Configure Windows Update for business rings, delivery optimization, and compliance

Windows Update for Business Rings

Settings Test Pilot Fast Broad Critical Devices Comments
Policy name Test Ring – Install updates immediately Pilot Ring – Install updates after 2 days Fast Ring – Install updates after 4 days Broad Ring – Install updates after 7 days Critical Ring – Install updates after 10 days.
Microsoft product updates Allow Allow Allow Allow Allow Include updates for other Microsoft products from Windows Update.
Windows drivers Allow Allow Allow Allow Allow Include drivers from Windows Update.
Quality update deferral period (days) 0 2 4 7 10 Quality updates is deferred by the specified number of days after they're released.
Feature update deferral period (days) 0 10 30 60 90 Feature updates is deferred by the specified number of days after they're released.
Set feature update uninstall period 30 30 30 30 30 After this period expires, the previous update binaries are removed from the device, and the user can no longer revert to the previous version of Windows.
User Experience
Automatic update behavior Auto install at reboot without end-user control Auto install at maintenance time, outside of active hours Auto install at maintenance time, outside of active hours Auto install at maintenance time, outside of active hours Auto install at maintenance time, outside of active hours Active hours are configured to be between 8:00AM to 5:00PM by default. The maintenance time is outside of these hours.
Restart checks Skip Allow Allow Allow Allow Update processes (scan, download, install, and reboot) doesn't occur during scheduled Active Hours if this setting is enabled.
Option to pause Windows updates Disable Disable Disable Disable Disable Controls if the user is able to pause the installation of updates.
Option to check for Windows updates Enable Enable Enable Enable Enable Allow users to manually initiate a Windows Update scan to find, download, and install updates.
Change Update notification level Use the default Windows Update notifications Use the default Windows Update notifications Use the default Windows Update notifications Use the default Windows Update notifications Use the default Windows Update notifications
Use deadline settings Allow Allow Allow Allow Allow
Deadline for feature updates 0 2 2 2 2 Specifies the number of days before feature updates are installed on a device automatically.
Deadline for quality updates (days) 0 2 2 2 2 Specifies the number of days before quality updates are installed on a device automatically.
Grace period (days) 0 2 2 2 2 Specifies the number of days before a device automatically reboots after installing updates.
Auto reboot before deadline Yes Yes Yes Yes No When configured, the device attempts to restart outside of the defined active hours before the configured deadline to install updates.

Delivery Optimization

Settings Configuration Comments
Policy name Production – Win10 – Delivery Optimization
Download mode HTTP blended with peering behind same NAT (1) Specifies the Download method that Delivery optimization can use to manage network bandwidth consumption.
Bandwidth optimization type Not Configured
Delay background HTTP download (in seconds) 60 The setting delays the HTTP download from Microsoft Update to prioritize the peer download.
Delay foreground HTTP download (in seconds) 60 The setting delays the HTTP download from Microsoft Update to prioritize the peer download.
Minimum RAM required for peer caching (in GB) 4
Minimum disk size required for peer caching (in GB) 32
Minimum content file size for peer caching (in MB) 10
Minimum battery level required to upload (in %) 60 Minimum battery percentage required to allow Delivery Optimization to upload data to peers.
Modify cache drive NA
Maximum cache age (in days) 7 Specifies the maximum retention period of each content in the Delivery optimization cache.
Maximum cache size type Not configured
VPN peer caching Disabled Configures the device to participate in peer caching when connected over a VPN network.
Local Server Caching
Cache server fully qualified domain names (FQDN) or IP addresses Optional. Host name of the server hosting the Delivery Optimization Cache Role Delivery Optimization reference - Windows Deployment | Microsoft Docs.
Delay foreground download Cache Server fallback (in seconds) 60 The settings delays the fallback from Cache server to HTTP source for foreground content.
Delay background download Cache Server fallback (in seconds) 60 The settings delays the fallback from Cache server to HTTP source for background content.

Update Compliance

Settings Configuration
Policy name Windows Update Compliance
Administrative Templates Windows Components > Data Collection and Preview Builds
Configure the Commercial ID Enabled
CommercialID {Enter your organizations commercial ID here}
Allow Commercial Data Pipeline Enabled
Allow device name to be sent in Windows diagnostic data Allowed
Allow Telemetry Basic
Allow Update Compliance Processing Enabled
Configure Telemetry Opt In Change Notification Enabled
Configure Telemetry Opt In Settings UX Disable Telemetry opt-in Settings

Windows Update Compliance policy

Settings Configuration
Policy name Windows Update Operating System
Device Properties
Minimum OS version 10.0.17134.1 (example value)
Maximum OS version Null
Minimum OS version for mobile devices Null
Maximum OS version for mobile devise Null
Valid Operating System Builds {Empty}
Actions for noncompliance
Mark Device noncompliant Immediately
Send email to end-user 0