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Analyzing Extension Update Telemetry

INTRODUCED IN: Exception telemetry was introduced in Business Central 2020 release wave 1, version 16.2. Upgrade tag telemetry was introduced in Business Central 2021 release wave 1, version 18.1.


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Extension upgrade telemetry gathers information about operations that can occur during extension upgrades:

  • Upgrade code failures

    The telemetry provides information about exceptions that are thrown by code run by upgrade codeunits. The trace events include the following information:

    • The codeunit that threw the exception.
    • AL stack trace.
    • Exception message.
  • Upgrade tag usage

    The telemetry provides information about calls to the AL methods HasUpgradeTag and SetUpgradeTag from upgrade codeunits. These methods are provided by codeunit 9999 Upgrade Tag in the System Application extension. Upgrade tags are used to control when upgrade code is run. For more information, see Using upgrade tags to control upgrade code. This data can help you identify, troubleshoot, and resolve issues in upgrade code.

The telemetry helps you troubleshoot and resolve code issues that block the data upgrade of per-tenant and AppSource extensions.

Extension Update Failed: exception raised in extension

Occurs when an extension upgrade fails because of an exception in an upgrade codeunit.

General dimensions

Dimension Description or value
message Extension Update Failed: exception raised in extension {extensionName} by {extensionPublisher} (updating to version {extensionTargetedVersion})
severityLevel 3

Custom dimensions

Dimension Description or value
eventId RT0010
alObjectId The ID of the AL object that was run by request
alStackTrace The stack trace in AL
companyName The display name of the Business Central company that was used at time of execution
extensionName The name of the extension that was being upgraded
extensionId The AppID of the extension that was being upgraded
extensionTargetedVersion The new version of the extension being upgraded
extensionVersion The old version of the extension being upgraded
failureReason The exception that was thrown by the upgrade code. Some exception messages can contain customer data. As a precaution, Business Central only emits information that's classified as SystemMetadata. Exception messages that contain other data classifications, like customer data, aren't shown. Instead, the following message is shown: "Message not shown because the NavBaseException(string, Exception, bool) constructor was used."
failureType DataUpdate

Common custom dimensions

The following table explains other custom dimensions that are common to all extension update traces.

Dimension Description or value
aadTenantId The Microsoft Entra tenant ID that's used for Microsoft Entra authentication. For on-premises, if you aren't using Microsoft Entra authentication, this value is common.
component Dynamics 365 Business Central Server
componentVersion The version number of the component that emits telemetry (see the component dimension)
environmentName The name of the tenant environment. See Managing Environments. This dimension isn't included for Business Central on-premises environments.
deprecatedKeys A comma-separated list of all the keys that have been deprecated. The keys in this list are still supported but will eventually be removed in the next major release. We recommend that update any queries that use these keys to use the new key name.
environmentType The environment type for the tenant, such as Production, Sandbox, Trial. See Environment Types
telemetrySchemaVersion The version of the Business Central telemetry schema

Upgrade tag searched for

Occurs when the HasUpgradeTag method in codeunit 9999 Upgrade Tag is called from an upgrade codeunit during an extension upgrade.

General dimensions

Dimension Description or value
message Upgrade tag searched for: {alUpgradeTag}
severityLevel 3

Custom dimensions

Dimension Description or value
eventId AL0000EJ9
alCategory ALUpgrade
alCompanyName The display name of the Business Central company that was used at time of execution
alDataClassification OrganizationIdentifiableInformation
alObjectId 9996
alObjectName Upgrade Tag Impl.
alUpgradeTag The upgrade tag that was input to the HasUpgradeTag method
alExecutionContext The context that the upgrade code was running in. The dimension has the following values:
  • Install indicates the code was run during the installation of the extension.
  • Upgrade indicates the code was run during the upgrade of the extension.
  • Normal indicates the code was run by an operation other than extension installation or upgrade. For example, when a new company was added.
alValue true if the upgrade tag was found; otherwise, false.
extensionName System Application
extensionId The ID of the System Application extension
extensionPublisher The publisher of the System Application extension
extensionVersion The version of the System Application extension
See common custom dimensions

Upgrade tag set

Occurs when the SetUpgradeTag method in Codeunit 9999 Upgrade Tag is called from an upgrade codeunit during an extension upgrade.

General dimensions

Dimension Description or value
message Upgrade tag searched for: {alUpgradeTag}
severityLevel 3

Custom dimensions

Dimension Description or value
eventId AL0000EJA
alCategory ALUpgrade
alCompanyName The display name of the Business Central company that was used at time of execution
alDataClassification OrganizationIdentifiableInformation
alObjectId 9996
alObjectName Upgrade Tag Impl.
alUpgradeTag The upgrade tag that was set by the SetUpgradeTag method.
alExecutionContext The context that the upgrade code was running in. The dimension has the following values:
  • Install indicates the code was run during the installation of the extension.
  • Upgrade indicates the code was run during the upgrade of the extension.
  • Normal indicates the code was run by an operation other than extension installation or upgrade. For example, when a new company was added.
extensionName System Application
extensionId The ID of the System Application extension
extensionPublisher The publisher of the System Application extension
extensionVersion The version of the System Application extension
See common custom dimensions

See also

Upgrading Extensions
Monitoring and Analyzing Telemetry
Enable Sending Telemetry to Application Insights