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Expire data with Azure Cosmos DB's API for MongoDB


Time-to-live (TTL) functionality allows the database to automatically expire data. Azure Cosmos DB's API for MongoDB utilizes Azure Cosmos DB's core TTL capabilities. Two modes are supported: setting a default TTL value on the whole collection, and setting individual TTL values for each document. The logic governing TTL indexes and per-document TTL values in Azure Cosmos DB's API for MongoDB is the same as in Azure Cosmos DB.

TTL indexes

To enable TTL universally on a collection, a "TTL index" (time-to-live index) needs to be created. The TTL index is an index on the _ts field with an "expireAfterSeconds" value.

MongoShell example:

globaldb:PRIMARY> db.coll.createIndex({"_ts":1}, {expireAfterSeconds: 10})

The command in the above example will create an index with TTL functionality.

The output of the command includes various metadata:

        "_t" : "CreateIndexesResponse",
        "ok" : 1,
        "createdCollectionAutomatically" : true,
        "numIndexesBefore" : 1,
        "numIndexesAfter" : 4

Once the index is created, the database will automatically delete any documents in that collection that haven't been modified in the last 10 seconds.


_ts is an Azure Cosmos DB-specific field and is not accessible from MongoDB clients. It is a reserved (system) property that contains the timestamp of the document's last modification.

Java example:

MongoCollection collection = mongoDB.getCollection("collectionName");
String index = collection.createIndex(Indexes.ascending("_ts"),
new IndexOptions().expireAfter(10L, TimeUnit.SECONDS));

C# example:

var options = new CreateIndexOptions {ExpireAfter = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)}; 
var field = new StringFieldDefinition<BsonDocument>("_ts"); 
var indexDefinition = new IndexKeysDefinitionBuilder<BsonDocument>().Ascending(field); 
await collection.Indexes.CreateOneAsync(indexDefinition, options); 

Set time to live value for a document

Per-document TTL values are also supported. The document(s) must contain a root-level property "ttl" (lower-case), and a TTL index as described above must have been created for that collection. TTL values set on a document overrides the collection's TTL value.

The TTL value must be an int32. Alternatively, an int64 that fits in an int32, or a double with no decimal part that fits in an int32. Values for the TTL property that don't conform to these specifications are allowed but not treated as a meaningful document TTL value.

The TTL value for the document is optional; documents without a TTL value can be inserted into the collection. In this case, the collection's TTL value is honored.

The following documents have valid TTL values. Once the documents are inserted, the document TTL values override the collection's TTL values. So, the documents will be removed after 20 seconds.

globaldb:PRIMARY> db.coll.insert({id:1, location: "Paris", ttl: 20.0}) 
globaldb:PRIMARY> db.coll.insert({id:1, location: "Paris", ttl: NumberInt(20)}) 
globaldb:PRIMARY> db.coll.insert({id:1, location: "Paris", ttl: NumberLong(20)}) 

The following documents have invalid TTL values. The documents are inserted, but the document TTL value won't be honored. So, the documents will be removed after 10 seconds because of the collection's TTL value.

globaldb:PRIMARY> db.coll.insert({id:1, location: "Paris", ttl: 20.5}) //TTL value contains non-zero decimal part. 
globaldb:PRIMARY> db.coll.insert({id:1, location: "Paris", ttl: NumberLong(2147483649)}) //TTL value is greater than Int32.MaxValue (2,147,483,648). 

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