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Unified Interface KM Control (Hosted Control)

Use the Unified Interface KM Control type of hosted control to display knowledge base articles in your agent application. Using the new hosted control, your service agents can search for articles, associate or disassociate an article with a case, copy a link to an article, and send it through email or in chat without having to switch applications. More information: Use knowledge for effective customer engagement and Configure Unified Service Desk to use model-driven apps


The Unified Interface KM Control supports all search techniques available in the model-driven apps except the Relevance Search. More information: Relevance search for knowledge management

Create a KM Control hosted control

While creating a new hosted control, the fields in the New Hosted Control screen vary based on the type of hosted control you want to create. This section provides information about the specific fields that are unique to the Unified Interface KM Control hosted control type. For detailed information about creating a hosted control, see Create or edit a hosted control.

Unified Interface KM Control hosted control.

In the New Hosted Control screen:

  • Under Unified Service Desk area, select Unified Interface KM Control from the Unified Service Desk Component Type drop-down list.

  • The Allow Multiple Pages drop-down list is not supported for this hosted control type.

  • The Hosting Type is Chrome Process. For more information, see Select a hosting method for hosted controls.

  • Under the Common Properties area, select the Application is Global check box to set the hosted control as global. Global hosted controls can be displayed outside of a customer session. Controls like the agents’ dashboard, wall or search are common uses for global hosted controls. Global hosted controls do not have session-specific state so when you change sessions, these same global hosted controls remain. If the check box is not selected, the hosted control becomes session based. Session-based controls exist in the context of the customer session. If the user changes to another session, all the session pages from the previous session are hidden.

  • The Display Group field displays the panel where this hosted control will be displayed. In the knowledge management package, the Unified Interface KM Control is displayed in the RightPanel; however, you can choose to display it in the LeftPanel or MainPanel as per your requirement. For information about various panels available in Unified Service Desk, see Panels, panel types, and panel layouts in Unified Service Desk.

For information about other General fields, see Create or edit a hosted control.

Predefined UII actions

These are the predefined actions for this hosted control type.


Associates a knowledge base record with the parent entity record in Unified Interface KM Control.

Parameter Description
entitytypename The logical name of the parent entity to associate the knowledge base record to. For example: entitytypename=incident
recordid The ID of the parent entity record to associate the knowledge base record to.
articleuniqueid The unique ID of the article in that you want to associate. For example: articleuniqueid=7924/8112/Article/41
articletitle A string value representing article's title that you want to associate. For example: articletitle=Diffused Sunlight and Weather Conditions
articlepublicurl The public URL of the article that you want to associate. If you are using native Microsoft Dataverse knowledge base, the articles should have already been published to an external portal (select Use an external portal in the Knowledge Base management Settings dialog box in Dataverse) so that you can use the article URL in this parameter.

For example: articlepublicurl=https://support.microsoft.com/kb/{kbnum}


Closes the Unified Interface KM Control hosted control.


Disassociates a knowledge base record, which is already associated to the parent entity record in Unified Interface KM Control.

Parameter Description
articleuniqueid The unique ID of the article that you want to disassociate. For example: articleuniqueid=7924/8112/Article/41
relatedentityrecordid The ID of the parent entity record with which the knowledge base record is associated.
entityname The logical name of the parent entity to which the knowledge base record is associated. For example: entitytypename=incident


Fires a user-defined event from the Unified Interface KM Control hosted control.

Parameter Description
name Name of the user-defined event.

All subsequent name=value pairs become the parameters to the event. For more information about creating a user-defined event, see Create a user-defined event.


Moves the hosted control to the specified panel in Unified Service Desk at runtime.

Parameter Description
app Name of the hosted control to be moved.
panel Name of the target panel to move the hosted control to.

Pops up a URL from the hosted control, and runs the window navigation rules against it for routing the popup to the appropriate location.

Parameter Description
url Routes a popup from the hosted control using this URL as if it were a popup requested form the displayed control.
frame The frame from which the popup originated.


Displays the hosted control at the specified location on a monitor. You can display hosted control on up to two monitors. This action is applicable for hosted control instances that are configured to be placed on a USDFloatingPanel or USDFloatingToolPanel panel type.

