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Access built-in metrics in Azure IoT Edge

Applies to: IoT Edge 1.5 checkmark IoT Edge 1.5 IoT Edge 1.4 checkmark IoT Edge 1.4


IoT Edge 1.5 LTS and IoT Edge 1.4 LTS are supported releases. IoT Edge 1.4 LTS is end of life on November 12, 2024. If you are on an earlier release, see Update IoT Edge.

The IoT Edge runtime components, IoT Edge hub, and IoT Edge agent, produce built-in metrics in the Prometheus exposition format. Access these metrics remotely to monitor and understand the health of an IoT Edge device.

You can use your own solution to access these metrics. Or, you can use the metrics-collector module, which handles collecting the built-in metrics and sending them to Azure Monitor or Azure IoT Hub. For more information, see Collect and transport metrics.

Metrics are automatically exposed by default on port 9600 of the edgeHub and edgeAgent modules (http://edgeHub:9600/metrics and http://edgeAgent:9600/metrics). They aren't port mapped to the host by default.

Access metrics from the host by exposing and mapping the metrics port from the module's createOptions. The example below maps the default metrics port to port 9601 on the host:

  "ExposedPorts": {
    "9600/tcp": {}
  "HostConfig": {
    "PortBindings": {
      "9600/tcp": [
          "HostPort": "9601"

Choose different and unique host port numbers if you are mapping both the edgeHub and edgeAgent's metrics endpoints.


The environment variable httpSettings__enabled should not be set to false for built-in metrics to be available for collection.

Environment variables that can be used to disable metrics are listed in the azure/iotedge repo doc.

Available metrics

Metrics contain tags to help identify the nature of the metric being collected. All metrics contain the following tags:

Tag Description
iothub The hub the device is talking to
edge_device The ID of the current device
instance_number A GUID representing the current runtime. On restart, all metrics are reset. This GUID makes it easier to reconcile restarts.

In the Prometheus exposition format, there are four core metric types: counter, gauge, histogram, and summary. For more information about the different metric types, see the Prometheus metric types documentation.

The quantiles provided for the built-in histogram and summary metrics are 0.1, 0.5, 0.9 and 0.99.

The edgeHub module produces the following metrics:

Name Dimensions Description
edgehub_gettwin_total source (operation source)
id (module ID)
Type: counter
Total number of GetTwin calls
edgehub_messages_received_total route_output (output that sent message)
Type: counter
Total number of messages received from clients
edgehub_messages_sent_total from (message source)
to (message destination)
to_route_input (message destination input)
priority (message priority to destination)
Type: counter
Total number of messages sent to clients or upstream
to_route_input is empty when to is $upstream
edgehub_reported_properties_total target(update target)
Type: counter
Total reported property updates calls
edgehub_message_size_bytes id
Type: summary
Message size from clients
Values may be reported as NaN if no new measurements are reported for a certain period of time (currently 10 minutes); for summary type, corresponding _count and _sum counters are emitted.
edgehub_gettwin_duration_seconds source
Type: summary
Time taken for get twin operations
edgehub_message_send_duration_seconds from
Type: summary
Time taken to send a message
edgehub_message_process_duration_seconds from
Type: summary
Time taken to process a message from the queue
edgehub_reported_properties_update_duration_seconds target
Type: summary
Time taken to update reported properties
edgehub_direct_method_duration_seconds from (caller)
to (receiver)
Type: summary
Time taken to resolve a direct message
edgehub_direct_methods_total from
Type: counter
Total number of direct messages sent
edgehub_queue_length endpoint (message source)
priority (queue priority)
Type: gauge
Current length of edgeHub's queue for a given priority
edgehub_messages_dropped_total reason (no_route, ttl_expiry)
Type: counter
Total number of messages removed because of reason
edgehub_messages_unack_total reason (storage_failure)
Type: counter
Total number of messages unacknowledged because storage failure
edgehub_offline_count_total id Type: counter
Total number of times edgeHub went offline
edgehub_offline_duration_seconds id Type: summary
Time edge hub was offline
edgehub_operation_retry_total id
operation (operation name)
Type: counter
Total number of times edgeHub operations were retried
edgehub_client_connect_failed_total id
reason (not authenticated)
Type: counter
Total number of times clients failed to connect to edgeHub

The edgeAgent module produces the following metrics:

Name Dimensions Description
edgeAgent_total_time_running_correctly_seconds module_name Type: gauge
The amount of time the module was specified in the deployment and was in the running state
edgeAgent_total_time_expected_running_seconds module_name Type: gauge
The amount of time the module was specified in the deployment
edgeAgent_module_start_total module_name, module_version Type: counter
Number of times edgeAgent asked docker to start the module
edgeAgent_module_stop_total module_name, module_version Type: counter
Number of times edgeAgent asked docker to stop the module
edgeAgent_command_latency_seconds command Type: gauge
How long it took docker to execute the given command. Possible commands are: create, update, remove, start, stop, and restart
edgeAgent_iothub_syncs_total Type: counter
Number of times edgeAgent attempted to sync its twin with iotHub, both successful and unsuccessful. This number includes both Agent requesting a twin and Hub notifying of a twin update
edgeAgent_unsuccessful_iothub_syncs_total Type: counter
Number of times edgeAgent failed to sync its twin with iotHub.
edgeAgent_deployment_time_seconds Type: counter
The amount of time it took to complete a new deployment after receiving a change.
edgeagent_direct_method_invocations_count method_name Type: counter
Number of times a built-in edgeAgent direct method is called, such as Ping or Restart.
edgeAgent_host_uptime_seconds Type: gauge
How long the host has been on
edgeAgent_iotedged_uptime_seconds Type: gauge
How long iotedged has been running
edgeAgent_available_disk_space_bytes disk_name, disk_filesystem, disk_filetype Type: gauge
Amount of space left on the disk
edgeAgent_total_disk_space_bytes disk_name, disk_filesystem, disk_filetype Type: gauge
Size of the disk
edgeAgent_used_memory_bytes module_name Type: gauge
Amount of RAM used by all processes
edgeAgent_total_memory_bytes module_name Type: gauge
RAM available
edgeAgent_used_cpu_percent module_name Type: histogram
Percent of cpu used by all processes
edgeAgent_created_pids_total module_name Type: gauge
The number of processes or threads the container has created
edgeAgent_total_network_in_bytes module_name Type: gauge
The number of bytes received from the network
edgeAgent_total_network_out_bytes module_name Type: gauge
The number of bytes sent to network
edgeAgent_total_disk_read_bytes module_name Type: gauge
The number of bytes read from the disk
edgeAgent_total_disk_write_bytes module_name Type: gauge
The number of bytes written to disk
edgeAgent_metadata edge_agent_version, experimental_features, host_information Type: gauge
General metadata about the device. The value is always 0, information is encoded in the tags. Note experimental_features and host_information are json objects. host_information looks like {"OperatingSystemType": "linux", "Architecture": "x86_64", "Version": "1.2.7", "Provisioning": {"Type": "dps.tpm", "DynamicReprovisioning": false, "AlwaysReprovisionOnStartup": false}, "ServerVersion": "20.10.11+azure-3", "KernelVersion": "5.11.0-1027-azure", "OperatingSystem": "Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS", "NumCpus": 2, "Virtualized": "yes"}. Note ServerVersion is the Docker version and Version is the IoT Edge security daemon version.

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