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Initializing Shell Extension Handlers

Much of the implementation of a Shell extension handler object is dictated by its type. There are, however, some common elements. This topic discusses those aspects of implementation that are shared by all Shell extension handlers.

All Shell extension handlers are in-process Component Object Model (COM) objects. They must be assigned a GUID and registered as described in Registering Shell Extension Handlers. They are implemented as DLLs and must export the following standard functions:

  • DllMain. The standard entry point to the DLL.
  • DllGetClassObject. Exposes the object's class factory.
  • DllCanUnloadNow. COM calls this function to determine whether the object is serving any clients. If not, the system can unload the DLL and free the associated memory.

Like all COM objects, Shell extension handlers must implement an IUnknown interface and a class factory. Most must also implement either an IPersistFile or IShellExtInit interface in Windows XP or earlier. These were replaced by IInitializeWithStream, IInitializeWithItem and IInitializeWithFile in Windows Vista. The Shell uses these interfaces to initialize the handler.

The IPersistFile interface must be implemented by the following:

  • Icon handlers
  • Data handlers
  • Drop handlers

The IShellExtInit interface must be implemented by the following:

  • Shortcut menu handlers
  • Drag-and-drop handlers
  • Property sheet handlers

The following subjects are discussed in the remainder of this topic:

Implementing IPersistFile

The IPersistFile interface is designed to permit an object to be loaded from or saved to a disk file. It has six methods in addition to IUnknown, five of its own, and the GetClassID method that it inherits from IPersist. With Shell extensions, IPersist is used only to initialize a Shell extension handler object. Because there is typically no need to read from or write to the disk, only the GetClassID and Load methods require a nontoken implementation.

The Shell calls GetClassID first, and the function returns the class identifier (CLSID) of the extension handler object. The Shell then calls Load and passes in two values. The first, pszFile, is a Unicode string with the name of the file or folder that Shell is about to operate on. The second is dwMode, which indicates the file access mode. Because there is normally no need to access files, dwMode is typically zero. The method stores these values as needed for later reference.

The following code fragment illustrates how a typical Shell extension handler implements the GetClassID and Load methods. It is designed to handle either ANSI or Unicode. CLSID_SampleExtHandler is the extension handler object's GUID, and CSampleShellExtension is the name of the class used to implement the interface. The m_szFileName and m_dwMode variables are private variables that are used to store the file's name and access flags.

class CSampleShellExtension : public IPersistFile
    // Method declarations not included

    WCHAR m_szFileName[MAX_PATH];    // The file name
    DWORD m_dwMode;                  // The file access mode

IFACEMETHODIMP CSampleShellExtension::GetClassID(__out CLSID *pCLSID)
    *pCLSID = CLSID_SampleExtHandler;

IFACEMETHODIMP CSampleShellExtension::Load(PCWSTR pszFile, DWORD dwMode)
    m_dwMode = dwMode;
    return StringCchCopy(m_szFileName, ARRAYSIZE(m_szFileName), pszFile); 

// The implementation sample is continued in the next section.

Implementing IShellExtInit

The IShellExtInit interface has only one method, IShellExtInit::Initialize, in addition to IUnknown. The method has three parameters that the Shell can use to pass in various types of information. The values passed in depend on the type of handler, and some can be set to NULL.

  • pidlFolder holds a folder's pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL). This is an absolute PIDL. For property sheet extensions, this value is NULL. For shortcut menu extensions, it is the PIDL of the folder that contains the item whose shortcut menu is being displayed. For nondefault drag-and-drop handlers, it is the PIDL of the target folder.
  • pDataObject holds a pointer to a data object's IDataObject interface. The data object holds one or more file names in CF_HDROP format.
  • hRegKey holds a registry key for the file object or folder type.

The IShellExtInit::Initialize method stores the file name, IDataObject pointer, and registry key as needed for later use. The following code fragment illustrates an implementation of IShellExtInit::Initialize. For simplicity, this example assumes that the data object contains only a single file. In general, the data object might contain multiple files, each of which will need to be extracted.

