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StaffCircle (Preview)

StaffCircle is an employee success platform which combines company culture with Performance Management in order to create high performing teams even in distributed work environments. StafffCircle includes Objective, Reviews, Values and Feedback linked to your competency framework. Drive engagement and performance with deep insight.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name StaffCircle Support
URL https://www.staffcircle.com/contact-us/
Email support@staffcircle.com
Connector Metadata
Publisher StaffCircle
Website https://www.staffcircle.com/
Privacy Policy https://www.staffcircle.com/privacy-policy/
Categories Communication;Human Resources

StaffCircle helps organisations manage their remote workforce by improving performance management, Comms and Culture. You can connect to StaffCircle to manage your one2one reviews, performance objectives, okrs, real-time feedback, awards and recognition. You can perform various actions like create or update performance objectives, assign awards, create articles and alerts, update user information and much more.


To use this connector you will need to have access to a StaffCircle account. StaffCircle is a paid for subscription plan. If you do not have access to a StaffCircle account you can find more details here.

How to get credentials

If you have access to a StaffCircle account you already have the credentials you need to start using this connector. When creating a connection for the StaffCircle connector you will be prompted to enter your username and password. Any StaffCircle account credentials can be used here. It is important to note that the connector will run in the context of the credentials provided, this includes taking into account of security permissions. This means that you must make sure that the StaffCircle account you use has the correct permissions to perform the action your are triggering in the connector.

Getting started with your connector

Getting started with the StaffCircle connector is easy, you just need a StaffCircle account. Your user credentials can be used to create a connection to the StaffCircle connector. Once done, you can use one of our triggers defined in the connector to start triggering automated workflows from events occurring inside your StaffCircle instance.

Here are some example workflows

  • Trigger a workflow when an article is published in StaffCircle and send a notification about the article to a chat application such as Slack.
  • Trigger a workflow when a new staff member is added to StaffCircle and drive an onboarding process that might include communications such as emails to the new staff member.

StaffCircle has many webhooks which aren't all exposed in the connector as triggers. If you can't find a trigger to suit your needs please consider viewing our webhooks. Our webhooks can be found within the StaffCircle web application under the integration section of settings. You can use the flow trigger "When a HTTP request is received" to generate a URL that can be given to the StaffCircle webhook to trigger a workflow.

An example of such a workflow would be

  • When a holiday request is made for a staff member create an outlook Calendar event.

StaffCircle has made available a collection of actions to help improve communication and objective management within a business. Actions such as "Create a new alert" can be used to trigger sending out messages across multiple channels that StaffCircle supports such as email, sms, MS Teams, In App and Push Notifications. This helps keep your teams informed of important events occuring in other applications.

The Objective actions can be used to automate tracking of KPIs. As events occur in other applications, for example winning an opportunity, you can update your objectives that are set in StaffCircle with the value of the deal.

StaffCircle has provided convenience actions such as "Get Person by email" to help make it easy to link staff members to other actions such as "Create a new task"


If you are experiencing difficulties setting up the StaffCircle connector or require functionality to meet your business needs please contact us at support@staffcircle.com

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Create a new alert

Creates a new alert that can be distributed to StaffCircle users via multiple communication channels

Create a new article

Creates a new article that can be distributed to StaffCircle users via multiple communication channels

Create a new objective

Creates a new objective

Create a new objective by template

Creates a new objective using an objective template

Create a new Person

Creates a Person

Create a new task

Creates a new task and assigns it to a user

Get Person by email

Attempts to find a person record by email

Search for objectives

Search for objectives

Update an objective score

Updates an objective with a new score and a description

Create a new alert

Creates a new alert that can be distributed to StaffCircle users via multiple communication channels


Name Key Required Type Description
title True string

The title of the alert

priority True string

What priority is the alert

summary string

The main content of the alert

Send To Everyone
everyone boolean

Should this alert be sent to all users in the company

Send To Department Tags
departmentTags string

A comma separated list of department tags who should receive the alert. Do not use if Send To Everyone is set to true

Send To People Tags
peopleTags string

A comma separated list of people tags who should receive the alert. Do not use if Send To Everyone is set to true

Send To Group Tags
groupTags string

A comma separated list of group tags who should receive the alert. Do not use if Send To Everyone is set to true

Send To Site Tags
siteTags string

A comma separated list of site tags who should receive the alert. Do not use if Send To Everyone is set to true

Send Push Notifications
push boolean

Whether to notify users through push notifications

Send SMS Notifications
sms boolean

Whether to notify users through SMS notifications

Send Email Notification
email boolean

Whether to send the alert notification by email

Send In App Notification
inApp boolean

Whether to notify users through in app notifications

Send Microsoft Teams Notification
teams boolean

Whether to notify users through Microsoft Teams notifications


Name Path Type Description
id integer

The identifier for the alert

Create a new article

Creates a new article that can be distributed to StaffCircle users via multiple communication channels


Name Key Required Type Description
title True string

The Title of the Article. Max Length 250 characters

priority True string

What is the priority of the article

Article Type
articleType True string

The type of article that is to be created

HTML Content
htmlContent True string

The main HTML content for the article.

