
Споделяне чрез

Operation list

The following operations are available in the audit logs.

Friendly name Operation name Notes
Add Admin Personal Workspace Access AddAdminPersonalWorkspaceAccess
Add Artifact To Pipeline AddArtifactToPipeline
Add Experiment Run AddExperimentRun
Add Model Version AddModelVersion
Add Tenant Key AddTenantKey
Add Tile AddTile Add Tile is dashboard activity, which is generated on adding visuals as tiles to a Power BI Dashboard
Added data source to Power BI gateway AddDatasourceToGateway
Added external resource AddExternalResource
Added link to external resource AddLinkToExternalResource
Added Power BI folder access AddFolderAccess Not currently used
Added Power BI group members AddGroupMembers
Added user to Power BI gateway cluster AddUsersToGatewayCluster Not currently used
Added user to Power BI gateway cluster datasource AddUsersToGatewayClusterDatasource
Admin attached dataflow storage account to tenant AdminAttachedDataflowStorageAccountToTenant Not currently used
Admin Get Artifacts Byuser Id AdminGetArtifactsByuserId
Analyze In Excel Dataset AnalyzeInExcelDataset
Analyze In Excel Report AnalyzeInExcelReport
Analyzed Power BI report AnalyzeInExcel Generated when a user selects Analyze in Excel on a report or semantic model in the service and successfully generates an Excel workbook
Analyzed Power BI semantic model AnalyzedByExternalApplication Generated when users interact with the service
Applied a change to model in Power BI ApplyChangeToPowerBIModel A user makes a change to an existing model. This occurs whenever any edit is made to the model (ex: write a DAX measure, manage relationships, etc.)
Applied sensitivity label to Power BI item SensitivityLabelApplied
Assign Workspace To Alm Pipeline AssignWorkspaceToAlmPipeline
Assigned a workspace to a deployment pipeline AssignWorkspaceToPipeline Not currently used
Attach Notebook Environment AttachNotebookEnvironment Attach the environment for Notebook.
Attach source in GraphQL artifact AttachSourceGraphQL Attach source in graphql artifact
Attached dataflow storage account AttachedDataflowStorageAccount
Binded monikers to Power BI datasources BindMonikersToDatasources
Binded Power BI semantic model to gateway BindToGateway
Cancel Datamart Batch CancelDatamartBatch
Cancel Dataset Refresh CancelDatasetRefresh
Cancel mounted warehouse batch CancelMountedWarehouseBatch Generated when a mounted warehouse batch is canceled
Cancel Running Artifact CancelRunningArtifact
Cancel Spark Application CancelSparkApplication
Cancel Sql Analytics Endpoint Lakehouse Batch CancelSqlAnalyticsEndpointLakehouseBatch Canceled a lakehouse SQL analytics endpoint batch
Cancel Warehouse Batch CancelWarehouseBatch
Cancel Workspace Upgrades As Admin CancelWorkspaceUpgradesAsAdmin
Canceled Power BI dataflow refresh CancelDataflowRefresh
Changed capacity state ChangeCapacityState
Changed capacity user assignment UpdateCapacityUsersAssignment
Changed Power BI gateway admins ChangeGatewayAdministrators
Changed Power BI gateway data source users ChangeGatewayDatasourceUsers
Changed Power BI semantic model connections SetAllConnections
Changed sensitivity label for Power BI item SensitivityLabelChanged
Checkout Branch In Git CheckoutBranchInGit
Cleanup unused or corrupted files from dataflows' refreshes CleanupDataflow Cleanup unused or corrupted files from dataflows' refreshes
Clone Tile CloneTile
Co Author Notebook CoAuthorNotebook
Commit Notebook CommitNotebook
Commit To Git CommitToGit Commit To Git is an artifact activity, which is generated when users commit artifact to Git.
Completed an artifact access request action in Power BI ArtifactAccessRequest
Connect To Git ConnectToGit Connect To Git is a workspace activity, which is generated when users connect the workspace to Git.
Connected to Power BI semantic model from external app ConnectFromExternalApplication Not currently used
Convert Personal Workspace To Workspace ConvertPersonalWorkspaceToWorkspace
Copied Power BI dashboard CopyDashboard
Copied Power BI report CopyReport
Copy Scorecard CopyScorecard
Create Artifact CreateArtifact
Create Branch In Git CreateBranchInGit Create Branch In Git is a git provider activity, which is generated when users create branch in Git.
Create Cloud Datasource CreateCloudDatasource
Create Cloud Datasource From Kind Path CreateCloudDatasourceFromKindPath
Create Data Sharing CreateDataSharing Create a new external data share
Create Datamart CreateDatamart
Create Dataset By Quick Share CreateDatasetByQuickShare
Create Directory In Git CreateDirectoryInGit Create Directory In Git is a git provider activity, which is generated when users create directory in Git.
Create gateway cluster data source from kind path JSON CreateGatewayClusterDatasourceFromKindPath Create gateway cluster data source from kind path JSON
Create Gateway Cluster User CreateGatewayClusterUser
Create Gateway Tenant Key CreateGatewayTenantKey
Create Goal Value Categories CreateGoalValueCategories
Create Hierarchy Goal Value CreateHierarchyGoalValue
Create Hierarchy Note CreateHierarchyNote
Create Link Goals CreateLinkGoals
Create Notebook Resource CreateNotebookResource Create resources in notebook.
