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Trace and Debug Settings Schema

Trace and debug settings specify trace listeners that collect, store, and route messages, and the level where a trace switch is set.

The following table describes the function of each trace and debug settings element.

Element Description
<add> Adds a listener to the Listeners collection for a trace source.
<add> Adds a listener to the Listeners collection.
<add> Adds a listener to the sharedListeners collection.
<add> Specifies the level where a trace switch is set.
<assert> Specifies whether to display a message box when you call the Debug.Assert method; also specifies the name of the file to write messages to.
<clear> Clears the Listeners collection for a trace source.
<clear> Clears the Listeners collection for trace.
<filter> Adds a filter to a listener in the Listeners collection for a trace source.
<filter> Adds a filter to a listener in the Listeners collection for trace.
<filter> Adds a filter to a listener in the sharedListeners collection.
<listeners> Specifies listeners for the Listeners collection for a trace source.
<listeners> Specifies listeners for the Listeners collection for trace.
<performanceCounters> Specifies the size of the global memory shared by performance counters.
<remove> Removes a listener from the Listeners collection for trace.
<remove> Removes a listener from the Listeners collection for a trace source.
<sharedListeners> Contains listeners that any source or trace element can reference.
<sources> Contains trace sources that initiate tracing messages.
<source> Specifies a trace source that initiates tracing messages.
<switches> Contains trace switches and the level where the trace switches are set.
<system.diagnostics> Specifies trace listeners that collect, store, and route messages and the level where a trace switch is set.
<trace> Contains listeners that collect, store, and route tracing messages.

See also