Article Image URL
mainImageUrl string

The URL to an image that will be used as the articles main image in the feed.

summary string

A Summary of the article. Defaults to first 500 chars of Html content if not provided.

tag True string

The tag associated to the article. Max characters 250

Channel ID
channelId integer

What channel will the article be published to. If left blank then will be set to the default feed

Send Push Notifications
push boolean

Whether to notify users about the article by push notifications

Send SMS Notifications
sms boolean

Whether to notify users about the article by SMS notifications

Send Email Notifications
email boolean

Whether to notify users about the article by email notifications

Send In App Notifications
inApp boolean

Whether to notify users about the article by in app notifications

Send Teams Notifications
teams boolean

Whether to notify users about the article by Microsoft Teams notifications

Allow Likes
allowLikes boolean

Can users like the article. Default true

Allow Comments
allowComments boolean

Can users comment on the article. Default true.

Allow Images In Comments
allowImagesInComments boolean

Whether images are allowed in comments

Pin From Date
pinFromDate date-time

Should the article be pinned. If so give a date. Required If Pin Duration Hours provided

Pin Duration Hours
pinDurationHours integer

How many hours after the Pin From Date should the article remain pinned. Required If Pin From Date is provided.

Publication Scheduled Date Time
scheduledDateTime string

Should this article be scheduled for publication in the future.

Publish Immediately
publishImmediately boolean

Should this article be published straight away

Publish User ID
publishAsUserId integer

If not the user making the API call which user should this be made on behalf of.


Name Path Type Description
id integer

The identifier for the article that has been created

Create a new objective

Creates a new objective


Name Key Required Type Description
categoryId True integer

The linked objective competency

title True string

The name of the new objective.

description True string

The description of the new objective.

Start Date
startDate True date-time

From when the objective is being measured

End Date
endDate True date-time

The deadline for the objective

Value Type
valueType True string

Defines how the objective is measured

tag string

A text tag, for use in searches and reporting.

Manager Email
managerEmail string

The email of the manager responsible for tracking the objective. Automatically defaults to the Persons or Departments manager. Required if the Person or Department has no manager or the objective is a company objective. Used if Manager ID not provided

Manager ID
managerId integer

The manager responsible for tracking the objective. Automatically defaults to the Persons or Departments manager. Required if the Person or Department has no manager or the objective is a company objective. Used if Manager Email not provided

Person Email
personEmail string

The email address of the person who the objective is for. Required to create a personal objective. If no Department or Person is provided then the objective is assumed to be a company objective

Person ID
personId integer

The ID of the person who the objective is for. Required to create a personal objective. If no Department or Person is provided then the objective is assumed to be a company objective

Department Name
departmentName string

The name of the department who the objective is for. Required to create a departmental objective. If no Department or Person is provided then the objective is assumed to be a company objective

Department ID
departmentId integer

The ID of the department who the objective is for. Required to create a departmental objective. If no Department or Person is provided then the objective is assumed to be a company objective

Company Objective ID
companyObjectiveId integer

An optional link to a company objective that the newly created objective relates to

Department Objective ID
departmentObjectiveId integer

An optional link to a departmental objective that the newly created objective relates to

Start Value
startValue double

Defines how the objective is measured

target double

The target value to be reached for the objective to be completed successfully

Allow Add Progress
allowAddProgress boolean

If true allows a person to add progress themselves, otherwise only the specified manager may update the objective. Default: false.

Recur Type
recurType string

If provided then objective is recurring. Defines unit of time for recurrence.

Recur Interval
recurInterval integer

How many days/weeks/months/years will the objective recur. Required if objective recurs.

Cumulative Progress
cumulativeProgress boolean

Specifies if when adding progress from the StaffCircle front end progress is added as an incremental value.

Send Push Notification
push boolean

Sends push notifications.

Send SMS Notification
sms boolean

Send SMS notifications

Send Email Notification
email boolean

Sends Email Updates

Send Teams Notification
teams boolean

Sends updates via Microsoft teams if teams integration is enabled

Send In App Notification
inApp boolean

Sends InApp notifications

Allows Likes
allowLikes boolean

Allow users to like comments on the objective

Allow Comments
allowComments boolean

Allow comments on the objective

Allow Images In Comments
allowImagesInComments boolean

All images to be attached to comments.