Create Org App CreateOrgApp
Create Personal Datasource CreatePersonalDatasource
Create Report From Lakehouse CreateReportFromLakehouse
Create Scorecard Hierarchy CreateScorecardHierarchy
Create Scorecard View CreateScorecardView
Create Service Principal Profile CreateServicePrincipalProfile
Create Template App Package CreateTemplateAppPackage Create Template App Package is an app activity, which is generated on creation of a Template App Package
Create Warehouse CreateWarehouse
Create Workspace CreateWorkspace
Created a Power BI metric value CreateGoalValue
Created a Power BI scorecard CreateScorecard
Created a Power BI scorecard metric CreateGoal
Created a Power BI template or a workspace for a template app CreateTemplateApp
Created an install ticket for installing Power BI template app CreateTemplateAppInstallTicket
Created an organizational custom visual InsertOrganizationalGalleryItem
Created deployment pipeline CreateAlmPipeline
Created Power BI app CreateApp
Created Power BI dashboard CreateDashboard
Created Power BI dataflow CreateDataflow
Created Power BI email subscription CreateEmailSubscription
Created Power BI folder CreateFolder
Created Power BI gateway CreateGateway
Created Power BI gateway cluster datasource CreateGatewayClusterDatasource
Created Power BI group CreateGroup
Created Power BI report CreateReport
Created Power BI semantic model CreateDataset
Created Power BI semantic model from external app CreateDatasetFromExternalApplication Not currently used
Custom visual requested Azure AD access token GenerateCustomVisualAADAccessToken
Custom visual requested Office Web Apps access token CustomVisualWACAccessToken Not currently used
D L P Info DLPInfo
D L P Rule Match DLPRuleMatch
D L P Rule Undo DLPRuleUndo
Dataflow migrated to external storage account DataflowMigratedToExternalStorageAccount Not currently used
Dataflow permissions added DataflowPermissionsAdded Not currently used
Dataflow permissions removed DataflowPermissionsRemoved Not currently used
Delete admin monitoring folder via lockbox DeleteAdminMonitoringFolderViaLockbox
Delete admin usage dashboards via lockbox DeleteAdminUsageDashboardsViaLockbox
Delete all Domain's Folders Relations DeleteAllDataDomainFoldersRelationsAsAdmin Delete all Domain's Folders Relations
Delete Alm Pipeline Access DeleteAlmPipelineAccess
Delete Alm Pipeline Access As Admin DeleteAlmPipelineAccessAsAdmin
Delete Artifact DeleteArtifact
Delete Capacity Delegation settings DeleteCapacityTenantSettingDelegation Delete Capacity delegation settings.
Delete Datamart DeleteDatamart
Delete Domain DeleteDataDomainAsAdmin Delete Domain
Delete Domain's Folder Relation As Folder Owner DeleteDataDomainFolderRelationsAsFolderOwner Delete Domain's Folder Relation As Folder Owner
Delete Experiment Run DeleteExperimentRun
Delete Goal Current Value Rollup DeleteGoalCurrentValueRollup
Delete Goal Status Rules DeleteGoalStatusRules
Delete Goal Target Value Connection DeleteGoalTargetValueConnection
Delete Goal Target Value Rollup DeleteGoalTargetValueRollup
Delete Goal Value DeleteGoalValue
Delete Goal Value Categories DeleteGoalValueCategories
Delete Goals DeleteGoals
Delete Group Workspace DeleteGroupWorkspace
Delete Hierarchy Goal Value DeleteHierarchyGoalValue
Delete Hierarchy Note DeleteHierarchyNote
Delete Lakehouse Table DeleteLakehouseTable
Delete Link Goals DeleteLinkGoals
Delete Model Version DeleteModelVersion
Delete Notebook Resource DeleteNotebookResource Update resources in notebook.
Delete Scorecard Hierarchy DeleteScorecardHierarchy
Delete Scorecard View DeleteScorecardView
Delete Service Principal Profile DeleteServicePrincipalProfile
Delete Service Principal Profile As Admin DeleteServicePrincipalProfileAsAdmin
Delete source in GraphQL artifact DeleteSourceGraphQL Delete source in graphql artifact
Delete Template App Package DeleteTemplateAppPackage Delete Template App Package is an app activity, which is generated on deletion of a Template App package
Delete Tile DeleteTile Delete Tile is a dashboard activity, which is generated on deletion of tiles from a Power BI Dashboard
Delete usage metrics v2 package via lockbox DeleteUsageMetricsv2PackageViaLockbox
Delete Warehouse DeleteWarehouse
Delete Workspace Via Admin Api DeleteWorkspaceViaAdminApi
Deleted a Power BI template app or a workspace for a template app DeleteTemplateApp
Deleted an organizational custom visual DeleteOrganizationalGalleryItem
Deleted current value connection of Power BI metric DeleteGoalCurrentValueConnection
Deleted deployment pipeline DeleteAlmPipeline
Deleted link to external resource DeleteLinkToExternalResource
Deleted member of Power BI gateway cluster DeleteGatewayClusterMember
Deleted organizational Power BI content pack DeleteOrgApp
Deleted Power BI comment DeleteComment
Deleted Power BI dashboard DeleteDashboard Not currently used
Deleted Power BI dataflow DeleteDataflow Not currently used
Deleted Power BI email subscription DeleteEmailSubscription
Deleted Power BI folder DeleteFolder
Deleted Power BI folder access DeleteFolderAccess Not currently used
Deleted Power BI gateway DeleteGateway
Deleted Power BI gateway cluster DeleteGatewayCluster
Deleted Power BI gateway cluster datasource DeleteGatewayClusterDatasource
Deleted Power BI group DeleteGroup
Deleted Power BI metric DeleteGoal
Deleted Power BI note DeleteNote
Deleted Power BI report DeleteReport
Deleted Power BI scorecard DeleteScorecard
Deleted Power BI semantic model DeleteDataset
Deleted Power BI semantic model from external app DeleteDatasetFromExternalApplication Not currently used
Deleted Power BI semantic model rows DeleteDatasetRows Indicates that the Push Datasets - Datasets DeleteRows API was called
Deleted sensitivity label from Power BI item SensitivityLabelRemoved
Deleted snapshot for user in Power BI tenant DeleteSnapshot Generated when a user deletes a snapshot that describes a semantic model
DeleteDelete Workspace Delegation settings DeleteWorkspaceTenantSettingDelegation Delete Workspace Delegation settings.
