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Callable declarations

Callable declarations, or callables, declared at a global scope are publicly visible by default; that is, they can be used anywhere in the same project and in a project that references the assembly in which they are declared. Access modifiers allow you to restrict their visibility to the current assembly only, such that implementation details can be changed later on without breaking code that relies on a specific library.

Q# supports two kinds of callables: operations and functions. The topic Operations and Functions elaborates on the distinction between the two. Q# also supports defining templates; for example, type-parameterized implementations for a certain callable. For more information, see Type parameterizations.


Such type-parametrized implementations may not use any language constructs that rely on particular properties of the type arguments; there is currently no way to express type constraints in Q#, or to define specialized implementations for particular type arguments.

Callables and functors

Q# allows specialized implementations for specific purposes; for example, operations in Q# can implicitly or explicitly define support for certain functors, and along with it the specialized implementations to invoke when a specific functor is applied to that callable.

A functor, in a sense, is a factory that defines a new callable implementation that has a specific relation to the callable it was applied to. Functors are more than traditional higher-level functions in that they require access to the implementation details of the callable they have been applied to. In that sense, they are similar to other factories, such as templates. They can be applied to type-parameterized callables as well.

Consider the following operation, ApplyQFT:

    operation ApplyQFT(qs : Qubit[]) : Unit is Adj + Ctl {
        let length = Length(qs);
        Fact(length >= 1, "ApplyQFT: Length(qs) must be at least 1.");
        for i in length - 1..-1..0 {
            for j in 0..i - 1 {
                Controlled R1Frac([qs[i]], (1, j + 1, qs[i - j - 1]));

This operation takes an argument of type Qubit[] and returns a value of type Unit. The annotation is Adj + Ctl in the declaration of ApplyQFT indicates that the operation supports both the Adjoint and the Controlled functor. (For more information, see Operation characteristics). The expression Adjoint ApplyQFT accesses the specialization that implements the adjoint of ApplyQFT, and Controlled ApplyQFT accesses the specialization that implements the controlled version of ApplyQFT. In addition to the original operation's argument, the controlled version of an operation takes an array of control qubits and applies the original operation on the condition that all of these control qubits are in a |1⟩ state.

In theory, an operation for which an adjoint version can be defined should also have a controlled version and vice versa. In practice, however, it may be hard to develop an implementation for one or the other, especially for probabilistic implementations following a repeat-until-success pattern. For that reason, Q# allows you to declare support for each functor individually. However, since the two functors commute, an operation that defines support for both also has to have an implementation (usually implicitly defined, meaning compiler-generated) for when both functors are applied to the operation.

There are no functors that can be applied to functions. Functions currently have exactly one body implementation and no further specializations. For example, the declaration

    function Hello (name : String) : String {
        $"Hello, {name}!"

is equivalent to

    function Hello (name : String) : String {
        body ... {
            $"Hello, {name}!"

Here, body specifies that the given implementation applies to the default body of the function Hello, meaning the implementation is invoked when no functors or other factory mechanisms have been applied prior to invocation. The three dots in body ... correspond to a compiler directive indicating that the argument items in the function declaration should be copy and pasted into this spot.

The reasons behind explicitly indicating where the arguments of the parent callable declaration are to be copied and pasted are twofold: one, it is unnecessary to repeat the argument declaration, and two, it ensures that functors that require additional arguments, like the Controlled functor, can be introduced in a consistent manner.

When there is exactly one specialization defining the implementation of the default body, the additional wrapping of the form body ... { <implementation> } may be omitted.


Q# callables can be directly or indirectly recursive and can be declared in any order; an operation or function may call itself, or it may call another callable that directly or indirectly calls the caller.

When running on quantum hardware, stack space may be limited, and recursions that exceed that stack space limit result in a runtime error.