Allow Documents
allowDocuments boolean

Allow documents to be attached to comments


Name Path Type Description
Objective ID
id integer

The objective identifier

Create a new objective by template

Creates a new objective using an objective template


Name Key Required Type Description
Objective Template
objectiveTemplateId True integer

Creates a new objective from an objective template

Start Date
startDate True date-time

From when the objective is being measured

End Date
endDate True date-time

The deadline for the objective

Person Email
personEmail string

The email address of the person who the objective is for. Required to create a personal objective. If no Department or Person is provided then the objective is assumed to be a company objective

Person ID
personId integer

The ID of the person who the objective is for. Required to create a personal objective. If no Department or Person is provided then the objective is assumed to be a company objective

Department Name
departmentName string

The name of the department who the objective is for. Required to create a departmental objective. If no Department or Person is provided then the objective is assumed to be a company objective

Department ID
departmentId integer

The ID of the department who the objective is for. Required to create a departmental objective. If no Department or Person is provided then the objective is assumed to be a company objective

Manager Email
managerEmail string

The email of the manager responsible for tracking the objective. Automatically defaults to the Persons or Departments manager. Required if the Person or Department has no manager or the objective is a company objective. Used if Manager ID not provided

title string

Overrides the name of the new objective.

description string

Overrides the description of the new objective.

Manager ID
managerId integer

The manager responsible for tracking the objective. Automatically defaults to the Persons or Departments manager. Required if the Person or Department has no manager or the objective is a company objective. Used if Manager Email not provided

Company Objective ID
companyObjectiveId integer

An optional link to a company objective that the newly created objective relates to

Department Objective ID
departmentObjectiveId integer

An optional link to a departmental objective that the newly created objective relates to


Name Path Type Description
Objective ID
id integer

The identifier of the created objective

Create a new Person

Creates a Person


Name Key Required Type Description
First Name
firstName True string

The person's first name

Second Name
secondName True string

The person's second name

email True string

The person's work email address

mobile True string

The person's mobile phone number

Date of Birth
dateOfBirth True date

The person's date of birth

Start Date
startDate True string

When the person's employment started

Address Line 1
addressLine1 string

The person's first line of their home address

Address Line 2
addressLine2 string

The person's second line of their home address

town string

The person's town of residence

postCode string

The person's postcode

County Name
countyName string

The person's county of residence

Country Name
countryName string

The person's country of residence

Title Name
titleName string

The person's title

Middle Name
middleName string

The person's middle name

Personal Email
homeEmail string

The person's personal email address

Home Phone
homeTelephone string

The person's home phone number

tag string

The tag that can be used to reference the person throughout the StaffCircle platform

Manager Email
managerEmail string

The person's manager email address. This can be used to link a manager to a person

Department Name
departmentName string

The name of the department that the person belongs to

Role Name
roleName string

The person's role. This can be used to link a role to a person

Known As
knownAs string

The name the person's prefers to be known as

Profile Picture URL
avatarURL string

The person's profile picture

Title ID
titleId integer

The person's title

County ID
countyId integer

The person's county of residence

Country ID
countryId integer

The person's country of residence

Gender ID
genderId integer

The person's gender identifier

Nationality ID
nationalityId integer

The person's nationality

Ethnicity ID
ethnicityId integer

The person's ethnicity

Marital Status ID
maritalStatusId integer

The person's Marital Status

Manager ID
managerId integer

The person's manager identifier (Only Manager ID or Manager Email can be entered)

Department ID
departmentId integer

The person's department identifier (Only Department ID or Department Name can be entered)

Role ID
roleId integer

The person's employment role identifier (Only Role ID or Role Name can be entered)

