
Споделяне чрез


Applies to: SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance

Adds one or more rows to a node or edge table in SQL Server.

Transact-SQL syntax conventions

INSERT Into node table syntax

The syntax for inserting into a Node table is the same as for a regular table.

[ WITH <common_table_expression> [ ,...n ] ]  
        [ TOP ( expression ) [ PERCENT ] ]   
        [ INTO ]   
        { <object> | rowset_function_limited   
          [ WITH ( <Table_Hint_Limited> [ ...n ] ) ]  
        [ (column_list) ] | [(<edge_table_column_list>)]  
        [ <OUTPUT Clause> ]  
        { VALUES ( { DEFAULT | NULL | expression } [ ,...n ] ) [ ,...n     ]   
        | derived_table   
        | execute_statement  
        | <dml_table_source>  
        | DEFAULT VALUES   
<object> ::=  
    [ server_name . database_name . schema_name .   
      | database_name .[ schema_name ] .   
      | schema_name .   
    node_table_name  | edge_table_name
<dml_table_source> ::=  
    SELECT <select_list>  
    FROM ( <dml_statement_with_output_clause> )   
      [AS] table_alias [ ( column_alias [ ,...n ] ) ]  
    [ WHERE <on_or_where_search_condition> ]  
        [ OPTION ( <query_hint> [ ,...n ] ) ]  

<on_or_where_search_condition> ::=
    {  <search_condition_with_match> | <search_condition> }

<search_condition_with_match> ::=
    { <graph_predicate> | [ NOT ] <predicate> | ( <search_condition> ) }
    [ AND { <graph_predicate> | [ NOT ] <predicate> | ( <search_condition> ) } ]
    [ ,...n ]

<search_condition> ::=
    { [ NOT ] <predicate> | ( <search_condition> ) }
    [ { AND | OR } [ NOT ] { <predicate> | ( <search_condition> ) } ]
    [ ,...n ]

<graph_predicate> ::=
    MATCH( <graph_search_pattern> [ AND <graph_search_pattern> ] [ , ...n] )

    <node_alias> { { <-( <edge_alias> )- | -( <edge_alias> )-> } <node_alias> }

<edge_table_column_list> ::=
    ($from_id, $to_id, [column_list])



This article describes arguments related to SQL graph. For a full list and description of supported arguments in INSERT statement, see INSERT TABLE (Transact-SQL). For standard Transact-SQL statements, see INSERT TABLE (Transact-SQL).


Is an optional keyword that can be used between INSERT and the target table.

search_condition_with_match MATCH clause can be used in a subquery while inserting into a node or edge table. For MATCH statement syntax, see GRAPH MATCH (Transact-SQL).

graph_search_pattern Search pattern provided to MATCH clause as part of the graph predicate.

edge_table_column_list Users must provide values for $from_id and $to_id while inserting into an edge. An error is returned if a value isn't provided or NULLs are inserted into these columns.


  • Inserting into a node is same as inserting into any relational table. Values for the $node_id column are automatically generated.
  • While you insert rows into an edge table, you must provide values for $from_id and $to_id columns.
  • BULK insert for node table is the same as for a relational table.
  • Before bulk inserting into an edge table, the node tables must be imported. Values for $from_id and $to_id can then be extracted from the $node_id column of the node table and inserted as edges.


INSERT permission is required on the target table.

INSERT permissions default to members of the sysadmin fixed server role, the db_owner and db_datawriter fixed database roles, and the table owner. Members of the sysadmin, db_owner, and the db_securityadmin roles, and the table owner can transfer permissions to other users.

To execute INSERT with the OPENROWSET function BULK option, you must be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role or of the bulkadmin fixed server role.


A. Insert into node table

The following example creates a Person node table and inserts two rows into that table.

-- Create person node table
CREATE TABLE dbo.Person (ID integer PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(50)) AS NODE;
-- Insert records for Alice and John
INSERT INTO dbo.Person VALUES (1, 'Alice');
INSERT INTO dbo.Person VALUES (2,'John');

B. Insert into edge table

The following example creates a friend edge table and inserts an edge into the table.

-- Create friend edge table
CREATE TABLE dbo.friend (start_date DATE) AS EDGE;

-- Create a friend edge, that connect Alice and John
INSERT INTO dbo.friend VALUES ((SELECT $node_id FROM dbo.Person WHERE name = 'Alice'),
        (SELECT $node_id FROM dbo.Person WHERE name = 'John'), '9/15/2011');

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