Quickstart: Create an Azure Data Explorer cluster and database
Azure Data Explorer is a fast and highly scalable data exploration service for log and telemetry data. To use Azure Data Explorer, you first create a cluster and then create one or more databases in that cluster. This article covers how to create a free cluster and database or create a full cluster and a database. To decide which is right for you, check the feature comparison.
In this article, the full cluster is created in the Azure portal. You can also create a full cluster and database using C#, Python, Go, the Azure CLI, PowerShell, or an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template. For more information, see Create a cluster and database.
In the Create a free cluster dialog, fill out the cluster details using the following information.
Suggested value
Cluster display name
The display name for your cluster. A unique cluster name will be generated as part of the deployment and the domain name [region].kusto.windows.net is appended to it.
Database name
The name of database to create. The name must be unique within the cluster.
Select location
The location where the cluster will be created.
Review the terms of service and accept them by selecting the corresponding checkbox.
Select Create to provision the cluster. Provisioning typically takes a few minutes.
Create an Azure Data Explorer cluster with a defined set of compute and storage resources in an Azure resource group.
Select the + Create a resource button in the upper-left corner of the portal.
Search for Azure Data Explorer.
Under Azure Data Explorer, select Create.
Fill out the basic cluster details with the following information.
Suggested value
Field description
Your subscription
Select the Azure subscription that you want to use for your cluster.
Resource group
Your resource group
Use an existing resource group or create a new resource group.
Cluster name
A unique cluster name
Choose a unique name that identifies your cluster. The domain name [region].kusto.windows.net is appended to the cluster name you provide. The name can contain only lowercase letters and numbers. It must contain from 4 to 22 characters.
West US or West US 2
Select West US or West US 2 (if using availability zones) for this quickstart. For a production system, select the region that best meets your needs.
Select Dev/Test for this quickstart. For a production system, select the specification that best meets your needs.
Compute specifications
Dev(No SLA)_Standard_E2a_v4
Select Dev(No SLA)_Standard_E2a_v4 for this quickstart. For a production system, select the specification that best meets your needs.
Availability zones
Turning on this feature distributes the cluster storage and compute resources across multiple physical zones within a region for added protection and availability. By default, this feature is turned on if zones are supported in the region. If fewer than 3 zones are available for the compute instances, the portal displays the number of supported zones. Deployment to availability zones is possible when creating the cluster or can be migrated later. Read more about Azure Availability Zones.
Select Review + create to review your cluster details, and on the next screen select Create to provision the cluster. Provisioning typically takes about 10 minutes.
When the deployment is complete, select Go to resource.
If the deployment fails with the error "SubscriptionNotRegistered", retry the operation.
Deployment fails when the Kusto resource provider isn't registered on the subscription described in Azure resource providers and types. When the deployment fails, the Kusto resource provider registers itself on the subscription, and the retry can then succeed.
Create a database
Select the relevant tab to learn how to create a database within your cluster.
The admin field is disabled. New admins can be added after database creation.
Database name
The name of database to create. The name must be unique within the cluster.
Retention period
The number of days that data is guaranteed to be kept available for querying. The period is measured from the time data is ingested.
Cache period
The number of days to keep frequently queried data available in SSD storage or RAM to optimize querying.
Select Create to create the database. Creation typically takes less than a minute. When the process is complete, you're back on the cluster Overview tab.
Run commands in the database
After you created the cluster and database, you can run queries and commands. The database doesn't have data yet, but you can still see how the tools work.
Under Actions, find the Query data panel. Then, select Query. Paste the command .show databases into the query window, then select Run. The result set shows TestDatabase, the only database in the cluster.
Paste the command .show tables into the query window and select Run. This command returns an empty result set because you don't have any tables yet. You'll add a table in the next article in this series.
Under your cluster, select Query. Paste the command .show databases into the query window, then select Run.
The result set shows TestDatabase, the only database in the cluster.
Paste the command .show tables into the query window and select Run.
This command returns an empty result set because you don't have any tables yet. You add a table in the next article in this series.
You can stop and restart a cluster depending on business needs. Stopping the cluster significantly reduces cost as it releases the compute resources, which are the bulk of the overall cluster cost, without deleting the database.
To stop the cluster, at the top of the Overview tab, select Stop.
When the cluster is stopped, data is not available for queries, and you can't ingest new data.
To restart the cluster, at the top of the Overview tab, select Start.
When the cluster is restarted, it takes about 10 minutes for it to become available (like when it was originally provisioned). It takes more time for data to load into the hot cache.
Under Databases, select the trash icon next to the database you'd like to delete.
If you plan to follow other quickstarts and tutorials, keep the resources you created. Otherwise, clean up your resource group, to avoid incurring costs.
In the Azure portal, select Resource groups on the far left, and then select the resource group that contains your Data Explorer cluster.
Select Delete resource group to delete the entire resource group. If using an existing resource group, you can choose to only delete the Data Explorer cluster.