
Споделяне чрез

params Collections


This article is a feature specification. The specification serves as the design document for the feature. It includes proposed specification changes, along with information needed during the design and development of the feature. These articles are published until the proposed spec changes are finalized and incorporated in the current ECMA specification.

There may be some discrepancies between the feature specification and the completed implementation. Those differences are captured in the pertinent language design meeting (LDM) notes.

You can learn more about the process for adopting feature speclets into the C# language standard in the article on the specifications.


In C# 12 language added support for creating instances of collection types beyond just arrays. See collection expressions. This proposal extends params support to all such collection types.


A params array parameter provides a convenient way to call a method that takes an arbitrary length list of arguments. Today params parameter must be an array type. However, it might be beneficial for a developer to be able to have the same convenience when calling APIs that take other collection types. For example, an ImmutableArray<T>, ReadOnlySpan<T>, or plain IEnumerable. Especially in cases when compiler is able to avoid an implicit array allocation for the purpose of creating the collection (ImmutableArray<T>, ReadOnlySpan<T>, etc).

Today, in situations when an API takes a collection type, developers usually add params overload that takes an array, construct the target collection and call the original overload with that collection, thus consumers of the API have to trade an extra array allocation for convenience.

Another motivation is ability to add a params span overload and have it take precedence over the array version, just by recompiling existing source code.

Detailed design

Method parameters

The Method parameters section is adjusted as follows.

    : fixed_parameters
-    | fixed_parameters ',' parameter_array
+    | fixed_parameters ',' parameter_collection
-    | parameter_array
+    | parameter_collection

-    : attributes? 'params' array_type identifier
+    : attributes? 'params' 'scoped'? type identifier

A parameter_collection consists of an optional set of attributes, a params modifier, an optional scoped modifier, a type, and an identifier. A parameter collection declares a single parameter of the given type with the given name. The type of a parameter collection shall be one of the following valid target types for a collection expression (see https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/blob/main/proposals/csharp-12.0/collection-expressions.md#conversions):

  • A single dimensional array type T[], in which case the element type is T
  • A span type
    • System.Span<T>
    • System.ReadOnlySpan<T>
      in which cases the element type is T
  • A type with an appropriate create method, which is at least as accessible as the declaring member, and with a corresponding element type resulting from that determination
  • A struct or class type that implements System.Collections.IEnumerable where:
    • The type has a constructor that can be invoked with no arguments, and the constructor is at least as accessible as the declaring member.

    • The type has an instance (not an extension) method Add where:

      • The method can be invoked with a single value argument.
      • If the method is generic, the type arguments can be inferred from the argument.
      • The method is at least as accessible as the declaring member.

      In which case the element type is the iteration type of the type.

  • An interface type
    • System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>,
    • System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection<T>,
    • System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<T>,
    • System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>,
    • System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>
      in which cases the element type is T

In a method invocation, a parameter collection permits either a single argument of the given parameter type to be specified, or it permits zero or more arguments of the collection's element type to be specified. Parameter collections are described further in Parameter collections.

A parameter_collection may occur after an optional parameter, but cannot have a default value – the omission of arguments for a parameter_collection would instead result in the creation of an empty collection.

Parameter collections

The Parameter arrays section is renamed and adjusted as follows.

A parameter declared with a params modifier is a parameter collection. If a formal parameter list includes a parameter collection, it shall be the last parameter in the list and it shall be of type specified in Method parameters section.

Note: It is not possible to combine the params modifier with the modifiers in, out, or ref. end note

A parameter collection permits arguments to be specified in one of two ways in a method invocation:

  • The argument given for a parameter collection can be a single expression that is implicitly convertible to the parameter collection type. In this case, the parameter collection acts precisely like a value parameter.
  • Alternatively, the invocation can specify zero or more arguments for the parameter collection, where each argument is an expression that is implicitly convertible to the parameter collection's element type. In this case, the invocation creates an instance of the parameter collection type according to the rules specified in Collection expressions as though the arguments were used as expression elements in a collection expression in the same order, and uses the newly created collection instance as the actual argument. When constructing the collection instance, the original unconverted arguments are used.

Except for allowing a variable number of arguments in an invocation, a parameter collection is precisely equivalent to a value parameter of the same type.

When performing overload resolution, a method with a parameter collection might be applicable, either in its normal form or in its expanded form. The expanded form of a method is available only if the normal form of the method is not applicable and only if an applicable method with the same signature as the expanded form is not already declared in the same type.

