volume",
          "storageType": "AzureFile",
          "storageName": "myazurefiles"
          "name": "mysecrets",
          "storageType": "Secret",
          "secrets": [
              "secretRef": "mysecret",
              "path": "mysecret.txt"