Създаване на интелигентни приложения
17.03, 21 ч. - 21.03, 10 ч.
Присъединете се към поредицата срещи, за да изградите мащабируеми AI решения, базирани на реални случаи на употреба с колеги разработчици и експерти.
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This topic provides links to the Visual Basic and C# solutions that contain LINQ to SQL sample code.
Visual Basic version of the SampleQueries solution
Sample Queries (Visual Basic)
C# version of the SampleQueries solution
Sample Queries
Follow these steps to find additional examples of LINQ to SQL code and applications:
Search Microsoft technical documentation for information about specific issues.
Participate in the LINQ Forum, where you can discuss more complex topics in detail with experts.
Study the white paper that details LINQ to SQL technology, complete with Visual Basic and C# code examples. For more information, see LINQ to SQL: .NET Language-Integrated Query for Relational Data.
Създаване на интелигентни приложения
17.03, 21 ч. - 21.03, 10 ч.
Присъединете се към поредицата срещи, за да изградите мащабируеми AI решения, базирани на реални случаи на употреба с колеги разработчици и експерти.
Регистрирайте се сегаОбучение
Store local data with SQLite in a .NET MAUI app - Training
Learn how to store and access data held in SQLite using a .NET Multi-platform App UI (MAUI) app
With this sample code, get started using LINQ to SQL to use the LINQ technology to access SQL databases just as you would access an in-memory collection.
Learn more about: Programming Guide
Creating the Object Model - ADO.NET
Learn more about: Creating the Object Model