A potential ambiguity arises between the normal form and the expanded form of the method with a single parameter collection argument when it can be used as the parameter collection itself and as the element of the parameter collection at the same time. The ambiguity presents no problem, however, since it can be resolved by inserting a cast or using a collection expression, if needed.

Signatures and overloading

All the rules around params modifier in Signatures and overloading remain as is.

Applicable function member

The Applicable function member section is adjusted as follows.

If a function member that includes a parameter collection is not applicable in its normal form, the function member might instead be applicable in its expanded form:

  • If parameter collection is not an array, an expanded form is not applicable for language versions C# 12 and below.
  • The expanded form is constructed by replacing the parameter collection in the function member declaration with zero or more value parameters of the parameter collection's element type such that the number of arguments in the argument list A matches the total number of parameters. If A has fewer arguments than the number of fixed parameters in the function member declaration, the expanded form of the function member cannot be constructed and is thus not applicable.
  • Otherwise, the expanded form is applicable if for each argument in A, one of the following is true:
    • the parameter-passing mode of the argument is identical to the parameter-passing mode of the corresponding parameter, and
      • for a fixed value parameter or a value parameter created by the expansion, an implicit conversion exists from the argument expression to the type of the corresponding parameter, or
      • for an in, out, or ref parameter, the type of the argument expression is identical to the type of the corresponding parameter.
    • the parameter-passing mode of the argument is value, and the parameter-passing mode of the corresponding parameter is input, and an implicit conversion exists from the argument expression to the type of the corresponding parameter

Better function member

The Better function member section is adjusted as follows.

Given an argument list A with a set of argument expressions {E₁, E₂, ..., Eᵥ} and two applicable function members Mᵥ and Mₓ with parameter types {P₁, P₂, ..., Pᵥ} and {Q₁, Q₂, ..., Qᵥ}, Mᵥ is defined to be a better function member than Mₓ if

  • for each argument, the implicit conversion from Eᵥ to Qᵥ is not better than the implicit conversion from Eᵥ to Pᵥ, and
  • for at least one argument, the conversion from Eᵥ to Pᵥ is better than the conversion from Eᵥ to Qᵥ.

In case the parameter type sequences {P₁, P₂, ..., Pᵥ} and {Q₁, Q₂, ..., Qᵥ} are equivalent (i.e., each Pᵢ has an identity conversion to the corresponding Qᵢ), the following tie-breaking rules are applied, in order, to determine the better function member.

  • If Mᵢ is a non-generic method and Mₑ is a generic method, then Mᵢ is better than Mₑ.
  • Otherwise, if Mᵢ is applicable in its normal form and Mₑ has a params collection and is applicable only in its expanded form, then Mᵢ is better than Mₑ.
  • Otherwise, if both methods have params collections and are applicable only in their expanded forms, and if the params collection of Mᵢ has fewer elements than the params collection of Mₑ, then Mᵢ is better than Mₑ.
  • Otherwise, if Mᵥ has more specific parameter types than Mₓ, then Mᵥ is better than Mₓ. Let {R1, R2, ..., Rn} and {S1, S2, ..., Sn} represent the uninstantiated and unexpanded parameter types of Mᵥ and Mₓ. Mᵥ’s parameter types are more specific than Mₓs if, for each parameter, Rx is not less specific than Sx, and, for at least one parameter, Rx is more specific than Sx:
    • A type parameter is less specific than a non-type parameter.
    • Recursively, a constructed type is more specific than another constructed type (with the same number of type arguments) if at least one type argument is more specific and no type argument is less specific than the corresponding type argument in the other.
    • An array type is more specific than another array type (with the same number of dimensions) if the element type of the first is more specific than the element type of the second.
  • Otherwise if one member is a non-lifted operator and the other is a lifted operator, the non-lifted one is better.
  • If neither function member was found to be better, and all parameters of Mᵥ have a corresponding argument whereas default arguments need to be substituted for at least one optional parameter in Mₓ, then Mᵥ is better than Mₓ.
  • If for at least one parameter Mᵥ uses the better parameter-passing choice (§ than the corresponding parameter in Mₓ and none of the parameters in Mₓ use the better parameter-passing choice than Mᵥ, Mᵥ is better than Mₓ.
  • Otherwise, if both methods have params collections and are applicable only in their expanded forms then Mᵢ is better than Mₑ if the same set of arguments corresponds to the collection elements for both methods, and one of the following holds (this corresponds to https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/blob/main/proposals/csharp-13.0/collection-expressions-better-conversion.md):
    • both params collections are not span_types, and an implicit conversion exists from params collection of Mᵢ to params collection of Mₑ
    • params collection of Mᵢ is System.ReadOnlySpan<Eᵢ>, and params collection of Mₑ is System.Span<Eₑ>, and an identity conversion exists from Eᵢ to Eₑ
    • params collection of Mᵢ is System.ReadOnlySpan<Eᵢ> or System.Span<Eᵢ>, and params collection of Mₑ is an array_or_array_interface__type with element type Eₑ, and an identity conversion exists from Eᵢ to Eₑ
  • Otherwise, no function member is better.

