BKK Futar (Independent Publisher) (Preview)

Get and search planned and real-time information from the BKK FUTAR system - public transportation of Budapest - regarding journeys, vehicles, stops and many more!
This connector is available in the following products and regions:
Service | Class | Regions |
Logic Apps | Standard | All Logic Apps regions except the following: - Azure Government regions - Azure China regions - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Automate | Premium | All Power Automate regions except the following: - US Government (GCC) - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Apps | Premium | All Power Apps regions except the following: - US Government (GCC) - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Contact | |
Name | Fördős András |
fordosa90+ipc_bkk@gmail.com |
Connector Metadata | |
Publisher | Fördős András |
Website | https://opendata.bkk.hu/data-sources |
Privacy policy | https://bkk.hu/en/about-bkk/data-management-information/ |
Categories | Data |
The connector supports the following authentication types:
Default | Parameters for creating connection. | All regions | Not shareable |
Applicable: All regions
Parameters for creating connection.
This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
API Key | securestring | The API Key for this api | True |
Name | Calls | Renewal Period |
API calls per connection | 100 | 60 seconds |
Get arrivals and departures for stop |
List arrivals and departures for selected stop |
Get Bicycle Rental Stations |
Get information about Bicycle Rental Stations |
Get references |
Retrieve ID based references. |
Get schedule for stop |
List the schedule for a selected stop |
Get stops for location |
List stops for a selected location, or all stops |
Get vehicles for stop |
List vehicles, which are on a route containing the selected stop |
Search Alerts |
List active disturbances corresponding to the search criteria |
List arrivals and departures for selected stop
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Minutes before
minutesBefore | integer |
Start of relevant time interval for query, substracted from 'time' parameter. |
Minutes after
minutesAfter | string |
End of relevant time interval for query, added to the 'time' parameter. |
Stop ID
stopId | True | string |
Stop ID to query data for, such as 'BKK_F01227'. |
Include Route ID
includeRouteId | string |
List of comma separated route IDs to filter results. |
time | integer |
Timestamp (epoch seconds) used for the query, defaulted to server time. |
Only departures
onlyDepartures | boolean |
Indicate, whether return results with or without arrivals. |
limit | integer |
Maximum number of returned results, defaulted to 60. |
lat | float |
Latitude information of the location. |
lon | float |
Longitude information of the location. |
radius | integer |
Radius of location around lat and lon coordinates. |
query | string |
Query expression used to filter results. |
Minimum results
minResult | integer |
The minimum number of elements returned. |
Include References
includeReferences | string |
Define the type of references. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Current Time
currentTime | TimeResponse |
Current server time in milliseconds. |
version | VersionResponse |
Version of the API. |
status | StatusResponse |
Response status. |
code | CodeResponse |
The response status code. |
text | TextResponse |
The detailed response text related to the status code. |
Limit Exceeded
data.limitExceeded | LimitExceededResponse |
Indication, whether response contains more elements than the defined limit. |
Stop ID
data.entry.stopId | string |
The identification of the Stop. |
Route IDs
data.entry.routeIds | array of string |
An array of the route IDs belonging to the stop. |
Alert IDs
data.entry.alertIds | array of string |
An array of the alert IDs belonging to the stop. |
Nearby Stop IDs
data.entry.nearbyStopIds | array of string |
An array of the nearby Stop IDs. |
Stop Time
data.entry.stopTimes | array of object |
The stop schedule relevant for given stop. |
Stop ID
data.entry.stopTimes.stopId | string |
Identification of the Stop. |
Stop Headsign
data.entry.stopTimes.stopHeadsign | string |
The indicated destination in the stop. |
Arrival Time
data.entry.stopTimes.arrivalTime | integer |
The planned arrival time in epoch seconds. |
Departure Time
data.entry.stopTimes.departureTime | integer |
The planned departure time in epoch seconds |
Predicted Arrival
data.entry.stopTimes.predictedArrivalTime | integer |
Predicted arrival time in epoch seconds, if the trip has realtime data. |
Predicted Departure
data.entry.stopTimes.predictedDepartureTime | integer |
Predicted departure time in epoch seconds, if the trip has realtime data. |
data.entry.stopTimes.uncertain | boolean |
Indication, whether the realtime data for the trip is uncertain. |
Trip ID
data.entry.stopTimes.tripId | string |
The relevant Trip ID for this entry. |
Service Date
data.entry.stopTimes.serviceDate | string |
The service date of the Trip, expressed in YYYYMMDD format. |
Wheelchair Accessible
data.entry.stopTimes.wheelchairAccessible | boolean |
Indication, whether the Trip is wheelchair accessible. |
May Require Booking
data.entry.stopTimes.mayRequireBooking | boolean |
Indication, whether at least one of the next stops of the trip requires booking. |
Alert IDs
data.entry.stopTimes.alertIds | array of string |
The relevant alert IDs for the stop. |
data.references | ReferencesResponse |
Relevant reference details. |
Get information about Bicycle Rental Stations
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Include References
includeReferences | string |
