class RecognitionResult
Contains detailed information about result of a recognition operation.
Syntax: public const std::string & ResultId;
Unique result id.
Syntax: public const Speech::ResultReason & Reason;
Recognition reason.
Syntax: public const std::string & Text;
Normalized text generated by a speech recognition engine from recognized input.
Syntax: public const PropertyCollection & Properties;
Collection of additional RecognitionResult properties.
Syntax: public inline virtual ~RecognitionResult ( );
Virtual destructor.
Syntax: public inline uint64_t Duration ( ) const;
Duration of recognized speech in ticks. A single tick represents one hundred nanoseconds or one ten-millionth of a second.
Duration of recognized speech in ticks.
Syntax: public inline uint64_t Offset ( ) const;
Offset of the recognized speech in ticks. A single tick represents one hundred nanoseconds or one ten-millionth of a second.
Offset of the recognized speech in ticks.
Syntax: public inline explicit operator SPXRESULTHANDLE ( );
Internal. Explicit conversion operator.
A handle.