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ATL Text Encoding Functions

These functions support text encoding and decoding.

Function Description
AtlGetHexValue Call this function to get the numeric value of a hexadecimal digit.
AtlGetVersion Call this function to get the version of the ATL library that you are using.
AtlHexDecode Decodes a string of data that has been encoded as hexadecimal text such as by a previous call to AtlHexEncode.
AtlHexDecodeGetRequiredLength Call this function to get the size in bytes of a buffer that could contain data decoded from a hex-encoded string of the specified length.
AtlHexEncode Call this function to encode some data as a string of hexadecimal text.
AtlHexEncodeGetRequiredLength Call this function to get the size in characters of a buffer that could contain a string encoded from data of the specified size.
AtlHexValue Call this function to get the numeric value of a hexadecimal digit.
AtlUnicodeToUTF8 Call this function to convert a Unicode string to UTF-8.
BEncode Call this function to convert some data using the "B" encoding.
BEncodeGetRequiredLength Call this function to get the size in characters of a buffer that could contain a string encoded from data of the specified size.
EscapeXML Call this function to convert characters that are unsafe for use in XML to their safe equivalents.
GetExtendedChars Call this function to get the number of extended characters in a string.
IsExtendedChar Call this function to find out if a given character is an extended character (less than 32, greater than 126, and not a tab, line feed or carriage return)
QEncode Call this function to convert some data using the "Q" encoding.
QEncodeGetRequiredLength Call this function to get the size in characters of a buffer that could contain a string encoded from data of the specified size.
QPDecode Decodes a string of data that has been encoded in quoted-printable format such as by a previous call to QPEncode.
QPDecodeGetRequiredLength Call this function to get the size in bytes of a buffer that could contain data decoded from quoted-printable-encoded string of the specified length.
QPEncode Call this function to encode some data in quoted-printable format.
QPEncodeGetRequiredLength Call this function to get the size in characters of a buffer that could contain a string encoded from data of the specified size.
UUDecode Decodes a string of data that has been uuencoded such as by a previous call to UUEncode.
UUDecodeGetRequiredLength Call this function to get the size in bytes of a buffer that could contain data decoded from a uuencoded string of the specified length.
UUEncode Call this function to uuencode some data.
UUEncodeGetRequiredLength Call this function to get the size in characters of a buffer that could contain a string encoded from data of the specified size.


Header: atlenc.h


Call this function to get the numeric value of a hexadecimal digit.

inline char AtlGetHexValue(char chIn) throw();


The hexadecimal character '0'-'9', 'A'-'F', or 'a'-'f'.

Return Value

The numeric value of the input character interpreted as a hexadecimal digit. For example, an input of '0' returns a value of 0 and an input of 'A' returns a value of 10. If the input character is not a hexadecimal digit, this function returns -1.


Call this function to get the version of the ATL library that you are using.

ATLAPI_(DWORD) AtlGetVersion(void* pReserved);


A reserved pointer.

Return Value

Returns a DWORD integer value of the version of the ATL library that you are compiling or running.


The function should be called as follows.

DWORD ver;
ver = AtlGetVersion(NULL);   


Header: atlbase.h


Decodes a string of data that has been encoded as hexadecimal text such as by a previous call to AtlHexEncode.

inline BOOL AtlHexDecode(
   LPCSTR pSrcData,
   int nSrcLen,
   LPBYTE pbDest,
   int* pnDestLen) throw();


The string containing the data to be decoded.

The length in characters of pSrcData.

Caller-allocated buffer to receive the decoded data.

Pointer to a variable that contains the length in bytes of pbDest. If the function succeeds, the variable receives the number of bytes written to the buffer. If the function fails, the variable receives the required length in bytes of the buffer.

Return Value

Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.


Call this function to get the size in bytes of a buffer that could contain data decoded from a hex-encoded string of the specified length.

inline int AtlHexDecodeGetRequiredLength(int nSrcLen) throw();


The number of characters in the encoded string.

Return Value

The number of bytes required for a buffer that could hold a decoded string of nSrcLen characters.


Call this function to encode some data as a string of hexadecimal text.

inline BOOL AtlHexEncode(
   const BYTE * pbSrcData,
   int nSrcLen,
   LPSTR szDest,
int * pnDestLen) throw();


The buffer containing the data to be encoded.

The length in bytes of the data to be encoded.

Caller-allocated buffer to receive the encoded data.

Pointer to a variable that contains the length in characters of szDest. If the function succeeds, the variable receives the number of characters written to the buffer. If the function fails, the variable receives the required length in characters of the buffer.

Return Value

Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.


Each byte of source data is encoded as 2 hexadecimal characters.


Call this function to get the size in characters of a buffer that could contain a string encoded from data of the specified size.

inline int AtlHexEncodeGetRequiredLength(int nSrcLen) throw();


The number of bytes of data to be encoded.