Site ID
mainSiteId integer

The site identifier that the person belongs to

Emergency Contact Consent
emergencyContactConsent boolean

Whether the emergency contact has given consent to save their details

Emergency Contact Name
emergencyContactName string

The name of the person's emergency contact

Emergency Contact Relationship ID
emergencyRelationshipId integer

The relationship between the emergency contact and the person

Emergency Contact Telephone
emergencyContactTelephone string

The telephone number of the person's emergency contact

Emergency Address
emergencyAddress string

The persons emergency address

Next Of Kin Name
nextOfKinName string

The name of the person's next of kin

Next Of Kin Relationship ID
nextOfKinRelationshipId integer

The relationship between the next of kin and the person

Next Of Kin Telephone
nextOfKinTelephone string

The person's next of kin telephone number

Dialing Code
dialingCode string

International dialing code for the person's telephone number

Work Extension
workExtension string

The person's work extension number

Work Telephone
telephone string

The person's work telephone number

Personal Mobile
personalMobile string

The person's personal mobile number

Status ID
statusId integer

The person's StaffCircle account status

Employment Type ID
employmentTypeId integer

The person's employment type

Contract Type ID
contractTypeId integer

The person's contract

Contract Expiry
contractExpiry date

The date the people's employment contract expires

Employment Status
employmentStatusId integer

The person's employment status

Secondary Employment Status
secondaryEmploymentStatusId integer

The linked secondary employment status

Employment Notes
employmentNotes string

Employment notes regarding the person

Medical Notes
medicalNotes string

Any important medical notes associated to the person

Is Personal Data Enabled
isPersonalDataEnabled boolean

Whether personal data is enabled or not

Is Contact Data Enabled
isContactDataEnabled boolean

Whether Contact Data is enabled or not

Time Zone
timeZone string

The time zone that the person lives in


Name Path Type Description
Person ID
id integer

The identifier of the person

Create a new task

Creates a new task and assigns it to a user


Name Key Required Type Description
title True string

The title of the task

Priority ID
priorityId integer

Priority of the task. Required if Not derived from the Task Group

description string

Description given to the task

formId True integer

The worksheet used in the task

Due Date
dueDate date-time

Date the task is due for completion

Assigned To ID
assignedToId integer

Who is the task assigned to. Can't be used if passing Assigned To Email

Manager ID
managerId integer

Who is managing the task. Can't be used if passing Manager Email

Task Group ID
taskGroupId True integer

The task group that the task is assigned to

Assigned To Email
assignedToEmail string

Email of who the task is assigned to. Cant be used if passing Assigned To Id

Manager Email
managerEmail string

Email of who is managing the task. Can't be assigned if Manager ID is passed

Task Interval ID
taskIntervalId integer

Id of the task interval. Required if the task recurs

Send Push Notifications
push boolean

Sends push notifications about the task

Send SMS Notifications
sms boolean

Sends sms notifications about the task

Send Email Notifications
email boolean

Sends email notifications about the task

Send Microsoft Teams Notifications
teams boolean

Sends Microsoft Teams notifications about the task

Send In App Notifications
inApp boolean

Sends in app notifications about the task

Allow Likes
allowLikes boolean

Allow users to like comments on the task

Allow Comments
allowComments boolean

Allow comments on the task

Allow Images In Comments
allowImagesInComments boolean

All images to be attached to comments

Allow Documents
allowDocuments boolean

Allow documents to be attached to comments


Name Path Type Description
id integer

The identifier for the task

Get Person by email

Attempts to find a person record by email


Name Key Required Type Description
Search Email
SearchEmail True string

Search By Email


Name Path Type Description
results array of object


results.id integer

The person's ID

First Name
results.firstName string

The person's first name

results.secondName string

The person's surname

Known As
results.knownAs string

What name the person likes to be known as

results.email string

The Person's email address

Dialing Code
results.dialingCode string

The dialing code for the person's phone number

Mobile Number
results.mobile string

The person's mobile phone number

Main Site ID
results.mainSite.id integer

The id of the main site that the person is associated to

Main Site Name
results.mainSite.name string

The name given to the main site

results.mainSite.description string


results.mainSite.manager string


Manager ID
results.manager.id integer

The mangers id

Managers First Name
results.manager.firstName string

The managers first name

Managers Second Name
results.manager.secondName string

The managers second name

results.active boolean

whether the person is currently active or not

Department ID
results.department.id integer

The id of the department associated to the person

Department Name
results.department.name string

The name given to the department

results.tag string

The tag that represnts the person

Role ID
results.role.id integer

The Role ID

Role Name
results.role.name string

Role Name

Profile Picture
results.avatarURL string

The URL to the person's profile picture

Status ID
results.status.id integer

The record Status ID

Status Name
results.status.name string

The record Status Name

Person Status ID
results.personStatus.id integer

The Person Status ID

Person Status Name
results.personStatus.name string

The Person Status Name

Start Date
results.startDate string

When the person first started work at the organisation

Search for objectives

Search for objectives


Name Key Required Type Description
Search Title
SearchTitle string

Loose string match to search based on title

Person Email
PersonEmail string

The email of the person that the objective is assigned to

Tag string

The tag allocated to the objective

Closed string

If the objective is closed. True if closed otherwise false

Objective Type
ObjectiveType string

The type of objective

From date-time

The objective is active from this time

To date-time

The objective is active from this time

Active At
ActiveAt date-time

The objective is active at this point in time


Name Path Type Description
results array of object


Objective ID
results.id integer

The objective identifier

results.title string

The title given to the objective

results.description string

The description given to the objective

results.tag string

The tag associated to the objective

Objective Type
results.objectiveType string

The type of objective

results.closed boolean

Whether the Objective is closed

Closed Reason
results.closedReason string

The reason why the objective has been closed

