
Споделяне чрез


Provides information about the layout of an object in memory.


typedef struct COR_TYPE_LAYOUT {  
    COR_TYPEID parentID;  
    ULONG32 objectSize;  
    ULONG32 numFields;  
    ULONG32 boxOffset;  
    CorElementType type;  


Member Description
parentID The identifier of the parent type to this type. This will be the NULL type id (token1= 0, token2 = 0) if the type id corresponds to System.Object.
objectSize The base size of an object of this type. This is the total size for non-variable sized objects.
numFields The number of fields included in objects of this type.
boxOffset If this type is boxed, the beginning offset of an object's fields. This field is valid only for value types such as primitives and structures.
type The CorElementType to which this type belongs.


If numFields is greater than zero, you can call the ICorDebugProcess5::GetTypeFields method to obtain information about the fields in this type. If type is ELEMENT_TYPE_STRING, ELEMENT_TYPE_ARRAY, or ELEMENT_TYPE_SZARRAY, the size of objects of this type is variable, and you can pass the COR_TYPEID structure to the ICorDebugProcess5::GetArrayLayout method.


Platforms: See System Requirements.

Header: CorDebug.idl, CorDebug.h

Library: CorGuids.lib

.NET Framework Versions: Available since 4.5

See also