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Move SQL Server enabled by Azure Arc resources to a new resource group or subscription - preview

This article describes how you can move resources to a new resource group or subscription with SQL Server enabled by Azure Arc. The capability applies to both:

  • SQL Server instances
  • Databases

At this time, this feature is available for preview.


As a preview feature, the technology presented in this article is subject to Supplemental Terms of Use for Microsoft Azure Previews.

The latest updates are available in the Release notes - SQL Server enabled by Azure Arc.


To complete this task, the Machine - Azure Arc resource and all SQL Server instances must be in the same resource group.

In addition:

  • If Microsoft Purview is enabled, you must disable Microsoft Purview in the compliance portal before the move. You can re-enable it after the move.
  • If best practices assessment is enabled, you must disable it before the move.

After the move, you can reenable any resources you disable.

Move the resources to a new resource group or subscription

  1. In Azure portal, locate the resource group.

  2. Select the server.

    The server resource type is Machine - Azure Arc. Don't select any other types of resources.

    Screenshot of Azure Arc machine from the portal.

    If the SQL Server instance is a failover cluster instance (FCI), select all of the Machine - Azure Arc type server resources for the active and inactive nodes.

  3. Select Move>Move to another resource group or Move to another subscription.

  4. In Move resources, provide the required information. Select Next.

  5. Review the information and select Move.

Azure automatically moves your items.

Wait for the resource move to complete. It takes resources up to 1 hour to move items and reflect the new location in the portal.

Verify the move is complete

Verify that the Arc Server, Arc SQL Server instances, and associated databases are in the new resource group or subscription.

Enable features

Enable any features you disabled before the move.

The following table identifies features that remain enabled after the resource move, and features that you need to reenable.

Feature Before Move After Move
Patching Enabled Enabled
Extended Security Updates Enabled Enabled
License Type Enabled Enabled
Viewing Databases Enabled Enabled
Viewing Availability Groups Enabled Enabled
Viewing Failover Cluster Instances Enabled Enabled
Automated Backups Enabled Enabled
Monitoring Dashboards Enabled Enabled
Microsoft Entra ID Enabled Enabled
Purview Enabled Disabled. To enable, review Connect to and manage Azure Arc-enabled SQL Server in Microsoft Purview.
Best Practices Assessment Enabled Disabled. Review Enable best practices assessment after move.
Microsoft Defender Enabled Disabled. To enable, review Protect SQL Server with Microsoft Defender for Cloud

Enable best practices assessment

The way to enable best practices assessment depends on whether the resource moved resource groups or subscriptions.

Resources moved within the same subscription

  1. Before the move, disable best practices assessment.
  2. Move the resource.
  3. Enable best practices assessment.

Alternatively, use Azure policy to enable best practices assessment at scale.

Resources moved to a different subscription

These steps explain how to reconfigure best practices analyzer after a move:

  • To a different subscription
  • To a different resource group
  • With the same log analytics workspace
  1. Before the move, disable best practices assessment.
  2. Move the resource.
  3. Update the log analytics workspace with one from the new subscription and enable best practices assessment.

Moving to a different subscription requires manual reconfiguration with the above steps for all SQL Server instances impacted for SQL best practices assessment.