Deploy Model Version DeployModelVersion
Deploy user application in FunctionSet DeployUserAppFunctionSet Deploy user application through FunctionSet artifact
Deployed to a pipeline stage DeployAlmPipeline
Detect Customizations For Solution DetectCustomizationsForSolution
Determine if the user can share a datasource DeterminePrincipalCanShareDatasource Get the policy decision for the user to share a datasource
Disconnect From Git DisconnectFromGit Disconnect From Git is a workspace activity, which is generated when users disconnect the workspace from Git.
Discovered Power BI semantic model data sources GetDatasources
Downgrade Workspace DowngradeWorkspace
Download Notebook Resource DownloadNotebookResource Delete resources in notebook.
Download Spark App Log DownloadSparkAppLog
Downloaded Power BI report DownloadReport
Edit Artifact Endorsement EditArtifactEndorsement
Edit mounted warehouse endorsements EditMountedWarehouseEndorsement Generated when mounted warehouse endorsements are edited
Edit Report Description EditReportDescription
Edit Sql Analytics Endpoint Lakehouse Endorsement EditSqlAnalyticsEndpointLakehouseEndorsement Edited a lakehouse SQL analytics endpoint endorsement
Edit Tile EditTile Edit Tile is a dashboard activity, which is generated on changes or edits to settings for tiles in a Power BI Dashboard
Edit Warehouse Endorsement EditWarehouseEndorsement
Edit Widget Tile EditWidgetTile
Edited Power BI app endorsement EditContentProviderProperties
Edited Power BI certification permission EditCertificationPermission Not currently used
Edited Power BI dashboard EditDashboard Not currently used
Edited Power BI dataflow endorsement EditDataflowProperties
Edited Power BI report EditReport
Edited Power BI report endorsement EditReportProperties
Edited Power BI semantic model EditDataset
Edited Power BI semantic model endorsement EditDatamartEndorsement
Edited Power BI semantic model from external app EditDatasetFromExternalApplication Not currently used
Edited Power BI semantic model properties EditDatasetProperties
Encrypted credentials for Power BI gateway datasource EncryptCredentials
Encrypted credentials using Power BI gateway cluster EncryptClusterCredentials
Evaluate chat response based on the data gateway diagnostics data EvaluateDiagnosticsChat Evaluate chat response based on the data gateway diagnostics data
Evaluate Diagnostics Download EvaluateDiagnosticsDownload
Evaluate Diagnostics Query EvaluateDiagnosticsQuery
Explore Dataset ExploreDataset
Export Package For Solution ExportPackageForSolution
Export Power BI activity events ExportActivityEvents
Exported Power BI dataflow ExportDataflow
Exported Power BI item to another file format ExportArtifact
Exported Power BI report to another file format or exported report visual data ExportReport
Exported Power BI tile data ExportTile
Extract Template App Package ExtractTemplateAppPackage Extract Template App Package is an app activity, which is generated when users extract an existing Template App into another Power BI Template App Workspace
Follow Goal FollowGoal
Gateway Cluster S S O Test Connection GatewayClusterSSOTestConnection
Generate Custom Visual W A C Access Token GenerateCustomVisualWACAccessToken
Generate Multi Resource Embed Token GenerateMultiResourceEmbedToken
Generate screenshot GenerateScreenshot
Generated Power BI dataflow SAS token GenerateDataflowSasToken
Generated Power BI Embed Token GenerateEmbedToken
Get All Private Link Services For Tenant GetAllPrivateLinkServicesForTenant
Get All Scorecards GetAllScorecards
Get Alm Pipeline Users As Admin GetAlmPipelineUsersAsAdmin
Get Alm Pipelines As Admin GetAlmPipelinesAsAdmin
Get Artifact Access By User Id Via Admin Api GetArtifactAccessByUserIdViaAdminApi
Get Artifact Link Shared To Whole Org As Admin GetArtifactLinkSharedToWholeOrgAsAdmin
Get Artifact Users Via Admin Api GetArtifactUsersViaAdminApi
Get Artifacts By Id Via Admin Api GetArtifactsByIdViaAdminApi
Get Artifacts Via Admin Api GetArtifactsViaAdminApi
Get Batch Lakehouse Table Details GetBatchLakehouseTableDetails
Get Cloud Supported Datasources GetCloudSupportedDatasources
Get Dashboards In Group As Admin GetDashboardsInGroupAsAdmin
Get Dataflow Users As Admin GetDataflowUsersAsAdmin
Get Dataflows In Group As Admin GetDataflowsInGroupAsAdmin
Get Dataset Info GetDatasetInfo Get the info of the dataset
Get Dataset Query Scale-Out Sync Status GetDatasetQueryScaleOutSyncStatus Get Dataset Query Scale-Out Sync Status is a dataset activity, which is generated when users request the sync status of a scale out-enabled Power BI dataset.