Define the type of references. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Current Time
currentTime | TimeResponse |
Current server time in milliseconds. |
version | VersionResponse |
Version of the API. |
status | StatusResponse |
Response status. |
code | CodeResponse |
The response status code. |
text | TextResponse |
The detailed response text related to the status code. |
data.list | array of object | |
Bike station ID
data.list.id | string |
Bike station ID. |
data.list.lat | double |
Latitude information of the station. |
data.list.lon | double |
Longitude information of the station |
data.list.name | string |
Name of the bike station. |
data.list.code | string |
Code of the bike station. |
data.list.type | string |
Type of the bike station. |
data.list.bikes | integer |
Number of available bikes at the station. |
Limit Exceeded
data.limitExceeded | LimitExceededResponse |
Indication, whether response contains more elements than the defined limit. |
data.references | ReferencesResponse |
Relevant reference details. |
Retrieve ID based references.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Agency ID
agencyId | string |
ID of agency, e.g.: 'BKK'. |
Alert ID
alertId | string |
ID of an alert. |
Rpute ID
routeId | string |
ID of a route. |
Stop ID
stopId | string |
ID of a stop, e.g.: 'BKK_F01227'. |
Include References
includeReferences | string |
Define the type of references. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Current Time
currentTime | TimeResponse |
Current server time in milliseconds. |
version | VersionResponse |
Version of the API. |
status | StatusResponse |
Response status. |
code | CodeResponse |
The response status code. |
text | TextResponse |
The detailed response text related to the status code. |
Agency IDs.
data.entry.errors.agencyIds | array of string |
Array of agency IDs whose resolution was unsuccessful. |
Alert IDs
data.entry.errors.alertIds | array of string |
Array of alerts IDs whose resolution was unsuccessful. |
Route IDs
data.entry.errors.routeIds | array of string |
Array of agency IDs whose resolution was unsuccessful. |
Stop IDs
data.entry.errors.stopIds | array of string |
Array of stop IDs whose resolution was unsuccessful. |
Limit Exceeded
data.limitExceeded | LimitExceededResponse |
Indication, whether response contains more elements than the defined limit. |
data.references | ReferencesResponse |
Relevant reference details. |
List the schedule for a selected stop
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Stop ID
stopId | True | string |
Stop ID to query data for, such as 'BKK_F01227'. |
date | string |
The requested date in YYYYMMDD format, such as 20230131, defaulted to today. |
Only departures
onlyDepartures | boolean |
Indicate, whether return results with or without arrivals. |
Include References
includeReferences | string |
Define the type of references. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Current Time
currentTime | TimeResponse |
Current server time in milliseconds. |
version | VersionResponse |
Version of the API. |
status | StatusResponse |
Response status. |
code | CodeResponse |
The response status code. |
text | TextResponse |
The detailed response text related to the status code. |
Stop ID
data.entry.stopId | string |
Unique ID of the requested stop. |
data.entry.date | string |
Date of the requested schedule in YYYYMMDD format, such as 20230130. |
Route IDs
data.entry.routeIds | array of string |
Array of related route IDs for the schedule. |
Nearby stop IDs
data.entry.nearbyStopIds | array of string |
Array of nearby stop IDs. |
Alert IDs
data.entry.alertIds | array of string |
Array of related alert IDs for the stop |
data.entry.schedules | array of object |
Array of schedules related to the stop. |
Route ID
data.entry.schedules.routeId | string |
Relevant route ID for the schedule. |
Alert IDs
data.entry.schedules.alertIds | array of string |
Array of relevant alert IDs |
data.entry.schedules.directions | array of object |
Array of schedule data grouped by direction. |
Direction ID
data.entry.schedules.directions.directionId | string |
Identification of the direction. |
data.entry.schedules.directions.groups | object |
Combining the target stop and schedule details. |
Stop times
data.entry.schedules.directions.stopTimes | array of object |
Array of stop times and related details within the schedule. |
Stop time
data.entry.schedules.directions.stopTimes | object |
Details of a stop time within schedule. |
Limit Exceeded
data.limitExceeded | LimitExceededResponse |
Indication, whether response contains more elements than the defined limit. |
data.references | ReferencesResponse |
Relevant reference details. |
List stops for a selected location, or all stops
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
lat | float |
Latitude of the requested location, for example '47.497313'. If empty, returns all stops. |
lon | float |
Longitude of the requested location, for example '19.064639'. If empty, returns all stops. |
Latitude span
latSpan | float |
Latitude span for the requested location (lat +/- latSpan), for example '0.01336'. |
Longitude span
lonSpan | float |
Longitude span for the requested location (lon +/- lonSpan), for example '0.0321'. |
radius | integer |
If latSpan or lonSpan are missing, search area is defined by adding radius (meters) to location. |
Minimum results
minResult | integer |
The minimum number of elements returned. |
Include References
includeReferences | string |
Define the type of references. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Current Time
currentTime | TimeResponse |
Current server time in milliseconds. |
version | VersionResponse |
Version of the API. |
status | StatusResponse |
Response status. |
code | CodeResponse |
