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Specifies the various discovery settings for an endpoint, such as its discoverability, scopes, and any custom extensions to its metadata.



    <behavior name="String">
      <endpointDiscovery enabled="Boolean">
          <add scope="URI"/>
        <extensions />

Attributes and Elements

The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.


Attribute Description
enabled A Boolean value that specifies whether discoverability is enabled on this endpoint. The default is false.

Child Elements

Element Description
<scopes> A collection of scope URIs for the endpoint. More than one scope Uris can be associated with a single endpoint.
<extensions> [of <endpointDiscovery>] A collection of XML elements that allows you to specify custom metadata to be published for an endpoint.
<types> A collection of interfaces to search for.

Parent Elements

Element Description
<behavior> Specifies a behavior element.


When added to the endpoint’s behavior configuration and with the enabled attribute set to true, this configuration element enables its discoverability. In addition, you can use the <scopes>child element to specifying custom scope Uris that can be used to filter service endpoints during query, as well as the <extensions> child element to specify custom metadata that should be published along with the standard discoverable metadata (EPR, ContractTypeName, BindingName, Scope and ListenURI).

This configuration element is dependent on the <serviceDiscovery> element that provides the service level control of discoverability. This means that this element’s settings are ignored if <serviceDiscovery> is not present in the configuration.


The following configuration example specifies filtering scopes and extension metadata to be published for an endpoint.

  <service name="CalculatorService"
    <endpoint binding="basicHttpBinding"
              behaviorConfiguration="calculatorEndpointBehavior" />
    <behavior name="CalculatorServiceBehavior">
      <serviceDiscovery />
    <behavior name="calculatorEndpointBehavior">
      <endpointDiscovery enabled="true">
          <add scope="http://contoso/test1" />
          <add scope="http://contoso/test2" />
          <e:Publisher xmlns:e="http://example.org">
            <e:Name>The Example Organization</e:Name>
            <e:Address>One Example Way, ExampleTown, EX 12345</e:Address>
          <AnotherCustomMetadata>Custom Metadata</AnotherCustomMetadata>

See also