The reason why the new tie-breaking rule is placed at the end of the list is the last sub item

  • both params collections are not span_types, and an implicit conversion exists from params collection of Mᵢ to params collection of Mₑ

it is applicable to arrays and, therefore, performing the tie-break earlier will introduce a behavior change for existing scenarios.

For example:

class Program
    static void Main()

    static void Test(in int x, params C2[] y) {} // There is an implicit conversion from `C2[]` to `C1[]`
    static void Test(int x, params C1[] y) {} // Better candidate because of "better parameter-passing choice"

class C1 {}
class C2 : C1 {}

If any of the previous tie-breaking rules apply (including the "better arguments conversions" rule), the overload resolution result can be different by comparison to the case when an explicit collection expression is used as an argument instead.

For example:

class Program
    static void Test1()
        M1(['1', '2', '3']); // IEnumerable<char> overload is used because `char` is an exact match
        M1('1', '2', '3');   // IEnumerable<char> overload is used because `char` is an exact match

    static void M1(params IEnumerable<char> value) {}
    static void M1(params System.ReadOnlySpan<MyChar> value) {}

    class MyChar
        private readonly int _i;
        public MyChar(int i) { _i = i; }
        public static implicit operator MyChar(int i) => new MyChar(i);
        public static implicit operator char(MyChar c) => (char)c._i;

    static void Test2()
        M2([1]); // Span overload is used
        M2(1);   // Array overload is used, not generic

    static void M2<T>(params System.Span<T> y){}
    static void M2(params int[] y){}

    static void Test3()
        M3("3", ["4"]); // Ambiguity, better-ness of argument conversions goes in opposite directions.
        M3("3", "4");   // Ambiguity, better-ness of argument conversions goes in opposite directions.
                        // Since parameter types are different ("object, string" vs. "string, object"), tie-breaking rules do not apply

    static void M3(object x, params string[] y) {}
    static void M3(string x, params Span<object> y) {}

However, our primary concern are scenarios where overloads differ only by params collection type, but the collection types have the same element type. The behavior should be consistent with explicit collection expressions for these cases.

The "if the same set of arguments corresponds to the collection elements for both methods" condition is important for scenarios like:

class Program
    static void Main()
        Test(x: 1, y: 2); // Ambiguous

    static void Test(int x, params System.ReadOnlySpan<int> y) {}
    static void Test(int y, params System.Span<int> x) {}

It doesn't feel reasonable to "compare" collections that are built from different elements.

This section was reviewed at LDM and was approved.

One effect of these rules is that when params of different element types are exposed, these will be ambiguous when called with an empty argument list. For example:

class Program
    static void Main()
        // Old scenarios
        C.M1(); // Ambiguous since params arrays were introduced
        C.M1([]); // Ambiguous since params arrays were introduced

        // New scenarios
        C.M2(); // Ambiguous in C# 13
        C.M2([]); // Ambiguous in C# 13
        C.M3(); // Ambiguous in C# 13
        C.M3([]); // Ambiguous in C# 13

    public static void M1(params int[] a) {
    public static void M1(params int?[] a) {
    public static void M2(params ReadOnlySpan<int> a) {
    public static void M2(params Span<int?> a) {
    public static void M3(params ReadOnlySpan<int> a) {
    public static void M3(params ReadOnlySpan<int?> a) {

Given that we prioritize element type over all else, this seems reasonable; there's nothing to tell the language whether the user would prefer int? over int in this scenario.

Dynamic Binding

Expanded forms of candidates utilizing non-array params collections won't be considered as valid candidates by the current C# runtime binder.

If the primary_expression does not have compile-time type dynamic, then the method invocation undergoes a limited compile-time check as described in §12.6.5 Compile-time checking of dynamic member invocation.

If only a single candidate passes the test, the invocation of the candidate is statically bound when all the following conditions are met:

  • the candidate is a local function
  • the candidate is either not generic, or its type arguments are explicitly specified;
  • there is no ambiguity between normal and expanded forms of the candidate that cannot be resolved at compile time.

Otherwise, the invocation_expression is dynamically bound.

