Install and setup Xamarin.Android
The topics in this section explain how to install and configure Xamarin.Android to work with Visual Studio on Windows and macOS, how to use the Android SDK Manager to download and install Android SDK tools and components that are required for building and testing your app, how to configure the Android emulator for debugging, and how to connect a physical Android device to your development computer for debugging and final testing your app.
Windows Installation
This guide walks you through the installation steps and configuration details required to install Xamarin.Android on Windows. By the end of this article, you will have a working Xamarin.Android installation integrated into Visual Studio, and you'll be ready to start building your first Xamarin.Android application.
Mac Installation
This article walks you through the installation steps and configuration details required to install Xamarin.Android on a Mac. By the end of this article, you will have a working Xamarin.Android installation integrated into Visual Studio for Mac, and you'll be ready to start building your first Xamarin.Android application.
Android SDK Setup
Visual Studio includes an Android SDK Manager that replaces Google's standalone Android SDK Manager. This article explains how to use the SDK Manager to download Android SDK tools, platforms, and other components that you need for developing Xamarin.Android apps.
Android Emulator Setup
These articles explain how to setup the Android Emulator for testing and debugging Xamarin.Android applications.
Android Device Setup
This article explains how to setup a physical Android device and connect it to a development computer so that the device may be used to run and debug Xamarin.Android applications.
Microsoft Mobile OpenJDK Preview
This guide describes the steps for switching to the preview release of Microsoft's distribution of the OpenJDK. This distribution of the OpenJDK is intended for mobile development.