SpeakerIdentificationModel |
Represents the speaker identification model used for speaker recognition. |
SpeakerRecognitionCancellationDetails |
Contains detailed information about why a speaker recognition was canceled. |
SpeakerRecognitionResult |
Defines result of speaker recognition. |
SpeakerRecognizer |
Performs speaker recognition on the speech input. |
SpeakerVerificationModel |
Represents the speaker verification model used for speaker recognition. |
VoiceProfile |
A Voice |
VoiceProfileCancellationDetails |
Contains detailed information about why a voice profile creation was canceled. |
VoiceProfileClient |
A voice profile client performs voice profile management for speaker recognition. |
VoiceProfileEnrollmentCancellationDetails |
Contains detailed information about why voice profile enrollment was canceled. |
VoiceProfileEnrollmentResult |
Defines result of voice profile enrollment. |
VoiceProfilePhraseCancellationDetails |
Contains detailed information about why voice profile activation phrase request was canceled. |
VoiceProfilePhraseResult |
Defines result of voice profile activation phrase request. |
VoiceProfileResult |
Defines result of processing a voice profile. |
VoiceProfileType |
Defines voice profile types. |
Azure SDK for Java