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Debug a memory leak in .NET

This article applies to: ✔️ .NET Core 3.1 SDK and later versions

Memory can leak when your app references objects that it no longer needs to perform the desired task. Referencing these objects prevents the garbage collector from reclaiming the memory used. That can result in performance degradation and an OutOfMemoryException exception being thrown.

This tutorial demonstrates the tools to analyze a memory leak in a .NET app using the .NET diagnostics CLI tools. If you're on Windows, you may be able to use Visual Studio's Memory Diagnostic tools to debug the memory leak.

This tutorial uses a sample app that intentionally leaks memory, as an exercise. You can also analyze apps that unintentionally leak memory.

In this tutorial, you will:

  • Examine managed memory usage with dotnet-counters.
  • Generate a dump file.
  • Analyze the memory usage using the dump file.


The tutorial uses:

The tutorial assumes the sample apps and tools are installed and ready to use.

Examine managed memory usage

Before you start collecting diagnostic data to help root cause this scenario, make sure you're actually seeing a memory leak (growth in memory usage). You can use the dotnet-counters tool to confirm that.

Open a console window and navigate to the directory where you downloaded and unzipped the sample debug target. Run the target:

dotnet run

From a separate console, find the process ID:

dotnet-counters ps

The output should be similar to:

4807 DiagnosticScena /home/user/git/samples/core/diagnostics/DiagnosticScenarios/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.0/DiagnosticScenarios

Now, check managed memory usage with the dotnet-counters tool. The --refresh-interval specifies the number of seconds between refreshes:

dotnet-counters monitor --refresh-interval 1 -p 4807

The live output should be similar to:

Press p to pause, r to resume, q to quit.
    Status: Running

    # of Assemblies Loaded                           118
    % Time in GC (since last GC)                       0
    Allocation Rate (Bytes / sec)                 37,896
    CPU Usage (%)                                      0
    Exceptions / sec                                   0
    GC Heap Size (MB)                                  4
    Gen 0 GC / sec                                     0
    Gen 0 Size (B)                                     0
    Gen 1 GC / sec                                     0
    Gen 1 Size (B)                                     0
    Gen 2 GC / sec                                     0
    Gen 2 Size (B)                                     0
    LOH Size (B)                                       0
    Monitor Lock Contention Count / sec                0
    Number of Active Timers                            1
    ThreadPool Completed Work Items / sec             10
    ThreadPool Queue Length                            0
    ThreadPool Threads Count                           1
    Working Set (MB)                                  83

Focusing on this line:

    GC Heap Size (MB)                                  4

You can see that the managed heap memory is 4 MB right after startup.

Now, go to the URL https://localhost:5001/api/diagscenario/memleak/20000.

Observe that the memory usage has grown to 30 MB.

    GC Heap Size (MB)                                 30

By watching the memory usage, you can safely say that memory is growing or leaking. The next step is to collect the right data for memory analysis.

Generate memory dump

When analyzing possible memory leaks, you need access to the app's memory heap to analyze the memory contents. Looking at relationships between objects, you create theories as to why memory isn't being freed. A common diagnostic data source is a memory dump on Windows or the equivalent core dump on Linux. To generate a dump of a .NET application, you can use the dotnet-dump tool.

Using the sample debug target previously started, run the following command to generate a Linux core dump:

dotnet-dump collect -p 4807

The result is a core dump located in the same folder.

Writing minidump with heap to ./core_20190430_185145


For a comparison over time, let the original process continue running after collecting the first dump and collect a second dump the same way. You would then have two dumps over a period of time that you can compare to see where the memory usage is growing.

Restart the failed process

Once the dump is collected, you should have sufficient information to diagnose the failed process. If the failed process is running on a production server, now it's the ideal time for short-term remediation by restarting the process.

In this tutorial, you're now done with the Sample debug target and you can close it. Navigate to the terminal that started the server, and press Ctrl+C.

Analyze the core dump

Now that you have a core dump generated, use the dotnet-dump tool to analyze the dump:

dotnet-dump analyze core_20190430_185145

Where core_20190430_185145 is the name of the core dump you want to analyze.


If you see an error complaining that libdl.so cannot be found, you may have to install the libc6-dev package. For more information, see Prerequisites for .NET on Linux.

You'll be presented with a prompt where you can enter SOS commands. Commonly, the first thing you want to look at is the overall state of the managed heap:

> dumpheap -stat

              MT    Count    TotalSize Class Name
00007f6c1eeefba8      576        59904 System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo
00007f6c1dc021c8     1749        95696 System.SByte[]
00000000008c9db0     3847       116080      Free
00007f6c1e784a18      175       128640 System.Char[]
00007f6c1dbf5510      217       133504 System.Object[]
00007f6c1dc014c0      467       416464 System.Byte[]
00007f6c21625038        6      4063376 testwebapi.Controllers.Customer[]
00007f6c20a67498   200000      4800000 testwebapi.Controllers.Customer
00007f6c1dc00f90   206770     19494060 System.String
Total 428516 objects

Here you can see that most objects are either String or Customer objects.

You can use the dumpheap command again with the method table (MT) to get a list of all the String instances:

> dumpheap -mt 00007f6c1dc00f90

         Address               MT     Size
00007f6ad09421f8 00007faddaa50f90       94
00007f6ad0965b20 00007f6c1dc00f90       80
00007f6ad0965c10 00007f6c1dc00f90       80
00007f6ad0965d00 00007f6c1dc00f90       80
00007f6ad0965df0 00007f6c1dc00f90       80
00007f6ad0965ee0 00007f6c1dc00f90       80

              MT    Count    TotalSize Class Name
00007f6c1dc00f90   206770     19494060 System.String
Total 206770 objects

You can now use the gcroot command on a System.String instance to see how and why the object is rooted:

> gcroot 00007f6ad09421f8

Thread 3f68:
    00007F6795BB58A0 00007F6C1D7D0745 System.Diagnostics.Tracing.CounterGroup.PollForValues() [/_/src/System.Private.CoreLib/shared/System/Diagnostics/Tracing/CounterGroup.cs @ 260]
        rbx:  (interior)
            ->  00007F6BDFFFF038 System.Object[]
            ->  00007F69D0033570 testwebapi.Controllers.Processor
            ->  00007F69D0033588 testwebapi.Controllers.CustomerCache
            ->  00007F69D00335A0 System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[testwebapi.Controllers.Customer, DiagnosticScenarios]]
            ->  00007F6C000148A0 testwebapi.Controllers.Customer[]
            ->  00007F6AD0942258 testwebapi.Controllers.Customer
            ->  00007F6AD09421F8 System.String

    00007F6C98BB15F8 (pinned handle)
    -> 00007F6BDFFFF038 System.Object[]
    -> 00007F69D0033570 testwebapi.Controllers.Processor
    -> 00007F69D0033588 testwebapi.Controllers.CustomerCache
    -> 00007F69D00335A0 System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[testwebapi.Controllers.Customer, DiagnosticScenarios]]
    -> 00007F6C000148A0 testwebapi.Controllers.Customer[]
    -> 00007F6AD0942258 testwebapi.Controllers.Customer
    -> 00007F6AD09421F8 System.String

Found 2 roots.

You can see that the String is directly held by the Customer object and indirectly held by a CustomerCache object.

You can continue dumping out objects to see that most String objects follow a similar pattern. At this point, the investigation provided sufficient information to identify the root cause in your code.

This general procedure allows you to identify the source of major memory leaks.

Clean up resources

In this tutorial, you started a sample web server. This server should have been shut down as explained in the Restart the failed process section.

You can also delete the dump file that was created.

See also

Next steps