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Schedule data import jobs (preview)

APPLIES TO: Azure CLI ml extension v2 (current) Python SDK azure-ai-ml v2 (current)

In this article, you'll learn how to programmatically schedule data imports and use the schedule UI to do the same. You can create a schedule based on elapsed time. Time-based schedules can be used to take care of routine tasks, such as importing the data regularly to keep them up-to-date. After learning how to create schedules, you'll learn how to retrieve, update and deactivate them via CLI, SDK, and studio UI.


Schedule data import

To import data on a recurring basis, you must create a schedule. A Schedule associates a data import action, and a trigger. The trigger can either be cron that use cron expression to describe the wait between runs or recurrence that specify using what frequency to trigger job. In each case, you must first define an import data definition. An existing data import, or a data import that is defined inline, works for this. Refer to Create a data import in CLI, SDK and UI.

Create a schedule

Create a time-based schedule with recurrence pattern

APPLIES TO: Azure CLI ml extension v2 (current)

YAML: Schedule for data import with recurrence pattern

$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/schedule.schema.json
name: simple_recurrence_import_schedule
display_name: Simple recurrence import schedule
description: a simple hourly recurrence import schedule

  type: recurrence
  frequency: day #can be minute, hour, day, week, month
  interval: 1 #every day
    hours: [4,5,10,11,12]
    minutes: [0,30]
  start_time: "2022-07-10T10:00:00" # optional - default will be schedule creation time
  time_zone: "Pacific Standard Time" # optional - default will be UTC

import_data: ./my-snowflake-import-data.yaml

YAML: Schedule for data import definition inline with recurrence pattern on managed datastore

$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/schedule.schema.json
name: inline_recurrence_import_schedule
display_name: Inline recurrence import schedule
description: an inline hourly recurrence import schedule

  type: recurrence
  frequency: day #can be minute, hour, day, week, month
  interval: 1 #every day
    hours: [4,5,10,11,12]
    minutes: [0,30]
  start_time: "2022-07-10T10:00:00" # optional - default will be schedule creation time
  time_zone: "Pacific Standard Time" # optional - default will be UTC

  type: mltable
  name: my_snowflake_ds
  path: azureml://datastores/workspacemanagedstore
    type: database
    query: select * from TPCH_SF1.REGION
    connection: azureml:my_snowflake_connection

trigger contains the following properties:

  • (Required) type specifies the schedule type, either recurrence or cron. See the following section for more details.

Next, run this command in the CLI:

> az ml schedule create -f <file-name>.yml


These properties apply to CLI and SDK:

  • (Required) frequency specifies the unit of time that describes how often the schedule fires. Can have values of minute, hour, day, week, or month.

  • (Required) interval specifies how often the schedule fires based on the frequency, which is the number of time units to wait until the schedule fires again.

  • (Optional) schedule defines the recurrence pattern, containing hours, minutes, and weekdays.

    • When frequency equals day, a pattern can specify hours and minutes.
    • When frequency equals week and month, a pattern can specify hours, minutes and weekdays.
    • hours should be an integer or a list, ranging between 0 and 23.
    • minutes should be an integer or a list, ranging between 0 and 59.
    • weekdays a string or list ranging from monday to sunday.
    • If schedule is omitted, the job(s) triggers according to the logic of start_time, frequency and interval.
  • (Optional) start_time describes the start date and time, with a timezone. If start_time is omitted, start_time equals the job creation time. For a start time in the past, the first job runs at the next calculated run time.

  • (Optional) end_time describes the end date and time with a timezone. If end_time is omitted, the schedule continues to trigger jobs until the schedule is manually disabled.

  • (Optional) time_zone specifies the time zone of the recurrence. If omitted, the default timezone is UTC. To learn more about timezone values, see appendix for timezone values.

