Getting started with 3D object interaction - Training
This course will provide steps and procedures to follow on how to manipulate and interact with 3D objects.
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In this article, "hover" means "when the cursor (PC or Mac) or controller pointer (Quest) is over the object."
To "equip" an object means to hold the object in your hand. Objects that can be grabbed and held are "equippable". When an avatar is holding an object, we say that the object is "equipped".
Important: In the Aim Configuration Settings, Throw Configuration Settings, Object Positioning, and Hand Positioning features described in this article, you have the ability to make adjustments to the position and rotation of an object relative to the avatar's hand or chest. Note that in the Unity Editor, you can only see the results using the Mesh Emulator avatar, which is limited. In order to see the results of these adjustments with a full Mesh event avatar, you must build and publish your project, then create a Mesh event, and then join the event and grab and hold the object in the scene.
With Throwables, it's helpful to think of a throw as occurring in three phases:
Each of these phases has its own distinct settings, but some settings are found in all three phases. For example, each phase has a Hand Pose Shape that's unique to that phase. Note that the phases aren't listed in order in the Mesh Interactable Setup component; the settings for phase 1, holding the object, are in the Hand positioning section at the bottom of the component. Settings for phase 2, aiming the object, are in the Interaction Settings > Aim Configuration Settings section, and settings for phase 3, throwing the object, are in the Interaction Settings > Throw Configuration Settings section.
Aim Configuration Settings
- Arm Extension on Aim – The amount to extend the arm when in aim mode.
- Hand Pose Shape: The hand pose shape to put the avatar's hand into when aiming.
- Hand Pose Size: Size of the hand pose from 0 – 1.
- Aim Hand Rotation: The rotation of the hand while aiming
Throw Configuration Settings
Throw Hand Pose Settings:
VR Settings
Note: On the Quest, the velocity applied when an object is thrown will be scaled between the minimum and maximum values using the real velocity of the user's arm movement.
2D Settings
You can add or remove poses by clicking the "+" or "-" buttons located below the list. The number to the right of Throw Target Poses tells you how many poses are in the list.
Highlight Settings
Hovered/Selected: Whether or not to highlight the object if it's hovered over or selected.
Highlight Mechanism
Menu item 1: Shader Properties
Menu item 2: Mesh Outline: Adds an automatic outline of the specified color/width to objects.
Menu item 3: Inner Glow: Applies a highlight with a glow effect using the given properties.
Getting started with 3D object interaction - Training
This course will provide steps and procedures to follow on how to manipulate and interact with 3D objects.
Setup for Interactable type Basic - Microsoft Mesh
Learn about the settings in the Setup component for Interactable type Basic.
Setup for Interactable type Manipulable - Microsoft Mesh
Learn about the settings in the Setup component for Interactable type Manipulable.
Set conditions for affecting Rigidbodies - Microsoft Mesh
Set conditions that determine which Rigidbodies will be affected by physics features.