Parameter Description
screen Specifies the screen on which to display the hosted control. Valid values are 1 or 2. If you don’t specify this parameter, 1 is passed by default.
left Specifies the position, in percentage, from the left of the screen on the target monitor where the hosted control should be displayed. Valid values are 0 through 100. If you don’t specify this parameter, 0 is passed by default.
top Specifies the position, in percentage, from the top of the screen on the target monitor where the hosted control should be displayed. Valid values are 0 through 100. If you don’t specify this parameter, 0 is passed by default.
width Specifies the width, in percentage, of the hosted control window on the target monitor. Valid values are 1 through 100. If you don’t specify this parameter, 100 is passed by default.
height Specifies the height, in percentage, of the hosted control window on the target monitor. Valid values are 1 through 100. If you don’t specify this parameter, 100 is passed by default.

Searches records in the Unified Interface KM Control by passing search string as parameter.

Parameter Description
query A string value to be searched in the hosted control. For example: query=contoso. This will fetch all the knowledge articles from Dataverse that have names starting with the word "contoso".
results An integer value to indicate the number of search results to be displayed in the hosted control. For example, specifying results=5 will display 5 search results in the hosted control. If no value or a wrong value is provided for this data parameter, then the default value (10) will be used. The maximum value allowed for this data parameter is 20.
filter An integer value to indicate the knowledge base article type to be displayed in the hosted control:

- 0: Draft
- 1: Approved
- 3: Published

For example, specify filter=3 to display only published knowledge base articles.

If no value or a wrong value is provided, then the default value (3) will be used.
blockClick An integer value to indicate whether to block displaying the content inline when a search result is clicked in the hosted control. Set it to 0 to open the content inline when clicked; set it 1 to block opening the content inline. For example: blocked=1

If no value or a wrong value is provided, then the default value (0) will be used. If you have the set the value to 1 to block the content, the ResultOpen event will still be fired.
sort An integer value to indicate the sorting options for the knowledge base articles in the search result:

- 1: Relevance (default)
- 2: Rating
- 3: Number of views
- 4: Last modified date (oldest first)
- 5: Last modified date (newest first)

For example, specify sort=2 to sort the articles based on rating.

If no value or a wrong value is provided, then the default value (1) will be used for the data parameter.


Attaches data to the current knowledge base article in Unified Interface KM Control.

Parameter Description
articleapplication Name of the hosted control where the knowledge base article will be displayed.
articledata An article record object value passed from the ResultOpen event.


Enables different type of filters to search for knowledge base articles in Unified Interface KM Control.

Parameter Description
showFilter Indicates whether to enable the article type filter for searching knowledge base articles. Set it 0 to hide the filter and 1 to display the filter. For example: showFilter=1.

If no value or a wrong value is provided, then default value (0) will be used.
showLang Indicates whether to enable the language filter for searching knowledge base articles. Set it 0 to hide the filter and 1 to display the filter. For example: showLang=1.

If no value or a wrong value is provided, then default value (0) will be used.


Sets the height and width of the hosted control. This is particularly useful when using "auto" in your panel layouts.

Parameter Description
width The width of the hosted control.
height The height of the hosted control.


Enables the user to close the hosted control by clicking the X icon at the top-right corner of the hosted control tab.

Parameter Description
UserCanClose Set this to true to enable the user to close the hosted control. Otherwise, set false.

Predefined events

The following predefined events are associated with this hosted control type.


Occurs after a popup has been routed by the system.

Parameter Description
url The URL of the popup that was routed.


Occurs when a search result is opened for reading content in Unified Interface KM Control.

Parameter Description
postdata The formdata object containing a set of key/value pairs representing form fields and their values for a knowledge article.


Occurs after the knowledge base article search is complete, and the search results have loaded in the hosted control.


Occurs when a result is selected in Unified Interface KM Control.

Parameter Description
postdata The formdata object containing a set of key/value pairs representing form fields and their values for a knowledge article.

See also

Hosted control types, action, and event reference