Person ID
results.person.id integer

The identifier of the person that the objective is for

Person First Name
results.person.firstName string

The first name of the person the objective is for

Person Family Name
results.person.secondName string

The family name of the of the person of the objective is for

Manager ID
results.manager.id integer

The manager's identifier

Manager First Name
results.manager.firstName string

The manager's first name

Manager Family Name
results.manager.secondName string

The manager's family name

Created By Person Id
results.createdBy.id integer

The identifier of the person that created the objective

Created By Person First Name
results.createdBy.firstName string

The first name of the person that created the objective

Created By Person Family Name
results.createdBy.secondName string

The family name of the person that created the objective

Department ID
results.department.id integer

The department identifier linked to the objective

Department Name
results.department.name string

The name of the department linked to the objective

Department Objective ID
results.departmentObjective.id integer

the identifier of the department objective

Department Objective Title
results.departmentObjective.title string

The department objective title

Department Objective Description
results.departmentObjective.description string

The department Objective Description

Company Objective ID
results.companyObjective.id integer

The company objective identifier

Company Objective Title
results.companyObjective.title string

The company objective title

Company Objective Description
results.companyObjective.description string

The company objective description

Current Progress
results.currentProgress double

Current progress on the objective

Start Date
results.startDate string

From when the objective is being measured

End Date
results.endDate string

The deadline for the objective

Update an objective score

Updates an objective with a new score and a description


Name Key Required Type Description
Objective ID
objectiveId True string

The objective that progress score is to be updated for

value True double

The current total progress

Is Increment
isIncrement boolean

If false then value passed is the current value of the objective. If true then the value should be added to the existing total

description True string

A brief description of the progress made


Name Path Type Description
id integer

The identifier for the objective progress record


When a new absence is added

Triggers when a new absence is added

when a new article is published

Trigger when a new article is published

When a new objective is added

Triggers when a new objective is added

When a new person is added

Triggers when a new person is added

When a new review is added

Triggers when a new review is added

When a new task is added

Triggers when a new task is added

When an objective is updated

Triggers when an objective is updated

When a new absence is added

Triggers when a new absence is added


Name Key Required Type Description
name True string

The name given to the webhook


Name Path Type Description
Record URL
subjectFrontEndUrl string

The URL of the record in StaffCircle

data.id integer

The identifier of the absence

Person ID
data.requestedForPerson.PersonId integer

The identifier of the person that the absence request is for

Person First Name
data.requestedForPerson.FirstName string

The first name of the person that the absence request is for

Person Family Name
data.requestedForPerson.FamilyName string

The family name of the person that the absence request is for

Person Email
data.requestedForPerson.Email string

The email address of the person that the absence request is for

Unit Type
data.unitType string

The absence request unit type (Hours, Days)

Number of hours
data.numberOfHours double

The number of hours that have been request off

Partial Day
data.partialDay string

Whether a partial day has been requested off (Morning, Afternoon)

Start Date
data.start date-time

When the absence starts

End Date
data.end date-time

When the absence comes to an end

Type ID
data.typeId integer

The identifier for the type of absence being requested

data.type string

The type of absence that is being requested

Sub Type ID
data.subTypeId integer

The identifier for the sub type of absence being requested

Policy ID
data.policyId integer

The identifier of the absence policy that the staff member is on

data.reason string

The reason for the absence request

Created On
data.createdAt date-time

When the absence request was made

Created By ID
data.createdByPerson.PersonId integer

The identifier of the person who created the absence request

Created By First Name
data.createdByPerson.FirstName string

The first name of the person who created the absence request

Created By Family Name
data.createdByPerson.FamilyName string

The family name of the person who created the absence request

Created By Email
data.createdByPerson.Email string

The email address of the person who created the absence request

Approval Status
data.approvalDetails.status string

The status of the approval (Pending,Approved,Declined)

Approved On
data.approvalDetails.approvedAt date-time

When the absence was approved

Approval Response
data.approvalDetails.response string

The response given by the approver

Approved By ID
data.approvalDetails.approvedByPerson.PersonId integer

The identifier of the person who approved the absence

Approved By First Name
data.approvalDetails.approvedByPerson.FirstName string

The first name of the person who approved the absence

Approved By Family Name
data.approvalDetails.approvedByPerson.FamilyName string

Thefamily name of the person who approved the absence

Approved By Email
data.approvalDetails.approvedByPerson.Email string

The email address of the person who approved the absence

Manager ID
data.manager.PersonId integer

The identifier of the manager involved in the absence request

Manager First Name
data.manager.FirstName string

The first name of the manager involved in the absence request

Manager Family Name
data.manager.FamilyName string

The family name of the manager involved in the absence request

Manager Email
data.manager.Email string

The email address of the manager involved in the absence request

when a new article is published

Trigger when a new article is published


Name Key Required Type Description
name string



Name Path Type Description
Article URL
subjectFrontEndUrl string

The URL to the article

data.Id integer

The identifier for the article

data.Title string

The title given to the article

data.Summary string

The summary of the article

data.Tag string

The tag associated to the article

Priority Name
data.PriorityName string

The priority of the article

Created On
data.CreatedAt date-time

The date the article was first created

data.AudienceDto.Everyone boolean

Whether the article is being published to everyone

data.AudienceDto.Persons array of object
Person Tag
data.AudienceDto.Persons.Tag string