If only a single candidate passed the test above:

  • if that candidate is a local function, a compile-time error occurs;
  • if that candidate is applicable only in expanded form utilizing non-array params collections, a compile-time error occurs.

We also should consider reverting/fixing spec violation that affects local functions today, see https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/71399.

LDM confirmed that we want to fix this spec violation.

Expression trees

Collection expressions are not supported in expression trees. Similarly, expanded forms of non-array params collections will not be supported in expression trees. We will not be changing how the compiler binds lambdas for expression trees with the goal to avoid usage of APIs utilizing expanded forms of non-array params collections.

Order of evaluation with non-array collections in non-trivial scenarios

This section was reviewed at LDM and was approved. Despite the fact that array cases deviate from other collections, the official language specification doesn't have to specify different rules for arrays. The deviations could simply be treated as an implementation artifact. At the same time we do not intend to change the existing behavior around arrays.

Named arguments

A collection instance is created and populated after the lexically previous argument is evaluated, but before the lexically following argument is evaluated.

For example:

class Program
    static void Main()
        Test(b: GetB(), c: GetC(), a: GetA());

    static void Test(int a, int b, params MyCollection c) {}

    static int GetA() => 0;
    static int GetB() => 0;
    static int GetC() => 0;

The order of evaluation is the following:

  1. GetB is called
  2. MyCollection is created and populated, GetC is called in the process
  3. GetA is called
  4. Test is called

Note, in params array case, the array is created right before the target methos is invoked, after all arguments are evaluated in their lexical order.

Compound assignment

A collection instance is created and populated after the lexically previous index is evaluated, but before the lexically following index is evaluated. The instance is used to invoke getter and setter of the target indexer.

For example:

class Program
    static void Test(Program p)
        p[GetA(), GetC()]++;

    int this[int a, params MyCollection c] { get => 0; set {} }

    static int GetA() => 0;
    static int GetC() => 0;

The order of evaluation is the following:

  1. GetA is called and cached
  2. MyCollection is created, populated and cached, GetC is called in the process
  3. Indexer's getter is invoked with cached values for indexes
  4. Result is incremented
  5. Indexer's setter is invoked with cached values for indexes and the result of the increment

An example with an empty collection:

class Program
    static void Test(Program p)

    int this[int a, params MyCollection c] { get => 0; set {} }

    static int GetA() => 0;

The order of evaluation is the following:

  1. GetA is called and cached
  2. An empty MyCollection is created and cached
  3. Indexer's getter is invoked with cached values for indexes
  4. Result is incremented
  5. Indexer's setter is invoked with cached values for indexes and the result of the increment

Object Initializer

A collection instance is created and populated after the lexically previous index is evaluated, but before the lexically following index is evaluated. The instance is used to invoke indexer's getter as many times as necessary, if any.

For example:

class C1
    public int F1;
    public int F2;

class Program
    static void Test()
        _ = new Program() { [GetA(), GetC()] = { F1 = GetF1(), F2 = GetF2() } };

    C1 this[int a, params MyCollection c] => new C1();

    static int GetA() => 0;
    static int GetC() => 0;
    static int GetF1() => 0;
    static int GetF2() => 0;

The order of evaluation is the following:

  1. GetA is called and cached
  2. MyCollection is created, populated and cached, GetC is called in the process
  3. Indexer's getter is invoked with cached values for indexes
  4. GetF1 is evaluated and assigned to F1 field of C1 retuned on the previous step
  5. Indexer's getter is invoked with cached values for indexes
  6. GetF2 is evaluated and assigned to F2 field of C1 retuned on the previous step

Note, in params array case, its elements are evaluated and cached, but a new instance of an array (with the same values inside) is used for each invocation of indexer's getter instead. For the example above, the order of evaluation is the following:

  1. GetA is called and cached
  2. GetC is called and cached
  3. Indexer's getter is invoked with cached GetA and new array populated with cached GetC
  4. GetF1 is evaluated and assigned to F1 field of C1 retuned on the previous step
  5. Indexer's getter is invoked with cached GetA and new array populated with cached GetC
  6. GetF2 is evaluated and assigned to F2 field of C1 retuned on the previous step

An example with an empty collection:

class C1
    public int F1;
    public int F2;

class Program
    static void Test()
        _ = new Program() { [GetA()] = { F1 = GetF1(), F2 = GetF2() } };

    C1 this[int a, params MyCollection c] => new C1();

    static int GetA() => 0;
    static int GetF1() => 0;
    static int GetF2() => 0;

The order of evaluation is the following:

  1. GetA is called and cached
  2. An empty MyCollection is created and cached
  3. Indexer's getter is invoked with cached values for indexes
  4. GetF1 is evaluated and assigned to F1 field of C1 retuned on the previous step
  5. Indexer's getter is invoked with cached values for indexes
  6. GetF2 is evaluated and assigned to F2 field of C1 retuned on the previous step

Ref safety

The collection expressions ref safety section is applicable to the construction of parameter collections when APIs are invoked in their expanded form.

