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Deploy a Defender for IoT C#-based security agent for Windows

This guide explains how to install the Defender for IoT C#-based security agent on Windows.

In this guide, you learn how to:

  • Install
  • Verify deployment
  • Uninstall the agent
  • Troubleshoot


For other platforms and agent flavors, see Choose the right security agent.

  1. Local admin rights on the machine you wish to install on.

  2. Create a Defender-IoT-micro-agent for the device.


To install the security agent, use the following workflow:

  1. Install the Defender for IoT Windows C# agent on the device. Download the most recent version to your machine from the Defender for IoT GitHub repository.

  2. Extract the contents of the package, and navigate to the /Install folder.

  3. Open Windows PowerShell as Administrator.

  4. Add running permissions to the InstallSecurityAgent script by running:

    Unblock-File .\InstallSecurityAgent.ps1

    then run:

    .\InstallSecurityAgent.ps1 -Install -aui <authentication identity> -aum <authentication method> -f <file path> -hn <host name> -di <device id> -cl <certificate location kind>

    For example:

    .\InstallSecurityAgent.ps1 -Install -aui Device -aum SymmetricKey -f c:\Temp\Key.txt -hn MyIotHub.azure-devices.net -di Mydevice1 -cl store

    For more information about authentication parameters, see How to configure authentication.

This script does the following actions:

  • Installs prerequisites.
  • Adds a service user (with interactive sign-in disabled).
  • Installs the agent as a System Service.
  • Configures the agent with the provided authentication parameters.

For extra help, use the Get-Help command in PowerShell.

Get-Help example: Get-Help .\InstallSecurityAgent.ps1

Verify deployment status

Check the agent deployment status by running:

sc.exe query "ASC IoT Agent"

Uninstall the agent

To uninstall the agent:

  1. Run the following PowerShell script with the -mode parameter set to Uninstall.

    .\InstallSecurityAgent.ps1 -Uninstall


If the agent fails to start, turn on logging (logging is off by default) to get more information.

To turn on logging:

  1. Open the configuration file (General.config) for editing using a standard file editor.

  2. Edit the following values:

    <add key="logLevel" value="Debug" />
    <add key="fileLogLevel" value="Debug"/>
    <add key="diagnosticVerbosityLevel" value="Some" />
    <add key="logFilePath" value="IoTAgentLog.log" />


    We recommend turning logging off after troubleshooting is complete. Leaving logging on increases log file size and data usage.

  3. Restart the agent by running the following PowerShell or command line:


    Restart-Service "ASC IoT Agent"



    sc.exe stop "ASC IoT Agent"
    sc.exe start "ASC IoT Agent"
  4. Review the log file for more information about the failure. The log file would be present in the working directory where we run the script.

    Log file location: .\IoTAgentLog.log

Next steps