Create a time-based schedule with cron expression

YAML: Schedule for a data import with cron expression

APPLIES TO: Azure CLI ml extension v2 (current)

YAML: Schedule for data import with cron expression (preview)

$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/schedule.schema.json
name: simple_cron_import_schedule
display_name: Simple cron import schedule
description: a simple hourly cron import schedule

  type: cron
  expression: "0 * * * *"
  start_time: "2022-07-10T10:00:00" # optional - default will be schedule creation time
  time_zone: "Pacific Standard Time" # optional - default will be UTC

import_data: ./my-snowflake-import-data.yaml

YAML: Schedule for data import definition inline with cron expression (preview)

$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/schedule.schema.json
name: inline_cron_import_schedule
display_name: Inline cron import schedule
description: an inline hourly cron import schedule

  type: cron
  expression: "0 * * * *"
  start_time: "2022-07-10T10:00:00" # optional - default will be schedule creation time
  time_zone: "Pacific Standard Time" # optional - default will be UTC

  type: mltable
  name: my_snowflake_ds
  path: azureml://datastores/workspaceblobstore/paths/snowflake/${{name}}
    type: database
    query: select * from TPCH_SF1.REGION
    connection: azureml:my_snowflake_connection

The trigger section defines the schedule details and contains following properties:

  • (Required) type specifies the schedule type is cron.
> az ml schedule create -f <file-name>.yml

The list continues here:

  • (Required) expression uses a standard crontab expression to express a recurring schedule. A single expression is composed of five space-delimited fields:


    • A single wildcard (*), which covers all values for the field. A *, in days, means all days of a month (which varies with month and year).

    • The expression: "15 16 * * 1" in the sample above means the 16:15PM on every Monday.

    • The next table lists the valid values for each field:

      Field Range Comment
      MINUTES 0-59 -
      HOURS 0-23 -
      DAYS - Not supported. The value is ignored and treated as *.
      MONTHS - Not supported. The value is ignored and treated as *.
      DAYS-OF-WEEK 0-6 Zero (0) means Sunday. Names of days also accepted.
    • To learn more about crontab expressions, see Crontab Expression wiki on GitHub.


    DAYS and MONTH are not supported. If you pass one of these values, it will be ignored and treated as *.

  • (Optional) start_time specifies the start date and time with the timezone of the schedule. For example, start_time: "2022-05-10T10:15:00-04:00" means the schedule starts from 10:15:00AM on 2022-05-10 in the UTC-4 timezone. If start_time is omitted, the start_time equals the schedule creation time. For a start time in the past, the first job runs at the next calculated run time.

  • (Optional) end_time describes the end date, and time with a timezone. If end_time is omitted, the schedule continues to trigger jobs until the schedule is manually disabled.

  • (Optional) time_zonespecifies the time zone of the expression. If omitted, the timezone is UTC by default. See appendix for timezone values.


  • Currently, Azure Machine Learning v2 scheduling doesn't support event-based triggers.
  • Use the Azure Machine Learning SDK/CLI v2 to specify a complex recurrence pattern that contains multiple trigger timestamps. The UI only displays the complex pattern and doesn't support editing.
  • If you set the recurrence as the 31st day of every month, the schedule won't trigger jobs in months with less than 31 days.

List schedules in a workspace

APPLIES TO: Azure CLI ml extension v2 (current)

az ml schedule list

Check schedule detail

APPLIES TO: Azure CLI ml extension v2 (current)

az ml schedule show -n simple_cron_data_import_schedule

Update a schedule

APPLIES TO: Azure CLI ml extension v2 (current)

az ml schedule update -n simple_cron_data_import_schedule  --set description="new description" --no-wait


To update more than just tags/description, it is recommended to use az ml schedule create --file update_schedule.yml

Disable a schedule

APPLIES TO: Azure CLI ml extension v2 (current)

az ml schedule disable -n simple_cron_data_import_schedule --no-wait

Enable a schedule

APPLIES TO: Azure CLI ml extension v2 (current)

az ml schedule enable -n simple_cron_data_import_schedule --no-wait

Delete a schedule


A schedule must be disabled before deletion. Deletion is an unrecoverable action. After a schedule is deleted, you can never access or recover it.

APPLIES TO: Azure CLI ml extension v2 (current)

az ml schedule delete -n simple_cron_data_import_schedule

RBAC (Role-based-access-control) support

Schedules are generally used for production. To prevent problems, workspace admins may want to restrict schedule creation and management permissions within a workspace.

There are currently three action rules related to schedules, and you can configure them in Azure portal. See how to manage access to an Azure Machine Learning workspace. to learn more.

Action Description Rule
Read Get and list schedules in Machine Learning workspace Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/schedules/read
Write Create, update, disable and enable schedules in Machine Learning workspace Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/schedules/write
Delete Delete a schedule in Machine Learning workspace Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/schedules/delete

Next steps