The response status code. |
text | TextResponse |
The detailed response text related to the status code. |
data.list | array of object | |
data.list.id | string |
Unique identification of the stop. |
data.list.vertex | string |
The journey planner identification of the stop. |
data.list.lat | double |
Latitude of the stop. |
data.list.lon | double |
Longitude of the stop. |
data.list.name | string |
Name of the stop. |
data.list.code | string |
Code of the stop. |
data.list.direction | string |
Direction of the stop, for example '-47'. |
Platform code
data.list.platformCode | string |
Platform code of the stop. |
data.list.description | string |
Description of the stop. |
Location type
data.list.locationType | integer |
The location type of the stop. |
Location subtype
data.list.locationSubType | string |
Location subtype of the stop. |
Parent station id
data.list.parentStationId | string |
Unique ID of the parent station. |
Wheelchair boarding
data.list.wheelchairBoarding | boolean |
Is the stop wheelchair accessible? |
Route IDs
data.list.routeIds | array of string |
Array of all routes containing the stop. |
Alert IDs
data.list.alertIds | array of string |
Array of active alert IDs related to the stop. |
Limit Exceeded
data.limitExceeded | LimitExceededResponse |
Indication, whether response contains more elements than the defined limit. |
data.references | ReferencesResponse |
Relevant reference details. |
List vehicles, which are on a route containing the selected stop
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Stop ID
stopId | True | string |
Stop ID to query data for, such as 'BKK_F01227'. |
If modified since (unix)
ifModifiedSince | integer |
Return data, that has been modified since the UNIX timestamp. |
Include References
includeReferences | string |
Define the type of references. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Current Time
currentTime | TimeResponse |
Current server time in milliseconds. |
version | VersionResponse |
Version of the API. |
status | StatusResponse |
Response status. |
code | CodeResponse |
The response status code. |
text | TextResponse |
The detailed response text related to the status code. |
data.list | array of object | |
Vehicle ID
data.list.vehicleId | string |
Identification of the vehicle. |
Stop ID
data.list.stopId | string |
Identification of the stop. |
Stop sequence
data.list.stopSequence | integer |
Sequence of the current stop on the route of the vehicle. |
Route ID
data.list.routeId | string |
Identification of the route. |
data.list.bearing | float |
Bearing of the vehicle. |
data.list.location.lat | float |
Latitude information of the vehicle. |
data.list.location.lon | float |
Longitude information of the vehicle |
License plate
data.list.licensePlate | string |
The license plate of the vehicle. |
data.list.label | string |
Label information for the vehicle. |
data.list.deviated | boolean |
True, if the vehicle has deviated from route. |
Last update time
data.list.lastUpdateTime | integer |
Timestamp (unix) of the last available real-time data for the vehicle. |
data.list.status | string |
Status of the vehicle, such as INCOMING_AT. |
Stop distance percent
data.list.stopDistancePercent | integer |
Where is the vehicle between 2 stops, in percentage. |
Wheelchair accessible
data.list.wheelchairAccessible | boolean |
True, if the vehicle is accessible with wheelchair. |
data.list.capacity | object |
Capacity details of the vehicle. |
data.list.occupancy | object |
Occupancy details of the vehicle. |
Trip ID
data.list.tripId | string |
Unique identification of the trip. |
data.list.vertex | string |
Unique identification of the trip for journey planner |
Limit Exceeded
data.limitExceeded | LimitExceededResponse |
Indication, whether response contains more elements than the defined limit. |
data.references | ReferencesResponse |
Relevant reference details. |
List active disturbances corresponding to the search criteria
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
query | string |
A query string matched against disturbance title, description or identification. |
start | integer |
Start of time interval (epoch seconds) for the search. |
end | integer |
End of time interval (epoch seconds) for the search. |
Minimum results
minResult | integer |
The minimum number of elements returned. |
Include References
includeReferences | string |
Define the type of references. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Current Time
currentTime | TimeResponse |
Current server time in milliseconds. |
version | VersionResponse |
Version of the API. |
status | StatusResponse |
Response status. |
code | CodeResponse |
The response status code. |
text | TextResponse |
The detailed response text related to the status code. |
Limit Exceeded
data.limitExceeded | LimitExceededResponse |
Indication, whether response contains more elements than the defined limit. |
Stop IDs
data.entry.stopIds | array of string |
Array of found relevant stop IDs. |
Route IDs
data.entry.routeIds | array of string |
Array of found relevant route IDs. |
Alert IDs
data.entry.alertIds | array of string |
Array of found relevant alert IDs. |
data.references | ReferencesResponse |
Relevant reference details. |
The detailed response text related to the status code.
The detailed response text related to the status code.
- Text
- string
Indication, whether response contains more elements than the defined limit.
Indication, whether response contains more elements than the defined limit.
- Limit Exceeded
- boolean
Relevant reference details.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
agencies | object | |
routes | object | |
stops | object | |
trips | object | |
alerts | object |