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ATL Active Server Page Component Wizard

This wizard is not available in Visual Studio 2019 and later.

This wizard inserts into the project an Active Server Pages (ASP) component. The Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) uses ASP components as part of its enhanced Web page development architecture.

By using this wizard, you can specify the component's threading model and its aggregation support. You can also indicate support for the error information interface, connection points, and free-threaded marshaling.


Beginning with Visual Studio 2008, the registration script produced by this wizard registers its COM components under HKEY_CURRENT_USER instead of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. To modify this behavior, set the Register component for all users option of the ATL Wizard.


Specify the names for the object, interface, and classes to be added to your project. Except for Short name, all other boxes can be edited independently of the others. If you change the text for Short name, the change is reflected in the names of all other boxes in this page.

If you change the Coclass name in the COM section, the change is reflected in the Type and ProgID boxes, but the Interface name does not change. This naming behavior is designed to make all the names easily identifiable for you as you develop your control.


Provides information for the C++ class created for the object.

  • Short name

    Sets the root name for the object. The name that you provide determines the Class and Coclass names, the .cpp file and .h file names, the Interface name, the Type names, and the ProgID, unless you change those fields individually.

  • .h file

    Sets the name of the header file for the new object's class. By default, this name is based on the name that you provide in Short name. Click the ellipsis button to save the file name to the location of your choice, or to append the class declaration to an existing file. If you select an existing file, the wizard will not save it to the selected location until you click Finish in the wizard.

    The wizard does not overwrite a file. If you select the name of an existing file, when you click Finish, the wizard prompts you to indicate whether the class declaration should be appended to the contents of the file. Click Yes to append the file; click No to return to the wizard and specify another file name.

  • Class

    Sets the name of the class to be created. This name is based on the name that you provide in Short name, preceded by 'C', the typical prefix for a class name.

  • .cpp file

    Sets the name of the implementation file for the new object's class. By default, this name is based on the name that you provide in Short name. Click the ellipsis button to save the file name to the location of your choice. The file is not saved to the selected location until you click Finish in the wizard.

    The wizard does not overwrite a file. If you select the name of an existing file, when you click Finish, the wizard prompts you to indicate whether the class implementation should be appended to the contents of the file. Click Yes to append the file; click No to return to the wizard and specify another file name.

  • Attributed

    Indicates whether the object uses attributes. If you are adding an object to an attributed ATL project, this option is selected and not available to change. That is, you can add only attributed objects to a project created with attribute support.

    If you select this option for an ATL project that does not have attribute support, the wizard prompts you to specify whether you want to add attribute support to the project.

    By default for nonattributed projects, any objects you add after you set this option are designated as attributed (the check box is selected). You can clear this box to add an object that does not use attributes.

    See Application Settings, ATL Project Wizard and Basic mechanics of attributes for more information.


Provides information about the COM functionality for the object.

  • Coclass

    Sets the name of the component class that contains a list of interfaces supported by the object. If your project or this object uses attributes, you cannot change this option because ATL does not include the coclass attribute.

  • Type

    Sets the object description that will appear in the registry for the coclass.

  • Interface

    Sets the interface you create for your object. This interface contains your custom methods.

  • ProgID

    Sets the name that containers can use instead of the CLSID of the object.

See also

ATL Active Server Page Component