Return Value

The number of characters required for a buffer that could hold encoded data of nSrcLen bytes.


Call this function to get the numeric value of a hexadecimal digit.

inline short AtlHexValue(char chIn) throw();


The hexadecimal character '0'-'9', 'A'-'F', or 'a'-'f'.

Return Value

The numeric value of the input character interpreted as a hexadecimal digit. For example, an input of '0' returns a value of 0 and an input of 'A' returns a value of 10. If the input character is not a hexadecimal digit, this function returns -1.


Call this function to convert a Unicode string to UTF-8.

ATL_NOINLINE inline int AtlUnicodeToUTF8(
   LPCWSTR wszSrc,
   int nSrc,
   LPSTR szDest,
   int nDest) throw();


The Unicode string to be converted

The length in characters of the Unicode string.

Caller-allocated buffer to receive the converted string.

The length in bytes of the buffer.

Return Value

Returns the number of characters for the converted string.


To determine the size of the buffer required for the converted string, call this function passing 0 for szDest and nDest.


Call this function to convert some data using the "B" encoding.

inline BOOL BEncode(
   BYTE* pbSrcData,
   int nSrcLen,
   LPSTR szDest,
   int* pnDestLen,
   LPCSTR pszCharSet) throw();


The buffer containing the data to be encoded.

The length in bytes of the data to be encoded.

Caller-allocated buffer to receive the encoded data.

Pointer to a variable that contains the length in characters of szDest. If the function succeeds, the variable receives the number of characters written to the buffer. If the function fails, the variable receives the required length in characters of the buffer.

The character set to use for the conversion.

Return Value

Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.


The "B" encoding scheme is described in RFC 2047 (https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2047.txt).


Call this function to get the size in characters of a buffer that could contain a string encoded from data of the specified size.

inline int BEncodeGetRequiredLength(int nSrcLen, int nCharsetLen) throw();


The number of bytes of data to be encoded.

The length in characters of the character set to use for the conversion.

Return Value

The number of characters required for a buffer that could hold encoded data of nSrcLen bytes.


The "B" encoding scheme is described in RFC 2047 (https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2047.txt).


Call this function to convert characters that are unsafe for use in XML to their safe equivalents.

inline int EscapeXML(
   const wchar_t * szIn,
   int nSrcLen,
   wchar_t * szEsc,
   int nDestLen,
   DWORD dwFlags = ATL_ESC_FLAG_NONE) throw();


The string to be converted.

The length in characters of the string to be converted.

Caller-allocated buffer to receive the converted string.

The length in characters of the caller-allocated buffer.

ATL_ESC Flags describing how the conversion is to be performed.

  • ATL_ESC_FLAG_NONE Default behavior. Quote marks and apostrophes are not converted.
  • ATL_ESC_FLAG_ATTR Quote marks and apostrophes are converted to " and ' respectively.

Return Value

The length in characters of the converted string.


Possible conversions performed by this function are shown in the table:

Source Destination
< &lt;
> &gt;
& &amp;
' &apos;
" &quot;


Call this function to get the number of extended characters in a string.

inline int GetExtendedChars(LPCSTR szSrc, int nSrcLen) throw();


The string to be analyzed.

The length of the string in characters.

Return Value

Returns the number of extended characters found within the string as determined by IsExtendedChar.


Call this function to find out if a given character is an extended character (less than 32, greater than 126, and not a tab, line feed or carriage return)

inline int IsExtendedChar(char ch) throw();


The character to be tested

Return Value

TRUE if the character is extended, FALSE otherwise.


Call this function to convert some data using the "Q" encoding.

inline BOOL QEncode(
   BYTE* pbSrcData,
   int nSrcLen,
   LPSTR szDest,
   int* pnDestLen,
   LPCSTR pszCharSet,
   int* pnNumEncoded = NULL) throw();


The buffer containing the data to be encoded.

The length in bytes of the data to be encoded.

Caller-allocated buffer to receive the encoded data.

Pointer to a variable that contains the length in characters of szDest. If the function succeeds, the variable receives the number of characters written to the buffer. If the function fails, the variable receives the required length in characters of the buffer.

The character set to use for the conversion.

A pointer to a variable that on return contains the number of unsafe characters that had to be converted.

Return Value

Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.


The "Q" encoding scheme is described in RFC 2047 (https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2047.txt).


Call this function to get the size in characters of a buffer that could contain a string encoded from data of the specified size.

inline int QEncodeGetRequiredLength(int nSrcLen, int nCharsetLen) throw();


The number of bytes of data to be encoded.

The length in characters of the character set to use for the conversion.

Return Value

The number of characters required for a buffer that could hold encoded data of nSrcLen bytes.


The "Q" encoding scheme is described in RFC 2047 (https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2047.txt).


Decodes a string of data that has been encoded in quoted-printable format such as by a previous call to QPEncode.

inline BOOL QPDecode(
   BYTE* pbSrcData,
   int nSrcLen,
   LPSTR szDest,
   int* pnDestLen,
   DWORD dwFlags = 0) throw();


[in] The buffer containing the data to be decoded.

