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Window Properties dialog box

Use this dialog box to find out more about a specific window. To display this dialog box, move the focus to the Windows view window. Select any window node in the tree, then choose Properties from the View menu.

General tab, Window Properties

Use the General tab to show information about the selected window. The following settings are available:

Entry Description
Window Caption The text in the window caption, or text contained in a window if it's a control.
Window Handle The unique ID of this window. Window handle numbers are reused; they identify a window only for the lifetime of that window.
Window Proc The virtual address of the window procedure function for this window. This field also indicates whether this window is a Unicode window, and whether it's subclassed.
Rectangle The bounding rectangle for the window. The size of the rectangle is also displayed. Units are pixels in screen coordinates.
Restored Rect The bounding rectangle for the restored window. The size of the rectangle is also displayed. Restored Rect differs from Rectangle only when the window is maximized or minimized. Units are pixels in screen coordinates.
Client Rect The bounding rectangle for the window client area. The size of the rectangle is also displayed. Units are pixels relative to the top left of the window client area.
Instance Handle The instance handle of the application. Instance handles aren't unique.
Control ID or Menu Handle If the window being displayed is a child window, the Control ID label is displayed. Control ID is an integer that identifies this child window's control ID. If the window being displayed isn't a child window, the Menu Handle label is displayed. Menu Handle is an integer that identifies the handle of the menu associated with this window.
User Data Application-specific data that is attached to this window structure.
Window Bytes The number of extra bytes associated with this window. The meaning of these bytes is determined by the application. Expand the list box to see the byte values in DWORD format.

Styles tab, Window Properties

Use the Styles tab to show the styles applied to the selected window. The following settings are available:

Entry Description
Window Styles A combination of window style codes and control styles if applicable.
Extended Styles A combination of extended window style codes.

Windows tab, Window Properties

Use the Windows tab to show information on windows related to the selected window. The following settings are available:

Entry Description
Next Window The handle of the next sibling window in the same sequence (Z-order) shown in the window tree view ("none" if there's no next window). Choose this entry to view the properties of the next window.
Previous Window The handle of the previous sibling window in the same sequence (Z-order) shown in the window tree view ("none" if there's no previous window). Choose this entry to view the properties of the previous window.
Parent Window The handle of this window's parent window ("none" if there's no parent). Choose this entry to view the properties of the parent window.
First Child The handle of this window's first child window, in the sequence (Z-order) shown in the window tree view ("none" if there are no child windows). Choose this value to view the properties of the first child window.
Owner Window The handle of this window's owner window. An application's main window typically owns system-modal dialog windows, for example ("none" if there's no owner). Choose this entry to view the properties of the owner window.

Class tab, Window Properties

Use the Class tab to show information on the class of the selected window. The following settings are available:

Entry Description
Class Name The name (or ordinal number) of this window class.
Class Styles A combination of class style codes.
Class Bytes Application-specific data associated with this window class.
Class Atom The atom for the class returned by the RegisterClass call.
Instance Handle The instance handle of the module that registered the class. Instance handles aren't unique.
Window Bytes The number of extra bytes associated with each window of this class. The meaning of these bytes is determined by the application. Expand the list box to see the byte values in DWORD format.
Window Proc The current address of the WndProc function for windows of this class. This differs from Window Proc on the General tab if the window is subclassed.
Menu Name The name of the main menu that is associated with windows of this class ("none" if there's no menu).
Icon Handle The handle for the icon that is associated with windows of this class ("none" if there's no icon).
Cursor Handle The handle for the cursor that is associated with windows of this class ("none" if there's no cursor).
Bkgnd Brush The handle for the background brush that is associated with windows of this class, or one of the predefined COLOR_* colors for painting the window background ("none" if there's no brush).

Process tab, Window Properties

Use the Process tab to identify the process of the selected window. The following settings are available:

Entry Description
Process ID The ID of the process that owns the thread that created this window. Choose this value to view the properties of this process.
Thread ID The ID of the thread that created this window. Choose this value to view the properties of this thread.