Get Dataset Users As Admin GetDatasetUsersAsAdmin
Get Datasets In Group As Admin GetDatasetsInGroupAsAdmin
Get Datasource Details With Credentials Async GetDatasourceDetailsWithCredentialsAsync
Get datasource share policy GetDatasourceShareTenantPolicy Retrieve the datasource share policy set by the tenant
Get Dax Capabilities GetDaxCapabilities
Get Default Scorecard View GetDefaultScorecardView
Get delegated capacity tenant setting overrides GetCapacityDelegatedTenantSettingOverridesViaAdminApi Get capacity delegated tenant setting overrides
Get Domain Delegation settings DeleteDomainTenantSettingDelegation Delete Domain Delegation settings.
Get Followed Goals GetFollowedGoals
Get Gateway Cluster GetGatewayCluster
Get Gateway Clusters With Role Options GetGatewayClustersWithRoleOptions
Get Gateway Container I P Configuration GetGatewayContainerIPConfiguration
Get Gateway Container N S Lookup Details GetGatewayContainerNSLookupDetails
Get Gateway Container Test Net Connection Details GetGatewayContainerTestNetConnectionDetails
Get Goal By Hierarchy Item Ids GetGoalByHierarchyItemIds
Get Goal Status Rules GetGoalStatusRules
Get Goal Value Categories GetGoalValueCategories
Get Groups As Admin GetGroupsAsAdmin Get Groups as Admin is a workspace activity, which is generated on retrieving list of Power BI workspaces using an API call.
Get Hierarchy Goal Values GetHierarchyGoalValues
Get Lakehouse Table Details GetLakehouseTableDetails
Get list of users part of the datasource share policy GetDatasourceSharePrincipalsPolicy Retrieve the datasource share principals that are part of policy set by the tenant
Get Model Diagram Layouts GetPowerBIDataModelDiagramLayouts Get diagram layouts when open data model in web model view.
Get Model SAS Token via Lockbox GetModelSASTokenViaLockbox Gets the SAS Token for a given model in a tenant via Lockbox
Get My Goals GetMyGoals
Get Pending Change Status GetPendingChangeStatus
Get Power BI group users GetGroupUsers
Get Publish To Web Artifacts As Admin GetPublishToWebArtifactsAsAdmin
Get refresh history via lockbox GetRefreshHistoryViaLockbox
Get Relevant Measures GetRelevantMeasures
Get Reports As Admin GetReportsAsAdmin
Get Reports In Group As Admin GetReportsInGroupAsAdmin Get Reports in Group as Admin is a workspace activity, which is generated on retrieving the reports present inside a Power BI workspace using an API call.
Get Scorecard By Hierarchy Item Ids GetScorecardByHierarchyItemIds
Get Scorecard Hierarchies GetScorecardHierarchies
Get Scorecard Hierarchy GetScorecardHierarchy
Get Scorecard Hierarchy Items GetScorecardHierarchyItems
Get Scorecard View GetScorecardView
Get Scorecard Views GetScorecardViews
Get Service Principal Profile GetServicePrincipalProfile
Get Service Principal Profiles GetServicePrincipalProfiles
Get Service Principal Profiles As Admin GetServicePrincipalProfilesAsAdmin
Get Subscription Users By Dashboard Id As Admin GetSubscriptionUsersByDashboardIdAsAdmin
Get Subscription Users By Report Id As Admin GetSubscriptionUsersByReportIdAsAdmin
Get Subscriptions For User As Admin GetSubscriptionsForUserAsAdmin
Get Tenant Settings Via Admin Api GetTenantSettingsViaAdminApi
Get the current set of DLP policies applied on the Tenant GetTenantDlpPolicies Get the current set of DLP policies applied on the Tenant
Get the Details of a Moniker DiscoverSystemDetailsOfMoniker Get Moniker and related Data Sources information
Get Unused Artifacts GetUnusedArtifacts
Get User Datasource Limit Status GetUserDatasourceLimitStatus
Get User Datasources By Data Source Reference GetUserDatasourcesByDataSourceReference
Get Virtual Network GetVirtualNetwork
Get Workspace Users Via Admin Api GetWorkspaceUsersViaAdminApi
Get Workspaces By Id Via Admin Api GetWorkspacesByIdViaAdminApi
Get Workspaces Via Admin Api GetWorkspacesViaAdminApi
Goals Create Role GoalsCreateRole
Goals Delete Role GoalsDeleteRole
Goals Get Role GoalsGetRole
Goals Update Role GoalsUpdateRole
Import file to Power BI ended ImportArtifactEnd Generated when importing Power BI Desktop files (.pbix). ImportSource indicates Power BI or OneDriveSharePoint. ImportType tells you if the file is new (Publish) or is being updated (Republish).
Import file to Power BI started ImportArtifactStart Generated when importing Power BI Desktop files (.pbix). When ImportSource is PowerBI, the file import originated from a Power BI client or API. When ImportSource is OneDriveSharePoint, the file import originated from OneDrive or a SharePoint document library.
