
Споделяне чрез

azcopy jobs list

Displays information on all jobs.


azcopy jobs list [flags]


-h, --help help for list --with-status (string) List the jobs with given status, available values: All, Canceled, Failed, InProgress, Completed, CompletedWithErrors, CompletedWithFailures, CompletedWithErrorsAndSkipped (default "All")

Options inherited from parent commands

--cap-mbps (float) Caps the transfer rate, in megabits per second. Moment-by-moment throughput might vary slightly from the cap. If this option is set to zero, or it is omitted, the throughput isn't capped.

--output-type (string) Format of the command's output. The choices include: text, json. The default value is 'text'. (default "text")

--trusted-microsoft-suffixes (string) Specifies additional domain suffixes where Microsoft Entra login tokens may be sent. The default is '.core.windows.net;.core.chinacloudapi.cn;.core.cloudapi.de;.core.usgovcloudapi.net;*.storage.azure.net'. Any listed here are added to the default. For security, you should only put Microsoft Azure domains here. Separate multiple entries with semi-colons.

See also