Target Person Tag

data.AudienceDto.Persons.Id integer

Tag Id

data.AudienceDto.Sites array of object
Site Tag
data.AudienceDto.Sites.Tag string

Target Site Tag

data.AudienceDto.Sites.Id integer

Tag Id

data.AudienceDto.Departments array of object
Department Tag
data.AudienceDto.Departments.Tag string

Target Department Tag

data.AudienceDto.Departments.Id integer

Tag Id

Created By ID
data.CreatedByPerson.PersonId integer

The identifier for the person who created the article

Created By First Name
data.CreatedByPerson.FirstName string

The first name of the person who created the article

Created By Family Name
data.CreatedByPerson.FamilyName string

The family name of the person who created the article

Created By Email
data.CreatedByPerson.Email string

The email address of the person that created the article

Modified On
data.ModifiedAt date-time

When the article was last modified

Modified By ID
data.ModifiedByPerson.PersonId integer

The identifier of the person who last modified the article

Modified By First Name
data.ModifiedByPerson.FirstName string

The first name of the person who last modified the article

Modified By Family Name
data.ModifiedByPerson.FamilyName string

The family name of the person who last modified the article

Modified By Email
data.ModifiedByPerson.Email string

The email address of the person who last modified the article

Published Date
data.PublishedDate date-time

When the article was published

Article Content
data.ArticleContent string

The HTML content of the article

Article Content Text
data.ArticleContentText string

The plain text article content

Main Image ID
data.MainImageId integer

The ID to an image that will be used as the articles main image in the feed.

When a new objective is added

Triggers when a new objective is added


Name Key Required Type Description
name True string

The name given to the webhook


Name Path Type Description
Record URL
subjectFrontEndUrl string

The URL to the record in StaffCircle

Objective ID
data.id integer

The identifier of the objective

Objective Template
data.templateId integer

Creates a new objective from an objective template

Manager ID
data.manager.PersonId integer

The person's manager's identifier

Manager First Name
data.manager.FirstName string

The person's manager's first name

Manager Family Name
data.manager.FamilyName string

The person's manager's family name

Manager Email
data.manager.Email string

The person's manager's email address

Person Identifier
data.person.PersonId integer

The person's identifier linked to the objective

Person First Name
data.person.FirstName string

The person's first name linked to the objective

Person Family Name
data.person.FamilyName string

The person's family name linked to the objective

Person Email
data.person.Email string

The person's email address linked to the objective

data.title string

The name of the new objective

data.description string

The description of the new objective

Value Type
data.valueType string

Defines how the objective is measured

data.tag string

A text tag, for use in searches and reporting

data.category string

The objectives category identifier

Start Date
data.startDate date-time

From when the objective is being measured

End Date
data.endDate string

The deadline for the objective

Last Progress Date
data.lastProgressDate date-time

The date on which there was progress on the objective

data.closed boolean


Allow Add Progress
data.allowAddProgress boolean

If true allows a person to add progress themselves, otherwise only the specified manager may update the objective

Push Notification
data.notificationSettings.push boolean

Sends push notifications.

SMS Notification
data.notificationSettings.sms boolean

Send SMS notifications

Email Notification
data.notificationSettings.email boolean

Sends Email Updates

Teams Notification
data.notificationSettings.microsoftTeams boolean

Sends updates via Microsoft teams if teams integration is enabled

In App Notification
data.notificationSettings.inApp boolean

Sends InApp notifications

Allows Likes
data.contentSettings.allowLikes boolean

Allow users to like comments on the objective

Allow Comments
data.contentSettings.allowComments boolean

Allow comments on the objective

Allow Images In Comments
data.contentSettings.allowImagesInComments boolean

All images to be attached to comments.