Import Package For Solution ImportPackageForSolution
Imported file to Power BI Import
Initiate Cloud O Auth Login InitiateCloudOAuthLogin
Initiated Power BI gateway cluster authentication process InitiateGatewayClusterOAuthLogin
Insert Domain InsertDataDomainAsAdmin Insert Domain
Inserted or updated current value connection of Power BI metric UpsertGoalCurrentValueConnection
Inserted or updated target value connection of Power BI metric UpsertGoalTargetValueConnection
Inserted Power BI note InsertNote
Inserted snapshot for user in Power BI tenant InsertSnapshot Generated when user uploads a snapshot that describes their semantic model
Install Teams Analytics Report InstallTeamsAnalyticsReport
Installed Power BI app InstallApp
Installed Power BI template app InstallTemplateApp
Instantiate App InstantiateApp
List Lakehouse Tables ListLakehouseTables
Load Lakehouse Table LoadLakehouseTable
Load Spark App Log LoadSparkAppLog
Manage Relationships ManageRelationships
Map Upn MapUpn
Migrated dataflow storage location MigratedDataflowStorageLocation Not currently used
Migrated workspace to a capacity MigrateWorkspaceIntoCapacity
Modify Workspace Capacity ModifyWorkspaceCapacity Modify Workspace Capacity is a capacity activity, which is generated on assigning a Power BI workspace to a capacity using an API call or the UI.
Move Scorecard MoveScorecard
No Activity NoActivity
Opt In For P P U Trial OptInForPPUTrial
Optimize Lakehouse Table OptimizeLakehouseTable
Override Sjd Spark Settings OverrideSjdSparkSettings
Patch Gateway Cluster PatchGatewayCluster
Patch Goal Value Categories PatchGoalValueCategories
Patched Power BI metric PatchGoal
Patched Power BI metric value PatchGoalValue
Patched Power BI note PatchNote
Patched Power BI scorecard PatchScorecard
Permanently delete Workspaces DeleteWorkspacesPermanentlyAsAdmin Generated when workspaces are permanently deleted by an admin
Pin Report Get Channels In Team PinReportGetChannelsInTeam
Pin Report Get User Joined Teams PinReportGetUserJoinedTeams
Pin Report To Teams Channel PinReportToTeamsChannel
Pin Tile PinTile
Pin Widget Tile PinWidgetTile
Post Dataset Rows PostDatasetRows
Post Notebook Comment PostNotebookComment
Posted Power BI comment PostComment
Preview Lakehouse Table PreviewLakehouseTable
Printed Power BI Dashboard PrintDashboard
Printed Power BI report page PrintReport
Promoted Power BI template app PromoteTemplateAppPackage
Provision Scorecard ProvisionScorecard
PublishDataflow PublishDataflow Publish Dataflow
Published Power BI report to web PublishToWebReport
Put Table PutTable
Ran Power BI email subscription RunEmailSubscription
Read Artifact ReadArtifact
Read Experiment Run ReadExperimentRun
ReadDataflow ReadDataflow Read Dataflow
Rebind Report RebindReport
Received Power BI dataflow secret from Key Vault ReceiveDataflowSecretFromKeyVault
Re-encrypted credentials using Power gateway cluster ReencryptCredentials
Refresh Datamart RefreshDatamart
Refresh Goal Current Value Rollup RefreshGoalCurrentValueRollup
Refresh Goal Target Value Rollup RefreshGoalTargetValueRollup
Refresh Lakehouse Data RefreshLakehouseData
Refresh mounted warehouse metadata RefreshMountedWarehouseMetadata Generated when mounted warehouse metadata is refreshed
Refresh Sql Analytics Endpoint Lakehouse Metadata RefreshSqlAnalyticsEndpointLakehouseMetadata Refreshed metadata for a lakehouse SQL analytics endpoint
Refreshed current value of Power BI metric RefreshGoalCurrentValue
Refreshed target value of Power BI metric RefreshGoalTargetValue
Remove Admin Personal Workspace Access RemoveAdminPersonalWorkspaceAccess
Removed a workspace from a deployment pipeline UnassignWorkspaceFromPipeline Not currently used
Removed data source from Power BI gateway RemoveDatasourceFromGateway
Removed Power BI group members DeleteGroupMembers
Removed user from Power BI gateway cluster RemoveGatewayClusterUser
Removed user from Power BI gateway cluster datasource RemoveGatewayClusterDatasourceUser
Removed workspace from a capacity RemoveWorkspacesFromCapacity
Rename Datamart RenameDatamart
Rename Lakehouse Table RenameLakehouseTable
Rename Report RenameReport Rename Report is a report activity, which is generated on renaming the name of a Power BI Report through its settings
Rename Warehouse RenameWarehouse
Renamed Power BI dashboard RenameDashboard
Request Cognitive Service RequestCognitiveService Request Cognitive Service in ML workload.
Request OpenAI model RequestOpenAI Request OpenAI models in ML workload.
Requested account key for Power BI storage AcquireStorageAccountKey
Requested Power BI dataflow refresh RequestDataflowRefresh Not currently used
Requested Power BI semantic model refresh RefreshDataset
Requested Power BI semantic model refresh from external app RefreshDatasetFromExternalApplication Not currently used
Requested SAS token for Power BI storage AcquireStorageSASFromExternalApplication Not currently used
Restored Power BI workspace RestoreWorkspace
Resume Suspended Datamart ResumeSuspendedDatamart
Resume suspended mounted warehouse ResumeSuspendedMountedWarehouse Generated when a suspended mounted warehouse is resumed
Resume Suspended Sql Analytics Endpoint Lakehouse ResumeSuspendedSqlAnalyticsEndpointLakehouse Resumed a suspended lakehouse SQL analytics endpoint
Resume Suspended Warehouse ResumeSuspendedWarehouse
Retrieved a model from Power BI GetPowerBIDataModel A user opens the Open data model experience or resyncs a data model.
