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Service costs resources

Describes resources related to services purchased by a customer.


ServiceCostsSummary contains a summary that aggregates all services purchased by the specified customer during the billing period.

Property Type Description
details array of ServiceCostsSummaryDetail objects The service cost summary detail list distinguished by invoice type.
links ResourceLinks The resource links.
attributes ResourceAttributes The metadata attributes.


The fields in the following table are being deprecated. To retrieve recurring and one-time service cost summaries, use the details field instead. The details field is described in the previous table. Refer to the details field's corresponding data values but not the root-level fields.

Property Type Description
billingStartDate date The start of the billing period.
billingEndDate date The end of the billing period.
pretaxTotal double The pretax total of all costs for the customer.
tax double The total tax incurred over all items purchased by the customer.
afterTaxTotal double The net total cost for all items purchased by the customer.
currencyCode string Represents the currency used for the costs.
currencySymbol string The currency symbol used for the costs.
customerId string The ID of the customer making the purchase.


ServiceCostsSummaryDetail describes a service cost summary that aggregates all services purchased by the specified customer during the billing period (from either recurring or one-time invoices).

Property Type Description
invoiceType string The invoiceType for which a summary of service cost is generated .
summary ServiceCostsSummary The service cost summary aggregated by a customer under one invoice type.


ServiceCostLineItem describes a single item purchased by the customer.


The following properties only apply to service cost line items where the product is a one-time purchase: productId, productName, skuId, skuName, availabilityId, publisherId, publisherName, termAndBillingCycle, discountDetails. These properties don't apply to service line items where the product is a recurring purchase. For example, these properties don't apply to subscription-based Office 365 and Azure.

Property Type Description
startDate string in UTC date-time format The start date for the charge.
endDate string in UTC date-time format The end date for the charge.
subscriptionFriendlyName string The friendly name for the subscription.
subscriptionId string The subscription identifier.
orderId string The order identifier.
offerId string The offer identifier.
offerName string The offer name.
resellerMPNId string Only used in two-tier partner scenarios. Refers to the partner identifier.
chargeType string The associated charge type.
quantity number The quantity of units used or purchased.
unitPrice number The price per unit.
pretaxTotal number The total charge for this item before taxes.
tax number The total tax charge incurred for this item.
afterTaxTotal number The net total cost for this item.
currencyCode string Represents the currency used for the costs.
currencySymbol string The currency symbol used for the costs.
customerId string The ID of the customer making the purchase.
customerName string The name of the customer making the purchase.
invoiceNumber string The invoice number that this line item belongs to.
productId string The product identifier.
skuId string The Sku identifier.
availabilityId string The availability identifier.
productName string The product name.
skuName string The sku name.
publisherName string The publisher name.
publisherId string The publisher identifier.
termAndBillingCycle string The term and billing cycle.
discountDetails string The discount details.
Property Type Description
serviceCostLineItems Link The URI to retrieve the line items.
self Link The self-URI.