Allow Documents
data.contentSettings.allowDocuments boolean

Allow documents to be attached to comments

Created At
data.createdAt date-time

When the objective has created

Created By Person Id
data.createdByPerson.PersonId integer

The identifier of the person that created the objective

Created By Person First Name
data.createdByPerson.FirstName string

The first name of the person that created the objective

Created By Person Family Name
data.createdByPerson.FamilyName string

The family name of the person that created the objective

Created By Person Email
data.createdByPerson.Email string

The email address of the person that created the objective

Current Progress
data.currentProgress double

Current progress on the objective

Start Value
data.startValue double

Defines how the objective is measured

data.targetValue double

The target value to be reached for the objective to be completed successfully

When a new person is added

Triggers when a new person is added


Name Key Required Type Description
name True string

The name given to the webhook


Name Path Type Description
Record URL
subjectFrontEndUrl string

The URL to the record in StaffCircle

Person ID
data.id integer

The identifier that represents the person

First Name
data.givenName string

The person's first name

Middle Name
data.middleName string

The person's middle name

Family Name
data.familyName string

The person's family name

known As
data.knownAs string

What name the person likes to be known as

Date of Birth
data.dateOfBirth date

The person's date of birth

Personal Email
data.contactDetails.personalEmail string

The person's personal email address

Work Email
data.contactDetails.workEmail string

The person's work email address

Work Mobile
data.contactDetails.workMobile string

The person's work mobile number

Personal Mobile
data.contactDetails.personalMobile string

The person's personal mobile number

Home Telephone
data.contactDetails.homeTelephone string

The person's home telephone number

Work Telephone
data.contactDetails.workTelephone string

The person's work telephone number

Work Telephone
data.contactDetails.workExtension string

The person's work extension number

Address Line 1
data.address.addressLine1 string

The person's first line of their home address

Address Line 2
data.address.addressLine2 string

The person's first line of their home address

data.address.town string

The person's town of residence

data.address.postCode string

The person's postcode

Emergency Contact Name
data.emergencyContact.emergencyContactName string

The name of the person's emergency contact

Emergency Contact Telephone
data.emergencyContact.emergencyContactTelephone string

The telephone number of the person's emergency contact

Emergency Contact Relationship ID
data.emergencyContact.emergencyRelationshipId integer

The relationship between the emergency contact and the person

Emergency Contact Consent
data.emergencyContact.emergencyContactConsent boolean

Whether the emergency contact has given consent to save their details

Emergency Contact Address
data.emergencyContact.emergencyAddress string

The persons emergency contact address

Medical Notes
data.emergencyContact.emergencyMedicalNotes string

Any important medical notes associated to the person

Next of Kin Name
data.nextOfKin.Name string

The of the person's next of kin

Next of Kin Telephone
data.nextOfKin.Telephone string

The person's next of kin telephone number

Next of Kin Relationship ID
data.nextOfKin.RelationshipId string

The relationship between the next of kin and the person

Employment Notes
data.employeeDetails.employmentNotes string

Employment notes regarding the person

data.employeeDetails.tag string

The tag that can be used to reference the person throughout the StaffCircle platform