Retrieved all Power BI gateway cluster datasources GetAllGatewayClusterDatasources
Retrieved all supported datasources for Power BI gateway cluster GetGatewayClusterSupportedDatasources
Retrieved allowed Power BI gateway regions GetGatewayRegions
Retrieved authentication details for Power BI gateway cluster datasource GetGatewayClusterDatasourceOAuthDetails
Retrieved data sources from Power BI dataflow GetDataflowDatasourcesAsAdmin
Retrieved data sources from Power BI semantic model GetDatasetDatasourcesAsAdmin
Retrieved links between semantic models and dataflows GetDatasetToDataflowsLinksAsAdmin
Retrieved list of datasource users for Power BI gateway cluster GetGatewayClusterDatasourceUsers
Retrieved list of modified workspaces in Power BI tenant GetModifiedWorkspacesAPI
Retrieved list of Power BI gateway installer principals GetGatewayInstallerPrincipals
Retrieved member status of Power BI gateway cluster GetGatewayClusterMemberStatus
Retrieved metrics of Power BI scorecard GetGoalsForScorecard
Retrieved multiple Power BI gateway clusters GetGatewayClusters
Retrieved multiple Power BI metric values GetGoalValues
Retrieved multiple Power BI scorecards GetScorecards
Retrieved Power BI app users GetAppUsersAsAdmin
Retrieved Power BI apps GetAppsAsAdmin
Retrieved Power BI apps for user GetUserAppsAsAdmin Not currently used
Retrieved Power BI capacities for user GetUserCapacitiesAsAdmin Not currently used
Retrieved Power BI capacity users GetCapacityUsersAsAdmin
Retrieved Power BI dashboard tiles GetDashboardTilesAsAdmin
Retrieved Power BI dashboard users GetDashboardUsersAsAdmin
Retrieved Power BI dashboards GetDashboardsAsAdmin
Retrieved Power BI dashboards for user GetUserDashboardsAsAdmin Not currently used
Retrieved Power BI data sources for user GetUserDatasourcesAsAdmin Not currently used
Retrieved Power BI dataflows GetDataflowsAsAdmin
Retrieved Power BI dataflows for user GetUserDataflowsAsAdmin Not currently used
Retrieved Power BI gateway cluster datasource GetGatewayClusterDatasource
Retrieved Power BI gateway cluster datasources GetGatewayClusterDatasources
Retrieved Power BI gateway datasource users GetDatasourceUsersAsAdmin Not currently used
Retrieved Power BI gateway tenant key GetGatewayTenantKeys
Retrieved Power BI gateway tenant policy GetGatewayTenantPolicy
Retrieved Power BI gateway users GetGatewayUsersAsAdmin Not currently used
Retrieved Power BI gateways for user GetUserGatewaysAsAdmin Not currently used
Retrieved Power BI group users GetGroupUsersAsAdmin
Retrieved Power BI groups for user GetUserGroupsAsAdmin Not currently used
Retrieved Power BI imports GetImportsAsAdmin
Retrieved Power BI metric GetGoal
Retrieved Power BI metric value GetGoalValue
Retrieved Power BI refresh history GetRefreshHistory
Retrieved Power BI refreshable by ID GetRefreshablesForRefreshIdAsAdmin
Retrieved Power BI refreshables GetRefreshablesAsAdmin
Retrieved Power BI refreshables for capacity GetRefreshablesForCapacityAsAdmin
Retrieved Power BI report users GetReportUsersAsAdmin
Retrieved Power BI reports for user GetUserReportsAsAdmin Not currently used
Retrieved Power BI scorecard GetScorecard
Retrieved Power BI scorecard by using report ID GetScorecardByReportId
Retrieved Power BI semantic models GetDatasetsAsAdmin
Retrieved Power BI semantic models for user GetUserDatasetsAsAdmin Not currently used
Retrieved Power BI tenant keys GetTenantKeysAsAdmin
Retrieved Power BI workspaces GetWorkspaces
Retrieved scan result in Power BI tenant GetWorkspacesInfoResult
Retrieved snapshots for user in Power BI tenant GetSnapshots Generated when user retrieves snapshots that describe a semantic model such as when a user visits the data hub
Retrieved status of Power BI gateway cluster GetGatewayClusterStatus
Retrieved status of Power BI gateway cluster datasource GetGatewayClusterDatasourceStatus
Retrieved upstream dataflows from Power BI dataflow GetDataflowUpstreamDataflowsAsAdmin
Retry lakehouse SQL analytics endpoint creation for a Lakehouse RetryLakehouseSqlEndpointCreation Retry SQL endpoint creation for a Lakehouse
Rotate Tenant Key RotateTenantKey
Rotated Power BI gateway tenant key RotateTenantKeyEncryptionKey
Run Artifact RunArtifact
Save Model Diagram Layouts SavePowerBIDataModelDiagramLayouts Save diagram layouts after update data model in web model view.
Saved an autogenerated report to Power BI SaveAutogeneratedReport After exploring an autogenerated Power BI report in an external application, a user saved it to the Power BI service.
Saved an autogenerated semantic model to Power BI SaveAutogeneratedDataset After exploring an autogenerated Power BI semantic model in an external application, a user saved it to the Power BI service.
Schedule Artifact ScheduleArtifact
Sent a scan request in Power BI tenant GetWorkspacesInfoAPI
Set Capacity Tenant Key SetCapacityTenantKey
Set D Q Refresh Schedule Of Dateset SetDQRefreshScheduleOfDateset
Set dataflow storage location for a workspace SetDataflowStorageLocationForWorkspace
Set Lakehouse Endorsement SetLakehouseEndorsement
Set Lakehouse Sensitivity Label SetLakehouseSensitivityLabel
Set Model Refresh Schedule Of Dateset SetModelRefreshScheduleOfDateset
Set Notebook Default Lakehouse SetNotebookDefaultLakehouse Set default lakehouse for notebook.
