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Box options

This section covers the configuration options for box chart visualizations. For an example, see bar chart example.


To configure general options, click General and configure each of the following required settings:

  • Horizontal Chart: If selected, the box, which shows number distribution, is plotted along the X axis.
  • X column: X axis values. For a vertical chart, choose a categorical column. For a horizontal chart, choose a number column.
  • Y columns: Y axis values. For a vertical chart, choose a number column. For a horizontal chart, choose a categorical column.
  • Group by: Additional columns to group by, after the default grouping is applied. By default, results are grouped by the X axis unless Horizontal Chart is also selected, in which case results are grouped by the Y axis.
  • Legend placement: **Automatic (Flexible), Flexible, Right, Bottom, or Hidden.
  • Legend items order: Normal or Reversed.
  • Show all points: Whether to show each X axis value separately or to show the range of values using a box.
  • Missing and NULL values: Whether to hide missing or NULL values or to convert them to 0 and show them in the visualization.

X axis

To configure formatting options for the X axis, click X axis and configure the following optional settings:

  • Scale: Categorical.
  • Name: Override the column name with a different display name.
  • Sort values: Whether to sort the X axis values, even if they are not sorted in the query.
  • Reverse Order: Whether to reverse the sorting order.
  • Show labels Whether to show the X axis values as labels.
  • Hide axis: If enabled, hides the X axis labels and scale markers.

Y axis

To configure formatting options for the Y axis, click Y axis and configure the following optional settings:

  • Scale: Automatic (Linear), Datetime, Linear, Logarithmic, or Categorical.
  • Name: Specify a display name for the Y axis column if different from the column name.
  • Start Value: Show only values higher than a given value, regardless of the query result.
  • End Value: Show only values lower than a given value, regardless of the query result.
  • Hide axis: Whether to hide the Y axis labels and line.


To configure series, click Series and configure the following optional settings:

  • Order: The order the values appear in the box chart.
  • Label: The label for the values in the legend.


To configure colors, click Colors and optionally override automatic colors and configure custom colors.

Data labels

To configure labels for each data point in the visualization, click Data labels and configure the following optional settings:

  • Number values format: The format to use for labels for numeric values.
  • Percent values format: The format to use for labels for percentages.
  • Date/time values format: The format to use for labels for date/time values.
  • Data labels: The format to use for labels for other types of values.