[in] The length in bytes of pbSrcData.

[out] Caller-allocated buffer to receive the decoded data.

[out] Pointer to a variable that contains the length in bytes of szDest. If the function succeeds, the variable receives the number of bytes written to the buffer. If the function fails, the variable receives the required length in bytes of the buffer.

[in] ATLSMTP_QPENCODE flags describing how the conversion is to be performed.

Return Value

Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.


The quoted-printable encoding scheme is described in RFC 2045 (https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2045.txt).


Call this function to get the size in bytes of a buffer that could contain data decoded from quoted-printable-encoded string of the specified length.

inline int QPDecodeGetRequiredLength(int nSrcLen) throw();


The number of characters in the encoded string.

Return Value

The number of bytes required for a buffer that could hold a decoded string of nSrcLen characters.


The quoted-printable encoding scheme is described in RFC 2045 (https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2045.txt).


Call this function to encode some data in quoted-printable format.

inline BOOL QPEncode(
   BYTE* pbSrcData,
   int nSrcLen,
   LPSTR szDest,
   int* pnDestLen,
   DWORD dwFlags = 0) throw ();


The buffer containing the data to be encoded.

The length in bytes of the data to be encoded.

Caller-allocated buffer to receive the encoded data.

Pointer to a variable that contains the length in characters of szDest. If the function succeeds, the variable receives the number of characters written to the buffer. If the function fails, the variable receives the required length in characters of the buffer.

ATLSMTP_QPENCODE flags describing how the conversion is to be performed.

  • ATLSMTP_QPENCODE_DOT If a period appears at the start of a line, it is added to the output as well as encoded.

  • ATLSMTP_QPENCODE_TRAILING_SOFT Appends =\r\n to the encoded string.

The quoted-printable encoding scheme is described in RFC 2045.

Return Value

Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.


The quoted-printable encoding scheme is described in RFC 2045 (https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2045.txt).


Call this function to get the size in characters of a buffer that could contain a string encoded from data of the specified size.

inline int QPEncodeGetRequiredLength(int nSrcLen) throw ();


The number of bytes of data to be encoded.

Return Value

The number of characters required for a buffer that could hold encoded data of nSrcLen bytes.


The quoted-printable encoding scheme is described in RFC 2045 (https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2045.txt).


Decodes a string of data that has been uuencoded such as by a previous call to UUEncode.

inline BOOL UUDecode(
   BYTE* pbSrcData,
   int nSrcLen,
   BYTE* pbDest,
   int* pnDestLen) throw ();


The string containing the data to be decoded.

The length in bytes of pbSrcData.

Caller-allocated buffer to receive the decoded data.

Pointer to a variable that contains the length in bytes of pbDest. If the function succeeds, the variable receives the number of bytes written to the buffer. If the function fails, the variable receives the required length in bytes of the buffer.

Return Value

Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.


This uuencoding implementation follows the POSIX P1003.2b/D11 specification.


Call this function to get the size in bytes of a buffer that could contain data decoded from a uuencoded string of the specified length.

inline int UUDecodeGetRequiredLength(int nSrcLen) throw ();


The number of characters in the encoded string.

Return Value

The number of bytes required for a buffer that could hold a decoded string of nSrcLen characters.


This uuencoding implementation follows the POSIX P1003.2b/D11 specification.


Call this function to uuencode some data.

inline BOOL UUEncode(
   const BYTE* pbSrcData,
   int nSrcLen,
   LPSTR szDest,
   int* pnDestLen,
   LPCTSTR lpszFile = _T("file"),
   DWORD dwFlags = 0) throw ();


The buffer containing the data to be encoded.

The length in bytes of the data to be encoded.

Caller-allocated buffer to receive the encoded data.

Pointer to a variable that contains the length in characters of szDest. If the function succeeds, the variable receives the number of characters written to the buffer. If the function fails, the variable receives the required length in characters of the buffer.

The file to be added to the header when ATLSMTP_UUENCODE_HEADER is specified in dwFlags.

Flags controlling the behavior of this function.

  • ATLSMTP_UUENCODE_HEADE The header will be encoded.

  • ATLSMTP_UUENCODE_END The end will be encoded.

  • ATLSMTP_UUENCODE_DOT Data stuffing will be performed.

Return Value

Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.


This uuencoding implementation follows the POSIX P1003.2b/D11 specification.


Call this function to get the size in characters of a buffer that could contain a string encoded from data of the specified size.

inline int UUEncodeGetRequiredLength(int nSrcLen) throw ();


The number of bytes of data to be encoded.

Return Value

The number of characters required for a buffer that could hold encoded data of nSrcLen bytes.


This uuencoding implementation follows the POSIX P1003.2b/D11 specification.

See also

ATL COM Desktop Components