Set scheduled refresh on Power BI dataflow SetScheduledRefreshOnDataflow
Set scheduled refresh on Power BI semantic model SetScheduledRefresh
Set Sjd Retry Policy SetSjdRetryPolicy
Share Artifact ShareArtifact
Share Datamart ShareDatamart
Share Lakehouse Table ShareLakehouseTable
Share Warehouse ShareWarehouse
Shared Power BI dashboard ShareDashboard
Shared Power BI report ShareReport
Shared Power BI semantic model ShareDataset
Start Notebook Session StartNotebookSession
Started Power BI extended trial OptInForExtendedProTrial Not currently used
Started Power BI trial OptInForProTrial
Stop Notebook Session StopNotebookSession
Switch Branch Git SwitchBranchInGit Switch Branch Git is a workspace activity, which is generated when the user changes what git branch is connected to the workspace.
Sync Dataset Query Scale-Out Replicas SyncDatasetQueryScaleOutReplicas Sync Dataset Query Scale-Out Replicas is a dataset activity, which is generated when users request a synchronization of the read replicas of a scale out-enabled Power BI dataset with its read/write replica.
Take Over Email Subscription TakeOverEmailSubscription
Tested Power BI gateway datasource connection with single sign-on GatewayClusterDatasourceSSOTestConnection
Took over a Power BI datasource TakeOverDatasource
Took over Power BI semantic model TakeOverDataset
Took ownership of Power BI dataflow TookOverDataflow
Trial License Extension TrialLicenseExtension Extend user trials by user list or tenant
Unassign Workspace From Alm Pipeline UnassignWorkspaceFromAlmPipeline
Undo Git UndoGit Undo Git is an artifact activity, which is generated when users undo changes done to artifact.
Unfollow Goal UnfollowGoal
Unpublished Power BI app UnpublishApp
Update Alm Pipeline UpdateAlmPipeline
Update Alm Pipeline Access As Admin UpdateAlmPipelineAccessAsAdmin
Update Artifact UpdateArtifact
Update Byo Resource Access UpdateByoResourceAccess
Update Capacity Delegation settings UpdateCapacityTenantSettingDelegation Update Capacity delegation settings.
Update capacity resource governance settings UpdateCapacityResourceGovernanceSettings Not currently in Microsoft 365 admin center
Update Data Sharing UpdateDataSharing Update an existing external data share
Update Datamart UpdateDatamart
Update Datamart Metadata UpdateDatamartMetadata
Update Datamart Settings UpdateDatamartSettings
Update Dataset UpdateDataset Update Dataset is a dataset activity, which is generated when users updated the properties of a Power BI dataset.
Update Dataset Parameters UpdateDatasetParametersForSolution Update Dataset Parameters is a dataset activity, which is generated when updates are made to a Power BI Dataset parameters
Update datasource share policy UpdateDatasourceShareTenantPolicy Set the datasource share policy set by the tenant
Update Default Domain UpdateDefaultDataDomainAsAdmin Update Default Domain
Update Default Personal Workspace Capacity UpdateDefaultPersonalWorkspaceCapacity
Update Domain UpdateDataDomainAsAdmin Update Domain
Update Domain Access Permissions UpdateDataDomainAccessAsAdmin Update Data Domain Access Permissions
Update Domain Branding UpdateDataDomainBrandingAsAdmin Update Domain Branding
Update Domain Contributors Scope UpdateDataDomainContributorsScopeAsAdmin Update Domain Contributors Scope
Update Domain Delegation settings UpdateDomainTenantSettingDelegation Update Domain Delegation settings.
Update Domain's Folders Relations UpdateDataDomainFoldersRelationsAsAdmin Update Domain's Folders Relations
Update Domain's Folders Relations As Contributor UpdateDataDomainFoldersRelationsAsContributor Update Domain's Folders Relations As Contributor
Update Experiment Run UpdateExperimentRun
Update From Git UpdateFromGit Update From Git is an artifact activity, which is generated when users update artifact from Git.
Update Gateway Cluster Member UpdateGatewayClusterMember
Update Gateway Installer Principals UpdateGatewayInstallerPrincipals
Update Gateway Tenant Policy UpdateGatewayTenantPolicy
Update Goal Connection Settings UpdateGoalConnectionSettings
Update Goal Current Value Connection Owner UpdateGoalCurrentValueConnectionOwner
Update Goal Target Value Connection Owner UpdateGoalTargetValueConnectionOwner
Update Goals UpdateGoals
Update Group UpdateGroup
Update Hierarchy Goal Value UpdateHierarchyGoalValue
Update Hierarchy Note UpdateHierarchyNote
Update In Place Sharing Settings UpdateInPlaceSharingSettings
Update list of users part of the datasource share policy UpdateDatasourceSharePrincipalsPolicy Set the datasource share principals that are part of policy set by the tenant
Update mounted warehouse UpdateMountedWarehouse Generated when mounted warehouse is updated
Update mounted warehouse settings UpdateMountedWarehouseSettings Generated when mounted warehouse settings are updated
Update Notebook Library UpdateNotebookLibrary
Update Notebook Resource UpdateNotebookResource Update resources in notebook.
Update Notebook Spark Property UpdateNotebookSparkProperty
Update Notification Settings UpdateNotificationSettings Update user notification settings for Notification Service Platform.
