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retrieveRecord (Client API reference)

Retrieves a table record.


Xrm.WebApi.retrieveRecord(entityLogicalName, id, options).then(successCallback, errorCallback);


Name Type Required Description
entityLogicalName String Yes The table logical name of the record you want to retrieve. For example: account.
id String Yes GUID of the table record you want to retrieve.
options String No OData system query options to control what is returned. See Options
successCallback Function No A function to call when a record is retrieved. A JSON object with the retrieved properties and values passed to the function.
errorCallback Function No A function to call when the operation fails.


To control what is returned, use the $select and $expand OData system query options to retrieve your data.

Use the $select system query option to limit the properties returned by including a comma-separated list of property names. Selecting specific properties is an important performance best practice. If properties aren't specified using $select, all properties are returned.

Use the $expand system query option to control what data from related tables is returned. If you just include the name of the navigation property, you receive all the properties for related records. You can limit the properties returned for related records using the $select system query option in parentheses after the navigation property name. Use this for both single-valued and collection-valued navigation properties. For offline we only support nested $select option inside the $expand.

You specify the query options starting with ?. You can also specify multiple query options by using & to separate the query options. For example:


See Examples to see how you can define the options parameter for various retrieve scenarios.

Return Value

On success, returns a promise containing a JSON object with the retrieved columns and their values. If the requested record doesn't exist, returns an error.


See the following examples:

Basic retrieve

Retrieves the name and revenue of an account record with record ID = 5531d753-95af-e711-a94e-000d3a11e605.

Xrm.WebApi.retrieveRecord("account", "a8a19cdd-88df-e311-b8e5-6c3be5a8b200", "?$select=name,revenue").then(
    function success(result) {
        console.log("Retrieved values: Name: " + result.name + ", Revenue: " + result.revenue);
        // perform operations on record retrieval
    function (error) {
        // handle error conditions

The above example displays the following text in your console; you might see other values depending on your data:

Retrieved values: Name: Sample Account, Revenue: 5000000

The following example demonstrates how to retrieve the contact for an account record with record ID = a8a19cdd-88df-e311-b8e5-6c3be5a8b200. For the related contact record, we're only retrieving the contactid and fullname properties.

Xrm.WebApi.retrieveRecord("account", "a8a19cdd-88df-e311-b8e5-6c3be5a8b200", "?$select=name&$expand=primarycontactid($select=contactid,fullname)").then(
    function success(result) {
        console.log("Retrieved values: Name: " + result.name + ", Primary Contact ID: " + result.primarycontactid.contactid +
                ", Primary Contact Name: " + result.primarycontactid.fullname);
        // perform operations on record retrieval
    function (error) {
        // handle error conditions

The above example displays the following text in your console; you might see other values depending on your data:

Retrieved values: Name: Adventure Works, Primary Contact ID: 49a0e5b9-88df-e311-b8e5-6c3be5a8b200, Primary Contact Name: Adrian Dumitrascu
