31.03, 23 ч. - 2.04, 23 ч.
Най-голямото събитие за обучение по SQL, Fabric и Power BI. 31 март – 2 април. Използвайте код FABINSIDER, за да спестите $400.
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Applies to:
SQL Server
The IHextendedSubscriptionView view exposes information on subscription to a non-SQL Server publication. This view is stored in the distribution database.
Column name | Data type | Description |
article_id | int | The unique identifier for an article. |
dest_db | sysname | The name of the destination database. |
srvid | smallint | The unique identifier for a Subscriber. |
login_name | sysname | The login used for connecting to a Subscriber. |
distribution_jobid | binary | Identifies the Distribution Agent job. |
publisher_database_id | int | Identifies the publication database. |
subscription_type | int | The type of subscription: 0 = Push - the distribution agent runs at the Subscriber. 1 = Pull - the distribution agent runs at the Distributor. |
sync_type | tinyint | The type of initial synchronization: 1 = Automatic 2 = None |
status | tinyint | The status of the subscription: 0 = Inactive 1 = Subscribed 2 = Active |
snapshot_seqno_flag | bit | Indicates if a snapshot sequence number is being used. |
independent_agent | bit | Specifies whether there is a stand-alone Distribution Agent for this publication. 0 = The publication uses a shared Distribution Agent, and each Publisher database/Subscriber database pair has a single, shared Agent. 1 = There is a stand-alone Distribution Agent for this publication. |
subscription_time | datetime | Internal use only. |
loopback_detection | bit | Applies to subscriptions that are part of a bidirectional transactional replication topology. Loopback detection determines whether the Distribution Agent sends transactions originated at the Subscriber back to the Subscriber: 1 = Does not send back. 0 = Sends back. |
agent_id | int | The unique identifier of the Distribution Agent. |
update_mode | tinyint | Indicates the type of updating mode, which can be one of the following: 0 = Read-only. 1 = Immediate update. 2 = Queued update using Message Queuing. 3 = Immediate update with queued update as failover using Message Queuing. 4 = Queued update using SQL Server queue. 5 = immediate update with queued update failover, using SQL Server queue. |
publisher_seqno | varbinary(16) | The sequence number of the transaction at the Publisher for this subscription. |
ss_cplt_seqno | varbinary(16) | The sequence number used to signify the completion of the concurrent snapshot processing. |
Heterogeneous Database Replication
Replication Tables (Transact-SQL)
Replication Views (Transact-SQL)
31.03, 23 ч. - 2.04, 23 ч.
Най-голямото събитие за обучение по SQL, Fabric и Power BI. 31 март – 2 април. Използвайте код FABINSIDER, за да спестите $400.
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