// This code continues the CSampleShellExtension sample shown in the
// "Implementing IPersistFile" section above.

class CSampleShellExtension : public IShellExtInit
    // Method declarations not included
    // IDList of the folder for extensions invoked on the folder, such as 
    // background context menu handlers or nondefault drag-and-drop handlers. 
    PIDLIST_ABSOLUTE m_pidlFolder;
    // The data object contains an expression of the items that the handler is 
    // being initialized for. Use SHCreateShellItemArrayFromDataObject to 
    // convert this object to an array of items. Use SHGetItemFromObject if you
    // are only interested in a single Shell item. If you need a file system
    // path, use IShellItem::GetDisplayName(SIGDN_FILESYSPATH, ...).
    IDataObject *m_pdtobj;
    // For context menu handlers, the registry key provides access to verb 
    // instance data that might be stored there. This is a rare feature to use 
    // so most extensions do not need this variable.
    HKEY m_hRegKey;             
// This method must be very efficient. Do not do any unnecessary work here.
// Use Initialize to acquire resources that will be used later.

IFACEMETHODIMP CSampleShellExtension::Initialize(__in_opt PCIDLIST_ABSOLUTE pidlFolder,
                                                 __in_opt IDataObject *pDataObject, 
                                                 __in_opt HKEY hRegKey) 
    // In some cases, handlers are initialized multiple times. Therefore, 
    // clear any previous state here.
    m_pidlFolder = NULL;
    if (m_pdtobj)
    if (m_hRegKey)
        m_hRegKey = NULL;
    // Capture the inputs for use later.
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    if (pidlFolder)
        m_pidlFolder = ILClone(pidlFolder);   // Make a copy to use later.
        hr = m_pidlFolder ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY;
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        // If a data object pointer was passed into the method, save it and
        // extract the file name. 
        if (pDataObject) 
            m_pdtobj = pDataObject; 
        // It is uncommon to use the registry handle, but if you need it,
        // duplicate it now.
        if (hRegKey)
            LSTATUS const result = RegOpenKeyEx(hRegKey, NULL, 0, KEY_READ, &m_hRegKey); 
            hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(result);
    return hr;

Infotip Customization

There are two ways to customize infotips. One way is to implement an object that supports IQueryInfo and then register the object under the proper subkey in the registry (see below). Alternatively, you can specify either a fixed string or a list of certain file properties to be displayed.

To display a fixed string for a namespace extension, create a subkey called InfoTip beneath the CLSID key of your namespace extension. Set the data of that subkey to be the string you want to be displayed.

         InfoTip = InfoTip string for your namespace extension

To display a fixed string for a file type, create a subkey called InfoTip beneath the ProgID key of the file type for which you want to supply infotips. Set the data of that subkey to be the string you want to be displayed.

      InfoTip = InfoTip string for all files of this type

If you want the Shell to show certain file properties in the infotip for a specific file type, create a subkey called InfoTip beneath the ProgID key of that file type. Set the data of that subkey to be a semicolon-delineated list of canonical property names or {fmtid}, pid pairs where propname is a canonical property name and {fmtid},pid is a FMTID/PID pair.

      InfoTip = propname;propname;{fmtid},pid;{fmtid},pid

The following property names can be used.

Property Name Description Retrieved From
Author Author of the document PIDSI_AUTHOR
Title Title of the document PIDSI_TITLE
Subject Subject summary PIDSI_SUBJECT
Comment Document comments PIDSI_COMMENT or folder/drive properties
PageCount Number of pages PIDSI_PAGECOUNT
Name Friendly name Standard folder view
OriginalLocation Location of original file Briefcase folder and Recycle Bin folder
DateDeleted Date file was deleted Recycle Bin folder
Type Type of file Standard folder details view
Size Size of file Standard folder details view
SyncCopyIn Same as OriginalLocation Same as OriginalLocation
Modified Date last modified Standard folder details view
Created Date created Standard folder details view
Accessed Date last accessed Standard folder details view
InFolder Directory containing the file Document search results
Rank Quality of search match Document search results
FreeSpace Available storage space Disk drives
NumberOfVisits Number of visits Favorites folder
Attributes File Attributes Standard folder details view
Company Company name PIDDSI_COMPANY
Category Document category PIDDSI_CATEGORY
Copyright Media copyright PIDMSI_COPYRIGHT
HTMLInfoTipFile HTML InfoTip file Desktop.ini file for folder


Registering Shell Extension Handlers