Start Date
data.employeeDetails.startDate string

When the person's employment started

Site ID
data.employeeDetails.siteId integer

The site identifier that the person belongs to

Group ID
data.employeeDetails.groupId integer

The group that the person belongs to

Department ID
data.employeeDetails.departmentId integer

The department that the person belongs

Manager ID
data.employeeDetails.manager.PersonId integer

The identifier of the parson's manager

Manager's First Name
data.employeeDetails.manager.FirstName string

The first name of the person's manager

Manager's Family Name
data.employeeDetails.manager.FamilyName string

The family name of the person's manager

Manager Email
data.employeeDetails.manager.Email string

The person's manager's email address

Account Status
data.accountStatus integer

The person's StaffCircle account status

When a new review is added

Triggers when a new review is added


Name Key Required Type Description
name True string

The name given to the webhook


Name Path Type Description
Record URL
subjectFrontEndUrl string

The URL of the record in StaffCircle

data.id integer

The review identifier

Previous Review ID
data.previousReviewId integer

The identifier of the previous review for this reviewee

Manager ID
data.manager.PersonId integer

The identifier of the manager associated with the review

Manager First Name
data.manager.FirstName string

The first name of the manager associated with the review

Manager Family Name
data.manager.FamilyName string

The family name of the manager associated with the review

Manager Email
data.manager.Email string

The email address of the manager associated with the review

data.internalReviewerPersonIds array of integer


Reviewee ID
data.person.PersonId integer

The identifier of the reviewee

Reviewee First Name
data.person.FirstName string

The first name of the reviewee

Reviewee Family Name
data.person.FamilyName string

The family name of the reviewee

Reviewee Email
data.person.Email string

The email address of the reviewee

data.title string

The title given to the review

data.description string

The description given to the review

Review Type
data.reviewType string

The type of review

Due On
data.dueOn date-time

When the review is due

data.attachedDocumentIds array of integer


data.linkedObjectives array of integer


Appraisal Template ID
data.appraisalSummary.personAppraisalTemplateId integer

The appraisal template used to create the appraisal

Current Score
data.scores.currentScore double

The reviews current score

Created On
data.createdAt date-time

When the review was created

Created By ID
data.createdByPerson.PersonId integer

The Identifier of the person who created the review

Created By First Name
data.createdByPerson.FirstName string

The first name of the person who created the review

Created By Family Name
data.createdByPerson.FamilyName string

The family name of the person that created the review

Created By Email
data.createdByPerson.Email string

The email address of the person that created the review

Allow Likes
data.contentSettings.allowLikes boolean

Whether likes are allowed

Allow Comments
data.contentSettings.allowComments boolean

Whether comments are allowed on the review

Allow Images In Comments
data.contentSettings.allowImagesInComments boolean

Whether images are allowed in comments

Allow Documents
data.contentSettings.allowDocuments boolean

Whether documents can be attached to the review

Push Notifications
data.notificationSettings.push boolean

Whether to send push notifications

SMS Notifications
data.notificationSettings.sms boolean

Whether to send sms notifications

Email Notification
data.notificationSettings.email boolean

Whether to send email notifications

Microsoft Teams Notifications
data.notificationSettings.microsoftTeams boolean

Whether to send Microsoft Teams notifications

In App Notifications
data.notificationSettings.inApp boolean

Whether to send in app notifications

When a new task is added

Triggers when a new task is added


Name Key Required Type Description
name True string

The name given to the webhook


Name Path Type Description
Record URL
subjectFrontEndUrl string

The URL to the record in StaffCircle

data.id integer

The identifier of the task

data.title string

The title of the task

data.description string

The description of the task

data.priority string

The priority of the task

Task Group ID
data.groupId integer

The identifier of the task group

Task Group Title
data.groupTitle string

The title of the task group

Is Adhoc
data.isAdhoc boolean

Whether this is an adhoc task

Created By Person ID
data.createdByPerson.PersonId integer

The identifier of the person who created the task

Created By First Name
data.createdByPerson.FirstName string

The first name of the person who created the task

Created By Family Name
data.createdByPerson.FamilyName string

The family name of the person who created the task

Created By Email
data.createdByPerson.Email string

The email of the person who created the task

Person ID
data.person.PersonId integer

The identifier of the person that the task is for

Person First Name
data.person.FirstName string

The first name of the person that the task is for

Person Family Name
data.person.FamilyName string

The family name of the person that the task is for

Person Email
data.person.Email string

The email of the person that the task is for

Manager ID
data.manager.PersonId integer

The identifier of the manager of the task

Manager First Name
data.manager.FirstName string

The first name of the manager of the task

Manager Family Name
data.manager.FamilyName string

The family name of the manager of the task

Manager Email
data.manager.Email string

The email of the manager of the task

Due Date
data.dueDate date

When the task is due

Created On
data.createdOn date-time

When the task was created

Form ID
data.form.id integer

The identifier of the form used to fill out the task

Form Title
data.form.title string

The title of the form that is used to fill out the task

Push Notifications
data.notificationSettings.push boolean

Whether In push notifications for the task will be sent

SMS Notifications
data.notificationSettings.sms boolean

Whether In sms notifications for the task will be sent

Email Notifications
data.notificationSettings.email boolean

Whether In email notifications for the task will be sent

Microsoft Teams Notifications
data.notificationSettings.microsoftTeams boolean

Whether In Microsoft Teams notifications for the task will be sent

In App Notifications
data.notificationSettings.inApp boolean

Whether In app notifications for the task will be sent

Allow Likes
data.contentSettings.allowLikes boolean

Whether the task allows likes

Allow Comments
data.contentSettings.allowComments boolean

Whether the task allows comments

Allow Images In Comments
data.contentSettings.allowImagesInComments boolean

Whether the task allows images in comments

Allow Documents
data.contentSettings.allowDocuments boolean

Whether the task allows documents

When an objective is updated

Triggers when an objective is updated


Name Key Required Type Description
name True string

The name given to the webhook


Name Path Type Description
Record URL
subjectFrontEndUrl string

The URL to the record in StaffCircle

data.id integer

The identifier of the objective progress record

Objective ID
data.objectiveId integer

The objective that this progress record is associated with

data.value double

The total progress value for the object

data.description string

The description added to the objective progress record

Created On
data.createdAt date-time

When the progress record was created

Created By Person ID
data.createdByPerson.PersonId integer

The identifier of the person that created the progress objective record

Created By First Name
data.createdByPerson.FirstName string

The first name of the person that created the objective progress record

Created By Family Name
data.createdByPerson.FamilyName string

The family name of the person that created the objective progress record

Created By Email
data.createdByPerson.Email string

The email address of the person that created the objective progress record

Send Notifications
data.sendNotifications boolean

States whether notifications where sent