
Споделяне чрез

SWbemPrivilegeSet object

An SWbemPrivilegeSet object is a collection of SWbemPrivilege objects in an SWbemSecurity object that requests specific privileges for a Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) object. See the list of privileges in Privilege Constants. Items are added to the collection using the Add and AddAsString methods. Items are retrieved from the collection using the Item method, and removed using the Remove method. This object cannot be created by the VBScript CreateObject method call. For more information, see Accessing a Collection.

An SWbemPrivilegeSet object is a set of privilege override requests for a specific object. When an API call is made using this object, the privilege override requests are attempted. The SWbemPrivilegeSet object does not define the privileges available to the current user or process. In other words, obtaining the privileges for any WMI object does not identify the privilege settings that are made on the connection to WMI, or the privileges in effect when an object is delivered to a sink.


The SWbemPrivilegeSet object has these types of members:


The SWbemPrivilegeSet object has these methods.

Method Description
Add Adds an SWbemPrivilege object to the SWbemPrivilegeSet collection using a WbemPrivilegeEnum constant.
AddAsString Adds an SWbemPrivilege object to the SWbemPrivilegeSet collection using a privilege string.
DeleteAll Deletes all the privileges from the collection.
Item Retrieves an SWbemPrivilege object from the collection. This is the default method of this object.
Remove Removes an SWbemPrivilege object from the collection.


The SWbemPrivilegeSet object has these properties.

Property Access type Description
The number of items in the collection.


The following VBScript code example obtains an SWbemPrivileges object and adds all the available privileges to the collection by privilege value, as defined in WbemPrivilegeEnum.

strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" _
    & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
set colPrivileges = objWMIService.Security_.Privileges
For I = 1 To 27
' Display information about each privilege 
For Each objItem In colPrivileges
wscript.echo objItem.Identifier & vbtab & objItem.Name _
    & vbtab & objItem.Displayname _
    & vbtab & "Enabled = " & objItem.IsEnabled

The following VBScript code example demonstrates how to add privileges using the SWbemPrivilegeSet object.

on error resume next

const wbemPrivilegeSecurity = 8
const wbemPrivilegeDebug = 20

set locator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")

' Add a single privilege using SWbemPrivilegeSet.Add

locator.Security_.Privileges.Add wbemPrivilegeSecurity 
Set Privilege = locator.Security_.Privileges(wbemPrivilegeSecurity)
WScript.Echo Privilege.Name

' Attempt to add an illegal privilege using SWbemPrivilegeSet.Add
locator.Security_.Privileges.Add 6535
if err <> 0 then
 WScript.Echo "0x" & Hex(Err.Number), Err.Description, Err.Source
end if 

locator.Security_.Privileges.Add wbemPrivilegeDebug 

locator.Security_.Privileges(wbemPrivilegeDebug).IsEnabled = false

' Add a single privilege using SWbemPrivilegeSet.AddAsString

Set Privilege = locator.Security_.Privileges.AddAsString ("SeChangeNotifyPrivilege")
WScript.Echo Privilege.Name

' Attempt to add an illegal privilege using SWbemPrivilegeSet.AddAsString
locator.Security_.Privileges.AddAsString "SeChungeNotifyPrivilege"
if err <> 0 then
 WScript.Echo "0x" & Hex(Err.Number), Err.Description, Err.Source
end if 

WScript.Echo ""
for each Privilege in locator.Security_.Privileges
 WScript.Echo "[" & Privilege.DisplayName & "]", Privilege.Identifier, Privilege.Name, Privilege.IsEnabled

if err <> 0 then
 WScript.Echo Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source
end if 

The following Perl code example demonstrates how to add privileges using the SWbemPrivilegeSet object.

use strict;
use Win32::OLE;


my ($locator, $Privilege);
my $wbemPrivilegeSecurity = 8;
my $wbemPrivilegeDebug = 20;

eval { $locator = new Win32::OLE 'WbemScripting.SWbemLocator';};

if (!$@ && defined $locator)
 # Add a single privilege using SWbemPrivilegeSet.Add
 $Privilege = $locator->{Security_}->Privileges($wbemPrivilegeSecurity);
 print "\n", $Privilege->{Name}, "\n\n";

 # Attempt to add an illegal privilege using SWbemPrivilegeSet.Add
 eval { $locator->{Security_}->{Privileges}->Add(6535); };
 print Win32::OLE->LastError, "\n" if ($@ || Win32::OLE->LastError);

 $locator->{Security_}->Privileges($wbemPrivilegeDebug)->{IsEnabled} = 0;

 # Add a single privilege using SWbemPrivilegeSet.AddAsString
 $Privilege = $locator->{Security_}->{Privileges}->AddAsString ("SeChangeNotifyPrivilege");
 print "\n", $Privilege->{Name}, "\n\n";

 # Attempt to add an illegal privilege using SWbemPrivilegeSet.AddAsString
 eval {$locator->{Security_}->{Privileges}->AddAsString ("SeChungeNotifyPrivilege"); };
 print Win32::OLE->LastError, "\n" if ($@ || Win32::OLE->LastError);
 print "\n";

 foreach $Privilege (in {$locator->{Security_}->{Privileges}})
  printf "[%s] %d %s %d \n" , $Privilege->{DisplayName}, $Privilege->{Identifier}, $Privilege->{Name}, $Privilege->{IsEnabled};
 print Win32::OLE->LastError, "\n";


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client
Windows Vista
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2008
Type library

See also

Executing Privileged Operations

Executing Privileged Operations Using VBScript


Scripting API Objects

Privilege Constants