Params parameters are implicitly scoped when their type is a ref struct. UnscopedRefAttribute can be used to override that.


In metadata we could mark non-array params parameters with System.ParamArrayAttribute, as params arrays are marked today. However, it looks like we will be much safer to use a different attribute for non-array params parameters. For example, the current VB compiler will not be able to consume them decorated with ParamArrayAttribute neither in normal, nor in expanded form. Therefore, an addition of 'params' modifier is likely to break VB consumers, and very likely consumers from other languages or tools.

Given that, non-array params parameters are marked with a new System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ParamCollectionAttribute.

namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter, Inherited = true, AllowMultiple = false)]
    public sealed class ParamCollectionAttribute : Attribute
        public ParamCollectionAttribute() { }

This section was reviewed at LDM and was approved.

Open questions

Stack allocations

Here is a quote from https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/blob/main/proposals/csharp-12.0/collection-expressions.md#unresolved-questions: "Stack allocations for huge collections might blow the stack. Should the compiler have a heuristic for placing this data on the heap? Should the language be unspecified to allow for this flexibility? We should follow the spec for params Span<T>." It sounds like we have to answer the questions in context of this proposal.

[Resolved] Implicitly scoped params

There was a suggestion that, when params modifies a ref struct parameter, it should be considered as declared scoped. The argument is made that number of cases where you want the parameter to be scoped is virtually 100% when looking through the BCL cases. In a few cases that need that, the default could be overwritten with [UnscopedRef].

However, it might be undesirable to change the default simply based on presence of params modifier. Especially, that in overrides/implements scenarios params modifier doesn't have to match.


Params parameters are implicitly scoped - https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/blob/main/meetings/2023/LDM-2023-11-15.md#params-improvements.

[Resolved] Consider enforcing scoped or params across overrides

We've previously stated that params parameters should be scoped by default. However, this introduces odd behavior in overridding, due to our existing rules around restating params:

class Base
    internal virtual Span<int> M1(scoped Span<int> s1, params Span<int> s2) => throw null!;

class Derived : Base
    internal override Span<int> M1(Span<int> s1, // Error, missing `scoped` on override
                                   Span<int> s2  // No error: parameter is implicitly params, and therefore implicitly scoped
                                  ) => throw null!;

We have a difference in behavior between carrying the params and carrying the scoped across overrides here: params is inherited implicitly, and with it scoped, while scoped by itself is not inherited implicitly and must be repeated at every level.

Proposal: We should enforce that overrides of params parameters must explicitly state params or scoped if the original definition is a scoped parameter. In other words, s2 in Derived must have params, scoped, or both.


We will require explicitly stating scoped or params on override of a params parameter when a non-params parameter would be required to do so - https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/blob/main/meetings/2024/LDM-2024-02-21.md#params-and-scoped-across-overrides.

[Resolved] Should presence of required members prevent declaration of params parameter?

Consider the following example:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class MyCollection1 : IEnumerable<long>
    IEnumerator<long> IEnumerable<long>.GetEnumerator() => throw null;
    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => throw null;
    public void Add(long l) => throw null;

    public required int F; // Collection has required member and constructor doesn't initialize it explicitly

class Program
    static void Main()
        Test(2, 3); // error CS9035: Required member 'MyCollection1.F' must be set in the object initializer or attribute constructor.

    // Should an error be reported for the parameter indicating that the constructor that is required
    // to be available doesn't initialize required members? In other words, should one be able
    // to declare such a parameter under the specified conditions?
    static void Test(params MyCollection1 a)


We will validate required members against the constructor that is used to determine eligibility to be a params parameter at the declaration site - https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/blob/main/meetings/2024/LDM-2024-02-21.md#required-members-and-params-parameters.


There is an alternative proposal that extends params only for ReadOnlySpan<T>.

Also, one might say, that with collection expressions now in the language, there is no need to extend params support at all. For any collection type. To consume an API with collection type, a developer simply needs to add two characters, [ before the expanded list of arguments, and ] after it. Given that, extending params support might be an overkill, especially that other languages are unlikely to support consumption of non-array params parameters any time soon.