Update Report Content UpdateReportContent
Update Scorecard Dataset UpdateScorecardDataset
Update Scorecard Hierarchy UpdateScorecardHierarchy
Update Scorecard View UpdateScorecardView
Update Service Principal Profile UpdateServicePrincipalProfile
Update source in GraphQL artifact UpdateSourceGraphQL Update source in GraphQL artifact
Update Sql Analytics Endpoint Lakehouse UpdateSqlAnalyticsEndpointLakehouse Updated a lakehouse SQL analytics endpoint
Update Sql Analytics Endpoint Lakehouse Settings UpdateSqlAnalyticsEndpointLakehouseSettings Updated settings for a lakehouse SQL analytics endpoint
Update the current set of DLP policies applied on the Tenant UpdateTenantDlpPolicies Update the current set of DLP policies applied on the Tenant
Update Virtual Network UpdateVirtualNetwork
Update Warehouse UpdateWarehouse
Update Warehouse Metadata UpdateWarehouseMetadata
Update Warehouse Settings UpdateWarehouseSettings
Update Workspace Delegation settings UpdateWorkspaceTenantSettingDelegation Update Workspace Delegation settings.
Updated an organizational custom visual UpdateOrganizationalGalleryItem
Updated capacity admin UpdateCapacityAdmins
Updated capacity custom settings UpdateCapacityCustomSettings
Updated capacity display name UpdateCapacityDisplayName
Updated credentials for Power BI gateway cluster UpdateGatewayClusterDatasourceCredentials
Updated dataflow storage assignment permissions UpdatedDataflowStorageAssignmentPermissions
Updated deployment pipeline access UpdateAlmPipelineAccess
Updated deployment pipeline configuration SetConfigurationAlmPipeline
Updated featured tables UpdateFeaturedTables
Updated organization's Power BI settings UpdatedAdminFeatureSwitch
Updated parameters for installed Power BI template app UpdateInstalledTemplateAppParameters
Updated Power BI access request settings UpdateAccessRequestSettings
Updated Power BI app UpdateApp
Updated Power BI dataflow UpdateDataflow
Updated Power BI discoverable model settings UpdateDiscoverableModelSettings Generated when a report is set to feature on home
Updated Power BI email subscription UpdateEmailSubscription
Updated Power BI folder UpdateFolder
Updated Power BI folder access UpdateFolderAccess
Updated Power BI gateway cluster datasource UpdateGatewayClusterDatasource
Updated Power BI gateway data source credentials UpdateDatasourceCredentials
Updated Power BI semantic model data sources UpdateDatasources
Updated Power BI semantic model parameters UpdateDatasetParameters
Updated Power BI workspace UpdateWorkspace
Updated Power BI workspace access UpdateWorkspaceAccess
Updated settings for Power BI template app UpdateTemplateAppSettings
Updated snapshots for user in Power BI tenant UpdateSnapshot Generated when user updates snapshots that describe their semantic models
Updated testing permissions for Power BI template app UpdateTemplateAppTestPackagePermissions
Updated the Power BI datasource UpdateDatasource
Updated the Power BI gateway UpdateGateway
Updated workspace Analysis Services settings SetASSeverPropertyOnWorkspaceFromExternalApplicationDetailedInfo Not currently used
Upgrade Workspace UpgradeWorkspace
Upgrade Workspaces As Admin UpgradeWorkspacesAsAdmin
Upsert Datamart Parameters UpsertDatamartParameters
Upsert Goal Current Value Rollup UpsertGoalCurrentValueRollup
Upsert Goal Status Rules UpsertGoalStatusRules
Upsert Goal Target Value Rollup UpsertGoalTargetValueRollup
Upsert Goal Values UpsertGoalValues
Upsert mounted warehouse parameters UpsertMountedWarehouseParameters Generated when mounted warehouse parameters are added or updated
Upsert Sql Analytics Endpoint Lakehouse Parameters UpsertSqlAnalyticsEndpointLakehouseParameters Upserted parameters for a lakehouse SQL analytics endpoint
Upsert Warehouse Parameters UpsertWarehouseParameters
Used Power BI to explore data in an external application ExploreDataExternally Someone used Power BI to explore their data in an external application.
Vacuum Lakehouse Table VacuumLakehouseTable
View Datamart ViewDatamart
View mounted warehouse ViewMountedWarehouse Generated when mounted warehouse is fetched for viewing
View Spark App Input Output ViewSparkAppInputOutput
View Spark App Log ViewSparkAppLog
View Spark Application ViewSparkApplication
View Sql Analytics Endpoint Lakehouse ViewSqlAnalyticsEndpointLakehouse Viewed a lakehouse SQL analytics endpoint
View Warehouse ViewWarehouse
Viewed Power BI dashboard ViewDashboard Some fields such as CapacityID and CapacityName, will return null if the report or dashboard is viewed from a Power BI app, rather than a Power BI workspace
Viewed Power BI dataflow ViewDataflow
Viewed Power BI metadata ViewMetadata
Viewed Power BI report ViewReport A report is also generated per page when exporting a report. Some fields such as CapacityID and CapacityName, will return null if the report or dashboard is viewed from a Power BI app, rather than a Power BI workspace.
Viewed Power BI tile ViewTile
Viewed Power BI usage metrics ViewUsageMetrics

Considerations and limitations

When capacity ID and capacity name aren't available in the audit logs, you can view them in the Microsoft Fabric Capacity Metrics app.

Track user activities in Microsoft Fabric