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Call Microsoft Graph from a Cloud Solution Provider application

Note: This topic applies only to Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) application developers. The Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) program enables Microsoft's partners to resell and manage Microsoft Online services to customers.

This article describes how to enable application access to partner-managed customer data via Microsoft Graph using either the authorization code grant flow or the service to service client credentials flow.


Calling Microsoft Graph from a CSP application is only supported for directory resources (such as user, group,device, organization) and Intune resources.

What is a partner-managed application

The CSP program enables Microsoft's partners to resell and manage Microsoft Online Services (such as Microsoft 365, Microsoft Azure, and CRM Online) to customers. Management of customer services is done through Delegated Admin Privileges, which enables designated partner users (known as agents) to access and configure their customers' environments.

Additionally, as a partner developer, you can build a partner-managed app to manage your customers' Microsoft services. Partner-managed apps are often called preconsented apps because all your customers are automatically preconsented for your partner-managed apps. This means when a user from one of your customer tenants uses one of your partner-managed apps, the user can use it without being prompted to give consent. Partner-managed apps also inherit Delegated Admin Privileges, so your partner agents can also get privileged access to your customers through your partner-managed application.

How to set-up a partner-managed application

An application is viewed as partner-managed when it is granted elevated permissions to access your customers' data.

Note: Partner-managed apps can only be configured on Partner tenants, and in order to manage customer tenant resources, partner-managed apps must be configured as multi-tenant applications.

Register and configure a multitenant app

The initial steps required here follow most of the same steps used to register and configure a multitenant application:

  1. Register your application in your Partner tenant using the Microsoft Entra admin center. To function as a partner-managed app, an application must be configured as a multitenant app. Additionally, if your app is deployed and sold in multiple geographic regions you need to register your app in each of those regions as described here.
  2. Configure your multitenant app, again through the Microsoft Entra admin center, with the required permissions it needs to use a least privileged approach.

Preconsent your app for all your customers

Finally grant your partner-managed app those configured permissions for all your customers. You can do this by adding the servicePrincipal that represents the app to the Adminagents group in your Partner tenant, using Azure AD PowerShell V2 or Microsoft Graph PowerShell. Follow these steps to find the Adminagents group, the servicePrincipal and add it to the group.


Azure AD and MSOnline PowerShell modules are deprecated as of March 30, 2024. To learn more, read the deprecation update. After this date, support for these modules are limited to migration assistance to Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK and security fixes. The deprecated modules will continue to function through March, 30 2025.

We recommend migrating to Microsoft Graph PowerShell to interact with Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure AD). For common migration questions, refer to the Migration FAQ. Note: Versions 1.0.x of MSOnline may experience disruption after June 30, 2024.

  1. Open a PowerShell session and connect to your partner tenant by entering your admin credentials into the sign-in window.

  2. Find the group that represents the Adminagents.

    $group = Get-AzureADGroup -Filter "displayName eq 'Adminagents'"
  3. Find the service principal that has the same appId as your app.

    $sp = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -Filter "appId eq '{yourAppsAppId}'"
  4. Finally, add the service principal to the Adminagents group.

    Add-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId $group.ObjectId -RefObjectId $sp.ObjectId

Token acquisition flows

Token acquisition flows for partner-managed apps - authorization code grant flow and service-to-service client credentials flow - are the same as regular multitenant apps.

Apart from preconsented access to all your customer tenants, partner-managed apps have one more capability. It allows for your agents to use your app to access your customers' tenant data (using delegated admin privileges). Conceptually it works like this:

  1. Your agent signs in to your app with their user credentials issued from your partner tenant.
  2. Your app requests an access token for the intended partner-managed customer tenant.
  3. Your app uses the access token to call Microsoft Graph.

This is a standard authorization code grant flow, except that your agents must sign-in using their partner accounts. To see how this would look, imagine your partner tenant is partner.com (which is the home tenant for your agents) and one of your customers is customer.com:

  1. Acquire an authorization code: Your app makes a request to the /authorize endpoint and must use a customer tenant, in our example customer.com, for the target tenant. Your agents would still sign-in with their username@partner.com account.

    GET https://login.microsoftonline.com/customer.com/oauth2/authorize
  2. Acquire an access token using the authorization code: Your app must use a customer tenant as the target tenant, in our example customer.com, when making the request to the token endpoint:

    POST https://login.microsoftonline.com/customer.com/oauth2/token
  3. Now you have an access token, call Microsoft Graph, putting the access token in the HTTP authorization header:

    GET https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/users
    Authorization: Bearer <token>

Register your app in the regions you support

CSP customer engagement is currently limited to a single region. Partner-managed applications carry the same limitation. This means you must have a separate tenant for each region you sell in. For example, if your partner-managed app is registered in a tenant in the US but your customer is in the EU – the partner-managed app will not work. Each of your regional partner tenants must maintain their own set of partner-managed apps to manage customers within the same region. This might require additional logic in your app (prior to sign-in) to get your customers' sign-in username to decide which region-specific partner-managed app identity to use, to serve the user.

Calling Microsoft Graph immediately after customer creation

When you create a new customer using the Partner Center API, a new customer tenant gets created. Additionally, a partner relationship also gets created, which makes you the partner of record for this new customer tenant. This partner relationship can take up to 3 minutes to propagate to the new customer tenant. If your app calls Microsoft Graph straight after creation, your app will likely receive an access denied error. A similar delay may be experienced when an existing customer accepts your invitation. This is because preconsent relies on the partner relationship being present in the customer tenant.

To avoid this problem, we recommend that your partner app should wait three minutes after customer creation before calling Microsoft Entra ID to acquire a token (to call Microsoft Graph). This should cover most cases. However, if after waiting three minutes you still receive an authorization error, please wait an extra 60 seconds and try again.

Note: On the retry, you must acquire a new access token from Microsoft Entra ID, before calling Microsoft Graph. Calling Microsoft Graph with the access token you already have will not work, because the access token is good for an hour and won't contain the pre-consented permission claims.