
Споделяне чрез

Report, Report Fields, and Report extension properties

This article lists properties that apply to the report object, report fields, and report extension object.

Object properties

The following properties all apply to the Report object, only some of these properties can be set for a Report extension object as specified below. This list is sorted alphabetically by property name. For Report properties sorted by method on a Report, see Properties.

Property name Extensible Applies to
AccessByPermission property -Table field
-Page Field
-Page Part
-Page System Part
-Page Chart Part
-Page Action
-Page Custom Action
-Page File Upload Action
AdditionalSearchTerms property True -Page
AdditionalSearchTermsML property True -Page
AllowScheduling property -Report
ApplicationArea property True -Page Label
-Page Field
-Page Part
-Page System Part
-Page Chart Part
-Page Action
-Page Custom Action
-Page File Upload Action
-Page User Control
AutoCalcField property -Xml Port Field Attribute
-Xml Port Field Element
-Report Column
AutoFormatExpression property -Table field
-Page Field
-Report Column
AutoFormatType property -Table field
-Page Field
-Report Column
CalcFields property -Xml Port Table Element
-Report Data Item
Caption property True -Table
-Table field
-Page Field
-Field Group
-Request Page
-Page Label
-Page Group
-Page Part
-Page System Part
-Page Action
-Page Action Separator
-Page Action Group
-Xml Port
-Query Column
-Query Filter
-Report Column
-Enum Value
-Page Custom Action
-Page System Action
-Page File Upload Action
-Page View
-Report Layout
-Enum Type
-Permission Set
CaptionML property True -Table
-Table field
-Page Field
-Field Group
-Request Page
-Page Label
-Page Group
-Page Part
-Page System Part
-Page Action
-Page Action Separator
-Page Action Group
-Xml Port
-Query Column
-Query Filter
-Report Column
-Enum Value
-Page Custom Action
-Page System Action
-Page File Upload Action
-Page View
-Report Layout
-Enum Type
-Permission Set
DataAccessIntent property -Page
DataItemLinkReference property -Report Data Item
DataItemTableView property -Report Data Item
DecimalPlaces property -Table field
-Page Field
-Report Column
DefaultLayout property -Report
DefaultRenderingLayout property -Report
Description property True -Codeunit
-Table field
-Table key
-Page Action
-Page Action Area
-Page Action Group
-Page Area
-Page Field
-Page Group
-Page Label
-Page Part
-Page System Part
-Page Chart Part
-Query Column
-Query Data Item
-Query Filter
-Report Data Item
-Report Column
-Request Page
-Xml Port
-Xml Port Text Element
-Xml Port Field Element
-Xml Port Table Element
-Xml Port Field Attribute
-Xml Port Text Attribute
EnableExternalAssemblies property -Report
EnableExternalImages property -Report
EnableHyperlinks property -Report
ExcelLayout property True -Report
-Report Extension
ExcelLayoutMultipleDataSheets property -Report
ExecutionTimeout property -Report
Extensible property -Report
-Enum Type
FormatRegion property -Report
IncludeCaption property -Report Column
InherentEntitlements property -Query
-Xml Port
InherentPermissions property -Query
-Xml Port
LayoutFile property -Report Layout
MaximumDatasetSize property -Report
MaximumDocumentCount property -Report
MaxIteration property -Report Data Item
MimeType property -Report Layout
ObsoleteReason property -Page Action Ref
-Page Custom Action
-Page File Upload Action
-Table field
-Table key
-Enum Type
-Enum Value
-Page Action
-Page Action Group
-Page Action Separator
-Page Part
-Page System Part
-Page Chart Part
-Page Group
-Page Label
-Query Column
-Query Filter
-Report Data Item
-Report Column
-Request Page
-Xml Port
-Page Field
-Page Action Area
-Page Area
-Page View
-Control Add In
-Permission Set
-Field Group
ObsoleteState property -Page Action Ref
-Page Custom Action
-Page File Upload Action
-Table field
-Table key
-Enum Type
-Enum Value
-Page Action
-Page Action Group
-Page Action Separator
-Page Part
-Page System Part
-Page Chart Part
-Page Group
-Page Label
-Query Column
-Query Filter
-Report Data Item
-Report Column
-Request Page
-Xml Port
-Page Field
-Page Action Area
-Page Area
-Page View
-Control Add In
-Permission Set
-Field Group
ObsoleteTag property -Page Action Ref
-Page Custom Action
-Page File Upload Action
-Table field
-Table key
-Enum Type
-Enum Value
-Page Action
-Page Action Group
-Page Action Separator
-Page Part
-Page System Part
-Page Chart Part
-Page Group
-Page Label
-Query Column
-Query Filter
-Report Data Item
-Report Column
-Request Page
-Xml Port
-Page Field
-Page Action Area
-Page Area
-Page View
-Control Add In
-Permission Set
-Field Group
OptionCaption property True -Table field
-Page Field
-Report Column
OptionCaptionML property True -Table field
-Page Field
-Report Column
PaperSourceDefaultPage property -Report
PaperSourceFirstPage property -Report
PaperSourceLastPage property -Report
PdfFontEmbedding property -Report
Permissions property -Codeunit
-Request Page
-Xml Port
-Permission Set
-Permission Set Extension
PreviewMode property -Report
PrintOnlyIfDetail property -Report Data Item
ProcessingOnly property -Report
RDLCLayout property True -Report
-Report Extension
RequestFilterFields property -Xml Port Table Element
-Report Data Item
RequestFilterHeading property -Xml Port Table Element
-Report Data Item
RequestFilterHeadingML property -Xml Port Table Element
-Report Data Item
ShowPrintStatus property -Report
Summary property -Report Layout
SummaryML property -Report Layout
TransactionType property -Xml Port
UsageCategory property -Query
UseRequestPage property -Xml Port
UseSystemPrinter property -Report
WordLayout property True -Report
-Report Extension
WordMergeDataItem property -Report

Getting started with AL
Developing extensions